You're hilarious and don't read the news or can't discern opinion from reporting (if you read all the reviews of the film at, you'll find the opinions repeated again and again by international critics). I'm not going to link to each and every one of those although I did provide a link to the story of the heart attack which occurred in the theater. This would mean, like a roller coaster ride, that anyone with health problems should avoid the film. I do have personal information about Mel's sexual daliances and you can still consider it rumor if you wish.
"If" and "Is he trying" are hardly statements of facts and if you can't tell tongue-in-cheek humor, you'd better go back to learning the language.
If you haven't read or seen all of Mel's statements, the burden is on you to use Google -- I'm not here to instruct how to use a search engine or waste my time on those who are in ardor over this awful movie.
If you wish to actually defend this film, do so at your own risk just as you went and saw the film at your own risk. If you think all that work and time in quoting me was worth it, you have a low opinion of your own time.