BillRM wrote:It would seems that some feel it is unfair to stopped an unarmed hoodlum from killing you
by using a firearm and the fair thing to do would be to allowed the hoodlum to beat y0u to death.
Without exaggeration, that is true,
and if u do use a weapon defensively,
THEN thay want government to put u thru
and for your attorneys to bankrupt u, in legal fees alone, even if u r fully
The moral of the story is:
if u do use a weapon defensively,
then your interests will best be served by disposing of the remains
privately n discreetly, e.g. dumping it alongside some well-chosen road, or maybe a dumpster at nite.
Think outside the box; work outside the system.
NOT everyone can successfully do that; e.g., my friend, Don, lives in an apartment bldg.
I can 't see him dragging a dead,
bloody thing down in his elevator.
BillRM wrote:Of course if the unarmed hoodlum was trying to rape a woman instead of killing a man somehow I feel that Firefly
and some others on this website would have no problem with the used of a firearm to stop that attack.
I have no opinion concerning that,
Firefly HAS given me the impression
that she is not enuf of a good sport to
ADMIT when she is rong;
e.g., qua the wisdom of people rendering statements to police.