Do you think Zimmerman will be convicted of murder?

Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 10:45 am
The funny thing is, I haven't seen Sharpton or Jackson in any news reports. I wouldn't know they were involved at all if it wasn't for RW nutcases telling me repeatedly that they are the ones causing this public outrage

LOL No justice no peace in other world hang Zimmerman or we will riot.

Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 10:51 am
parados wrote:
I didn't realize you were such a follower of Sharpton David.
I don't think I have seen him once in the last 5 years.
He invades my TV more ofen than he shud.
( I WILL give him credit for losing wate, tho.)

0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 10:53 am
I will re-iterate that u r a very good researcher; quick, too.

Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 10:57 am
I didn't realize you were such a follower of Sharpton David. I don't think I have seen him once in the last 5 years.

Really? Al Sharpton has been around quite a bit and not just recently. Do a simple Google search and notice what he's been up to over the last 5 years.

He appears on newscasts, including regular television, not just cable regularly, has mentions and quotes in newspapers.

By the way parados, since you were not even aware of Al Sharpton's involvement with the Trayvon Martin case, including his appearance at rallies, I have no reason to believe anything you say on this case.

Al Sharpton rally:


and here

with Trayvon Martin's parents....and at 4 minutes and 14 seconds guess who else is there? Why it's former New York governor David Patterson.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 10:58 am
I guess that isn't my local station nor is it a local station in most of the cities that held protests. What is your point Bill? That you think everyone spends as much time as you do sucking on Sharpton's ass?
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 11:00 am
Hey Parados. It was on the nightly news. On ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS you could not miss it.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 11:03 am
Youtube is your evidence that people follow Sharpton and he is a driving force in this?

Funny thing is.. the most popular Youtube videos are about CATS.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 11:04 am
will re-iterate that u r a very good researcher; quick, too

Thanks however the credit belong far more to the wonderful engineers and other people who had created the internet then to me.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 11:05 am
Sturgis wrote:

Hey Parados. It was on the nightly news. On ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS you could not miss it.

Really? Then perhaps you can find me a link to ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS that has Sharpton rather than a link to Youtube.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 11:11 am
Sturgis wrote:
Hey Parados. It was on the nightly news. On ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS you could not miss it.
parados wrote:
Really? Then perhaps you can find me a link to ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS
that has Sharpton rather than a link to Youtube.
Don 't forget to tell him
how much u r going to pay him, for that service.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 11:31 am
Speaking of AL Sharpton using the code words to threaten riots and gun laws in the 1980s we was having a large scale riot in the Miami area and the police had just cordons the riot areas off and allow the rioters free reins.

Well inside that cordon off area and right in the middle in fact of the black community there happen to be a red neck low end trailer park and some brave TV reporter had gotten into.

Due to a Good Year tire store burning a few blocks away you could tell that the air was full of black smoke however everything was very peaceful inside this park full of evil rednecks.

That condition however might had something to do with all the owners of the trailers sitting outside of their homes with rifles, shotguns and handguns by them.

Too bad this is way before the internet age as I would love to see the interviews of these owners once more.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 11:39 am
Verily is it said that:
"an ARMED society is a POLITE society."

Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 11:41 am
David says:

Verily is it said that:
"an ARMED society is a POLITE society."

Whoever said that is an idiot.

Somalia. Afghanistan. Florida.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 11:45 am
Verily is it said that:
"an ARMED society is a POLITE society."

Do you know if that saying is credit to Robert Heinlein or not?

Second it is too bad that Trayvon did not know that Zimmerman was arm before he attacked/got into a conflict with him or he might be alive now.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 11:50 am
David says:

Verily is it said that:
"an ARMED society is a POLITE society."
MontereyJack wrote:
Whoever said that is an idiot.

Somalia. Afghanistan. Florida.
I 've been to Florida, quite a few times.
I found them to be polite. I never had reason to object.

In another century, I spent some time working in Harlem, NY (a known black area).
Upon my arrival, I was surprized at how POLITE thay were there, long term.
Its denizens r fairly well known to be in possession of many illegal guns.

I 've not been to the other 2 places,
but I have no reason to believe that thay r impolite in Afghanistan or Somalia.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 11:54 am
DAVID wrote:
Verily is it said that:
"an ARMED society is a POLITE society."
BillRM wrote:
Do you know if that saying is credit to Robert Heinlein or not?
I don 't remember.

BillRM wrote:
Second it is too bad that Trayvon did not know that Zimmerman was arm
before he attacked/got into a conflict with him or he might be alive now.
Its my understanding that such was the reasoning
in legally requiring that defensive guns be worn exposed to vu.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 01:14 pm
LOL No justice no peace in other world hang Zimmerman or we will riot.

Where in that video is Sharpton threatening riots or violence?

Do you just enjoy smearing black people? You have done that repeatedly in this thread, including your branding Trayvon Martin as a "hoodlum"--a criminal--totally without justification.

If anyone has racist attitudes it's you.

There is endemic bias and discrimination within the law enforcement and criminal justice systems that adversely affects how blacks, particularly black men, are regarded and treated, and the black community has every reason to be angry and vocal about that situation.

And why shouldn't they have been particularly upset, and outraged, over this tragic case, where a black teen, engaging in no wrong doing of any kind, is recklessly pursued and killed, and the state attorney then fails to act on a police investigator's recommendation that the shooter be arrested and charged with manslaughter? What is wrong with their demanding justice? What is wrong with their demanding the arrest of a man, who killed an unarmed black teen, who wasn't bothering anyone, so that the killer can be held legally answerable for his actions? That video was made prior to Zimmerman's arrest. No one was calling for Zimmerman's hanging--they very rightly wanted him arrested. And their activism succeeded.

You hypocritically, in thread after thread, bitch and moan about the size of our prison population, a prison population in which blacks are dis proportionally represented, as though you were truly concerned about the issue, with absolutely no recognition on your part that racial bias within the law enforcement and criminal justice systems helps to account for all those black faces behind bars. And that same sort of bias within the system may well have accounted for why George Zimmerman was not arrested the night he killed someone--the death of an apparently unarmed and innocent black teen was not deemed worthy enough for a more complete legal inquiry, even though a lead investigator felt unconvinced by the killer's account that he acted in self defense. There should have been outrage over that judgment call. Zimmerman should be held legally accountable for his actions--he committed a homicide--and the situation did not clearly or unequivocally indicate justified self defense.
You're simply too biased to see that. In your mind, and in the absence of all the facts, you've already decided he was fully justified in killing another black "hoodlum".

While I don't admire everything Al Sharpton does, in this particular area, relating to the criminal justice system, I think his activism has been both appropriate and effective in raising awareness and marshaling protest. And he has never advocated violence. His rallying cry, "No justice, no peace," has only referred to the continuation of organized protest demonstrations until public officials recognize and respond to the issues. And organized peaceful protests are a legitimate way of accomplishing that. If it took public pressure to get public officials to take another look at the killing of Trayvon Martin, and finally arrest George Zimmerman, so that his actions that night could be better scrutinized in an appropriate legal manner, what is wrong with that? What is wrong with searching for a legal determination of whether he was justified in using deadly force when he shot Martin--particularly since there have been questions about that all along?

Had you any real interest in seeking justice, including justice for George Zimmerman, you'd be happy this matter is now in court--that's where it really belonged all along.

Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 01:15 pm
Its my understanding that such was the reasoning
in legally requiring that defensive guns be worn exposed to vu.

Florida law do not allow you to carry openly however there is a semi-way of getting around that by using a belt holders from a gun store that a large percentsof the population know is likely to contain a gun.

My dear wife once used such a holder to hold things other then her gun when she and I was going on a cruise ship and you could see the security guards at the gate getting nerve when they spotted it on her.

I remember her laughing and telling them she was not carrying a firearm but her papers in the holder.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 01:46 pm
Not only an idiot, but sick in the head too!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 01:58 pm
Where in that video is Sharpton threatening riots or violence?

Do you just enjoy smearing black people? You have done that repeatedly in this thread, including your branding Trayvon Martin as a "hoodlum"--a criminal--totally without justification.

Well Firefly I just posted the video of dear Sharpton declaring before a cheering crowd no justice no peace and I assume you know what no peace mean in that content?

Those four words had been the forerunner/calls or threats for race riots since I first hear those words in the 1960s.

Now as far as libel is concern good old Sharpton lost a civil libel suit in the 1980s when a prosecutor sue him for not backing down from his claims that the gentleman had taken part in a gang rape of a young black girl after it was shown the rape never even occur.

The funny thing is when Sharpton refused to back down from his claims he dare the men he listed as rapists to sue him and one did and won.

Sorry I do not take Sharpton as being the average black man any more then I view skin heads as the average white citizens.

Nor do I view the average black teenager as likely to attacked and try to pound the head of a crime watch volunteer into the sidewalk because he gotten annoy over being follow.
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