Re: When I get old I'm going to become a drug addict
kickycan wrote: I plan to start smoking again, doing a lot of recreational drugs, and whatever new "happy pills" they have invented by then. And maybe I'll try to write a book and read a lot. Oh, and I'll probably get a prescription for Viagra and a whole bunch of porn, or hookers, if I'm on solid enough financial ground to afford it.
When I get old I may stop doing that stuff. Hopefully make a mense with god and think about all the ways I screwed up and didn't prepare.
I'll probably move up to a double-wide trailer by then, hopefully I'll even own it.
I'll be on a fixed income so no living high on the hog with fancy TV dinners.
I won't own a radio because I'm sure by then the Rap Music would give me a heart attach, but I'll still be surfing the web for nude photos of Kate Winslet. No matter how old she gets.