Although they may be able to show that Zimmerman was slandered by the way the material was edited, they will have a more difficult time proving that NBC
intentionally wanted him to appear to be a racist.
They will also have an even harder time proving damages to him because other media outlets also reported possible racial factors involved with this homicide, and it is almost impossible to determine or separate the influence of NBC in that regard. And almost the whole point of this suit is to get money from NBC because donations to Zimmerman's defense fund have dried up. NBC has no intention of settling, nor should they, and I really don't think Zimmerman will wind up with money from this civil suit because they won't be able to prove that NBC, in particular, damaged him.
In addition, Zimmerman initially noticed Martin, and had his suspicions aroused, because Martin was black, and wearing a hoodie, and he superficially fit the "profile" of other males who had committed burglaries in the housing complex. So Zimmerman himself has acknowledged that race was a factor that influenced his behaviors and prompted him to call police and follow Martin. So it's not as though NBC was the only source of a racial connection in this shooting--Zimmerman himself identified a racial factor that influenced his own behavior.
Quote:Let see to back that story up we will down play the fact that he is as white as Obama and not a bit more...
Really? Is one of Zimmerman's parents black?
You have a real hang-up about race, particularly Zimmerman's race. He self-identifies as being white, but you can't accept that. Are you some sort of Aryan purist about who
you consider to be white?
Quote:White gun nut and racist killed poor innocent child coming back from the 7/11 due to him being a racist...
More accurately, a white gun nut and wannabe cop profiled an innocent black kid, who was returning from the store and minding his own business, as a potential criminal. And, due to his poor judgment and poor impulse control, this gun-toting adult wound up provoking a situation that led to the death of this unarmed minor.
Had Zimmmerman simply waited in his vehicle for the police to show up, this needless tragic death would not have occurred. Zimmerman not only disregarded the instructions of the police dispatcher regarding following Martin, he also disregarded the guidelines for neighborhood watch volunteers, which limit their activities and duties to simply calling the police to report anything suspicious.
If you had any notion of personal responsibility, you'd better understand why Zimmerman should go on trial for this homicide, which was classified by the police as a "needless death" the night of the shooting.