Do you think Zimmerman will be convicted of murder?

Reply Mon 21 May, 2012 05:50 pm
Firefly would demand that the Marine would fight him in hand to hand combat as the poor victim was unarmed and had not even attack anyone in the household for that matter!!!!!

Now if the naked skin of the man on the bad trip was black then the Marine must be a racist and should be charge under the Federal civil right laws also.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 May, 2012 05:52 pm
BillRM wrote:
We all enter into relationships every day that have rules on how
you can or if you can leave that relationship and under what terms.
Maybe, but thay can seldom be enforced.
We can start a new club next week
whose rules we will define to prohibit abandonment.
We still remain free to leave ANYWAY !

BillRM wrote:
I am still waiting for you to quote some of the authors of the Constitution and or the first ten amendments that support your position that a state can leave at will or a Federal court ruling for that matter tending in that direction.
I did not commit myself to do that.
The federal courts will support the anti-libertarian vu
of the organization that pays the judges' salaries.

BillRM wrote:
The opinions of some New Englanders piss off by the trade embargo does not matter unless they happen to be the ones who also took part in authoring the foundering documents.

Here is the comment of someone who did natter.

President Jackson:

"Our Union: It must be preserved."--After-dinner toast at the Jefferson Day banquet in the midst of the nullification crisis"
Is HIS preference more important than someone else's preference ?
If so, Y, Bill ????????????????

0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 May, 2012 06:04 pm
I taken note that they ran a picture with the story that look like a 17 year old Trayvon that is 6' 3 " not a 14 years old kid with this story.

I love political motived charges<NOT>.


By MATT GUTMAN (@mattgutmanABC) , SENI TIENABESO (@senijr_abc) and KEVIN DOLAK (@kdolak)
May 21, 2012
Two prominent U.S. lawyers are among the skeptics questioning whether evidence in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin supports the second-degree murder charge against George Zimmerman, given the confessed shooter's apparent injuries and freshly released eyewitness accounts.

"There is no second-degree murder evidence in this case," Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz said. "It's a very close case."

Details released in the past week add to the picture of what might have transpired on that rainy Feb. 26 before Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain in the Sanford, Fla., community where Martin, 17, was staying with his father's fiancée, shot the teen dead.

Previously unknown particulars, including the scrape on Martin's knuckle and photos of Zimmerman's battered and swollen face -- which were taken moments after he shot and killed Martin in what he says was self defense -- coupled with eyewitness accounts that back up Zimmerman's story, suggest for some that the prosecutor overreached.

"I'd rather play the defense than the prosecutor, because there's no way you get a murder-two conviction," journalist-attorney Geraldo Rivera said on Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor" last week.

ABC NewsTrayvon Martin, 17, was fatally shot by... View Full Size ABC NewsTrayvon Martin, 17, was fatally shot by neighborhood watch leader George Zimmerman.
Trayvon Martin in 7-Eleven on Night of Shooting Watch Video
Trayvon Martin Shooting Video, Photos Released Watch Video
Trayvon Martin Case: Zimmerman's Medical Report Watch Video
Zimmerman, 28, whose father is white and mother Hispanic, had volunteered for the neighborhood watch committee. He has said that he shot Martin, an African-American, in self-defense after the teen knocked him to the ground, banged his head against the ground and went for Zimmerman's gun.

The release of evidence by the prosecution Thursday also included potentially damning eyewitness accounts of the tussle between the two. One man at the scene told police he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman, pummeling him mixed martial arts-style.

With more of the prosecution's evidence now public, legal experts like Dershowitz are blaming what they're already calling "the failure" of this racially charged case on Special Prosecutor Angela Corey.

"If there are demonstrations, the finger of responsibility will point directly at the prosecutor," Dershowitz said.

Corey, the state attorney in Florida's Fourth Judicial Circuit Court, was assigned to the case by Florida Gov. Rick Scott nearly a month after the shooting. Corey said this weekend that evidence released so far is not the sum total of her case.

"What the general public has to remember and the media has to remember is that there is a lot we cannot release by law," Corey said.

Zimmerman's attorney Mark O'Mara apparently agrees with Corey.

"[It is] way too early to tell," he said. "That's me not only commenting on evidence, but the weight of all the evidence. And I don't even have all the evidence."

One key to the case is which of the two men instigated the clash that left Martin dead. The prosecution says Zimmerman initiated the altercation when he "profiled" Martin that night, and then got out of his car to follow him. In the newly released documents, lead homicide officer on the case, Chris Serino of the Sanford Police Department, called the shooting "avoidable" had Zimmerman remained in his vehicle.

What has yet to be seen are two main pieces of evidence: Zimmerman's statement on the night of the incident, and his reenactment of the events of that night, which could prove vital when and if the case is heard in court.

Reply Mon 21 May, 2012 06:33 pm
I taken note that they ran a picture with the story that look like a 17 year old Trayvon that is 6' 3 "

You apparently ignored the autopsy evidence.

Trayvon Martin was not 6'3"--he was 5'11" and weighed 158 pounds.

Facts seem to confuse you, that must be why you so often ignore them.
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 09:43 am
When the family first noticed the naked deranged man walking on the sidewalk weren't any of them within a few steps reach of a phone and 911 call?

Then, (is this what they teach Marines?) they turned the porch light on. (Always expose your position to potential harmdoers?? Really?)

So, who's dead?
The article doesn't even the deceased name.

Talk about your avoidable deaths.
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 11:06 am
@Joe Nation,
See David when a naked man on drugs break into your home when your wife and kids are in you should just hope for the best.

The man have no obligation to not get drug up to the point he break into some household it would seems.

Just like when some teenager knocked you down and begin to beat the hell out of you and smash your head against the sidewalk it is your fault not the teenager and you should just hope that you will not be kill or cripple for life.
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 11:13 am
@Joe Nation,
I don't know about you Joe, but I'm having to turn away deranged naked men from my front door on a daily basis. We should all thank Bill for pointing out what has now become an epidemic.
Joe Nation
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 11:35 am
No, bill, read what I wrote.
Were they in danger once the man began to force his way in? Of course.

Did they do anything that might have brought the incident to a different conclusion than had they called the cops??? Yes. They did.

You know they did.

and a man is dead who did not have to die.

That's all I'm saying.
Joe(turned the porch light on??? Jesusssss)Nation
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 11:37 am
Oh my yes, Izzie, those deranged naked men are on every other street over here, we are so busy shooting them that we don't have time to even make a 911 call.

Joe(except to get someone to haul off the corpses)Nation
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 12:00 pm

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 24% of American Adults still believe the man who shot Martin should be found guilty of murder.

But that's down from 33% in late March when the case first began to draw national headlines and 30% in early April.

Forty percent (40%) now think George Zimmerman acted in self-defense. That's up 25 points from 15% in March and up 16 points from 24% last month.

Thirty-six percent (36%) remain undecided, compared to 55% two months ago.

Joe Nation
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 12:52 pm
Luckily for us and Zimmerman, we hardly ever try murder cases by public opinion anymore (Sorry, Nancy Grace) when we did they were called lynch mobs.

I wonder how Zimmerman would have fared that night if the neighbors had found him, smoking gun in hand, stammering about how the unarmed boy had jumped well-armed him?

Joe(would they have just said "Shucks."?)Nation
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 01:19 pm
@Joe Nation,
If they were like some of these yahoos, they might have patted him on the back and told him "good job".
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 01:42 pm
@Joe Nation,
What's more surprising is that Bill hasn't taken up the cause of the deranged, naked man.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 02:20 pm
@Joe Nation,
Joe Nation wrote:
When the family first noticed the naked deranged man walking on the sidewalk
weren't any of them within a few steps reach of a phone and 911 call?
As Will Rogers used to say:
"all I know is what I read in the newspapers."
( . . . that and "when seconds COUNT, the police r only a few minutes away" )

Joe Nation wrote:
Then, (is this what they teach Marines?) they turned the porch light on.
(Always expose your position to potential harmdoers?? Really?)

So, who's dead?
The article doesn't even the deceased name.

Talk about your avoidable deaths.
Nudists in public places have tended to be disproportionately homicidal,
e.g. yestercentury, an unarmed volunteer guard, called "police auxiliary"
( i.e., a fool with a billy club ) was attacked by a naked man
and beaten to death (apparently without his consent) with his own billy club.
That was a gross misunderstanding of the right to bare arms.

Then there was the nudist who stole a pitchfork in Merced, California
and used it to murder unarmed children in their home in August, 2OOO.

" The Merced Pitchfork Murders
by Richard Poe
Fear stalks Merced, California – fear of the government.
Because of that fear, two innocent children died needlessly,
victims of California’s "safe storage" gun laws
The mass media never told Americans what really happened in Merced,
but the tale of the Merced Pitchfork Murders will not die.

Through talk radio; through the Internet; by word of mouth,
the story gathers momentum with each passing year. Like the
tale of the Boston Massacre in 1770, passed from patriot to
patriot over tankards of ale, the Merced Pitchfork Murders live
and burn in the hearts of millions of Americans.

On that terrible morning of August 23, 2000, fourteen-year-old
Jessica Carpenter had been left in charge to look after her four
siblings, Anna, 13; Vanessa, 11; Ashley, 9; and John, 7. Their
father had left for work. Their mother had taken the car to get
the brakes checked.

Jessica heard noises from the livingroom. Still half asleep, she
rose from bed and walked to the kitchen. Then she froze.
There was a man in the livingroom. A strange man. He was stark naked.

Jessica fled back to her bedroom and locked the door. Someone knocked.
Then he knocked again, and again. Jessica picked up the phone, but heard no dial tone.
The intruder had taken the receiver off the hook. [bloodthirsty nudist was insane, but clever]

That’s when Jessica thought of her father’s gun.
Mr. Carpenter had taught Jessica and the other children to shoot.
Jessica had passed her hunter safety course and received her certificate at age 12.
She knew that her Dad always kept a .357 Magnum in his bedroom.

In deference to California’s safe storage laws, however,
Mr. Carpenter kept the pistol high up on a closet shelf, unloaded
and out of reach of the children
. Even if she could somehow get
to the other end of the house to retrieve it, Jessica knew she
would have to climb up on something to reach the gun, scramble
around for the bullets and then load them. The man would be on
her before she had a chance.

So Jessica climbed out the window to get help.

Too Late

No one knows why 27-year-old Jonathon David Bruce, a part-time
telemarketer with a history of violence, drug abuse and mental illness,
picked on the Carpenters. We only know that, on the morning
of August 23, Bruce armed himself with a pitchfork and entered
their home, barricading himself inside with the five Carpenter children.
Jessica escaped through her bedroom window, but her little brother
and three younger sisters were left behind to face the homicidal maniac.

He attacked thirteen-year-old Anna first. Bruce entered her bedroom
and jabbed her with his pitchfork, yelling profanities while Anna
screamed and fought. "Stop it!" yelled Ashley, age 9. "Don’t hurt
my sister!" Bruce turned to Ashley, and killed her with his pitchfork.

Somehow Anna and Vanessa managed to escape out a window.
Outside, the two girls met Jessica. They ran to a neighbor’s
house – a man named Juan Fuentes – and pounded on his door.

Covered with blood and growing weaker by the moment,
the wounded Anna pleaded with Fuentes to get his gun and
"take care of this guy" but Fuentes declined. [ unaffected by the selfless spirit of Zimmy ]

Instead, he allowed them to use his phone to call 911.

The sheriff’s deputies came quickly, but they arrived too late. [When seconds COUNT, the police . . . ]
John and Ashley were dead.
Seven-year-old John had been killed while he slept

When the deputies entered the house, the intruder charged them
with his pitchfork. They shot him 13 times, killing him on the spot. [For SOME reason,
the police's guns were not locked away
and thay WERE actually loaded. The police also SURVIVED the event.]

Guns and Children

Most people reading these words will never have heard of the Carpenter family
or their ordeal. For Big Media, the only good gun story is an anti-gun story.
The Carpenters believed that California’s "safe storage" laws
had robbed their children of the only chance they had to fight back
This was not the sort of message Big Media wanted to send about guns.
National news organizations swept the Pitchfork Murders under the rug.
Only one local news story in the Fresno Bee discussed the safe storage issue at all.
National news reports of the incident omitted all mention of guns or gun laws.

"John Carpenter’s children are probably dead because John
obeyed the laws of the state of California
," says Reverend John Hilton,
the great-uncle of the Carpenter children.
In Hilton’s view, the tragedy could have been prevented had the
children been provided with easy access to a loaded gun
Many of Hilton’s friends and neighbors quietly agree.

Hilton – who is pastor of a Pentecostal church in Merced – recalls that,
when he was growing up, his father always kept a loaded Colt .45
in a holster fastened to the pantry wall.

"He was away a lot of the time, working on construction jobs," says Hilton
"but he made sure that gun was available to us, if we needed it.
Without even looking, you could reach over and get hold of the handle."
[Note that this radically differs from the apostate
NRA's position against children's self defense.]

In those days, it was common to let children use firearms.
They learned to use them early, safely, responsibly and
there were no school shootings. Ever.

No More Heroes

Hilton, who was 66 years old when I interviewed him in December 2000,
says that he shot his first deer at age 7. By the time he was 10,
he was proficient with the Colt .45 and capable of defending his family with it
Nowadays, Hilton’s father would be putting himself at risk of imprisonment
by giving children access to a loaded gun. California law imposes
criminal penalties on gun owners if children are injured or injure
others while using their guns. [So, if the children had killed the rampaging nudist
BEFORE he murdered THEM, then prison is in their future. That is LIBERAL filosofy ]

Technically, if Jessica or any of the other Carpenter children
had managed to get hold of their father’s .357 Magnum
and gun down the killer, their father could have faced criminal charges

It was for fear of the law that John Carpenter kept his gun unloaded
and hidden on a high closet shelf

"He's more afraid of the law than of somebody coming in for his family,"
Hilton told the Fresno Bee.

Likewise, the neighbor who refused to intervene may well have
hesitated out of fear or uncertainty about the law. In today’s legal
environment, heroism is not encouraged. The way to stay out of
trouble is to sit back and wait for the police – even if innocent
children are being slaughtered right next door.

According to their mother, Tephanie Carpenter – whom I also
interviewed – every one of the surviving Carpenter children vowed
that they would have shot the killer if only they had had a gun handy.
[The supporters of gun control SAVED the lethal nudist from his victims.]

In fact, the wounded girl Anna told her father that, when she saw
the man go after her sister Ashley, "I could have shot him right in
the back of the head

The children’s bravery and fighting spirit were not considered newsworthy.
These elements were left out of the story by the wire services.
Instead, the Carpenters’ ordeal was reduced to a depressing yarn
of five helpless children attacked by a maniac, a tale without meaning,
moral or purpose.

Media Bias

The Carpenter case is but one example of a larger problem – the
problem of media bias. In the Carpenters’ case, their tale ended
tragically, but many similar stories have a happier resolution.

According to a 1995 study by criminologist Gary Kleck, Americans
use firearms to defend themselves up to 2.5 million times each
year – or nearly 7,000 times per day. In 11 out of 12 cases, the
attacker flees as soon as his intended victim brandishes the gun
[That happened in MY case.]
or fires a warning shot. Such incidents form part of everyday life
in America, yet they rarely make the news.

A study by the Media Research Center released in January 2000
showed that television news stories calling for more severe gun laws
outnumbered those opposing such laws by a ratio of 10 to 1. When it
comes to guns and gun rights, we are hearing only one side of the story.
Small wonder that few Americans are equipped to debate the issue intelligently."

ALL emfasis and ALL use of colored font has been added by David.

0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 03:00 pm
Watch out kids, if you yell at grandma and she is armed.

Joe(You're toast)Nation
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 04:45 pm
@Joe Nation,
I don't know Joe. Clearly she had to defend herself while her grandson was making a 911 call. Self preservation OMSigDavid style. I'm sure David will be along to tell us how she was threatened by her grandson's drug use.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 05:06 pm
This guy David is like gold-standard bull goose looney. We're so lucky to have him among us.
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 05:45 pm
He makes you want to change your name to Sylvester, grow a mustache and start talking in the third person!!!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 07:44 pm
@Joe Nation,
Joe Nation wrote:
Watch out kids, if you yell at grandma and she is armed.
Joe(You're toast)Nation
It can be risky, taking people into your home.

Let 's see how the trial works out, shall we ???

Reply Wed 23 May, 2012 06:57 am
WHAT? You aren't ready to declare her innocent and a victim of a vicious attack by her grandson?
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