parados wrote:If something is permanent how can it be eliminated David?
In this particular case, by a Constitutional amendment.
I thawt I 'd made that clear; not clear enuf, I guess.
parados wrote:If something is eliminated then how can it be permanent?
In the past tense, it was permanent, until it was eliminated,
which is the
reason that it
WAS eliminated by a Constitutional amendment.
If it had been sufficiently fleeting n transient,
then that 'd obviate the amendment process.
parados wrote:Eliminating the 16th amendment doesn't matter much to the income tax since the courts have ruled that income taxes on wages are constitutional even without the 16th amendment.
In the repealer it 'd be clearly set forth
that any and all government 'd be funded only from sales taxes
at the same rate for all citizens and from importation tarriffs.