parados wrote:I find it rather humorous that after all the complaints about how it was a lynch mob trying to get Zimmerman convicted,
now that he's arrested the ones going on and on about it are those that were against Zimmerman being charged at all.
People shud not get arrested for reading the NY Times,
nor for merely defending themselves. Its
OK to do both.
Its perfectly all right.
I wish that it were in the Constitution
that when someone becomes the victim of crime
(in this case a violent criminal assault by T. Martin
upon the happless Zimmy) that government is
duty bound
to be
supportive of the victim, not the bad guy.
( Holders of public office who disobay that imperative
shud lose their pensions and be subject to incarceration. )
The facts were probed by the police,
who were satisfied that it was OK.
If not, then (in a situation of self defense)
let it proceed by inquest in which government shall bear
all financial expenses, including paying defendant 's legal fee expenses.
If the inquest finds reason to believe that defendant
committed a crime,
then let it proceed to trial.
I am biased in favor of the
GOOD GUYS and I disfavor the bad guys.
parados wrote: It seems to show the lie about it being a 'lynch mob' out to get Zimmerman
since the arrest has eliminated those protests.
I see it as a frenzied lust for vengeance against Zimmy
because he was politically incorrect and he is a
There 'd be
a lot less turmoil in the press,
if the races of the participants were switched.
parados wrote:Those protesting originally seem to be willing to let the justice system work
while people like David are working rather hard to undermine it's credibility.
I expect to see a lot of
squealing if Zimmy is set free.
Credibility???? My observations have led me to see the similarities
between courthouses and casinos. Don 't kid yourself.