Do you think Zimmerman will be convicted of murder?

Reply Wed 11 Jul, 2012 10:51 pm
DrewDad wrote:
We had this discussion earlier in the thread.

At the point where Zimmerman followed Trayvon against the advice of the 911 operator, it's clear that he lost the protection of the stand your ground law.

Whether you think he can convince a jury of whether the killing can be justified as self defense kinda depends on whether you believe his version of what happened.

Evidence seems to be a bit thin on the matter of him allegedly continuing to follow Trayvon after being advised against it.
Reply Wed 11 Jul, 2012 11:01 pm
oralloy wrote:
Evidence seems to be a bit thin on the matter of him allegedly continuing to follow Trayvon after being advised against it.

You mean aside from the fact that he didn't stop and wait for police?
Reply Wed 11 Jul, 2012 11:18 pm
DrewDad wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Evidence seems to be a bit thin on the matter of him allegedly continuing to follow Trayvon after being advised against it.

You mean aside from the fact that he didn't stop and wait for police?

Who says he didn't? Do you know what his position was at the time the dispatcher advised him that they didn't need him to follow Trayvon?
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 02:41 am
oralloy wrote:
Evidence seems to be a bit thin on the matter of him allegedly continuing to follow Trayvon after being advised against it.
DrewDad wrote:
You mean aside from the fact that he didn't stop and wait for police?
He DID stop and wait for them.
He was right there when thay arrived.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 04:52 am
...Also, there is no point shown on the maps for when the dispatcher advised Zimmerman that they didn't need for him to follow Trayvon...

It's very far from clear that Zimmerman ever got out of his vehicle to follow or track Trayvon Martin. It's vastly more likely that the dispatcher asked him where he was and he got out to try to read some street number, and was then walking back towards his vehicle when the confrontation took place.

The idea of getting out of your vehicle to track or follow somebody you (correctly in this case) take for a burglar would strike anybody as dangerous and a dopey thing to be doing in the first place.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 04:59 am
For the benefit of some who seem to have missed this one the first time::


Along with Alan Dershowitz's comments this makes at least two major kinds of legal experts publicly stating that the state has no case whatever against George Zimmerman and that both the judge and the prosecutor in this case are acting in an unprofessional manner:


Honorable Kenneth R. Lester, Jr.
Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Court
Seminole County, Florida

Dear Judge Lester:

I just finished reading the text of the "Order Setting Bail" regarding George Zimmerman, wherein you raised the bail to one million dollars. With great respect, I am moved to tell you that it was a distressing experience to this old retired lawyer because the order was so far removed from the actual facts of the case.

In that order you portrayed the defendant, George Zimmerman, as a clever, knowledgeable person who has "tried to manipulate the system when he has been presented the opportunity to do so." You described him as a fellow who lied to everyone, including his own counsel, about the state of his finances and accordingly was not to be believed on any matter. You waxed eloquent on the deception played upon you when Shellie Zimmerman, the defendant's wife, stated in court that she was not aware of any funds the couple had.

Your honor, you then went on to state: "While not exactly the same, this Court finds that deceiving the Court at a bond hearing is akin to violating a bond condition." Then, sir, you came perilously close to equating that deception to the act of committing a new offense while out on bond.

You went on to consider the defendant's past and present conduct and had to conclude that there was no record of previous convictions "or failure to appear at court proceedings." You reviewed the defense claims that Zimmerman's silence in the presence of his wife's false testimony in court was occasioned by his fear and confusion. You rejected those arguments and then jumped to this extraordinary conclusion: "Although there is no record of flight to avoid prosecution, this court finds that circumstances indicate that the Defendant was preparing to flee to avoid prosecution."

On the core issue of the weight of the evidence supporting the charge of second degree murder, you concluded that the State's case was "strong" and to support that finding you mentioned the infamous probable cause affidavit submitted by special prosecutor Angela Corey. In that affidavit and in testimony of one of her investigators, it appeared that "the Defendants actions were imminently dangerous to another and that he acted with a depraved mind regardless of human life." You agreed with those damning statements.

In my view, you are wrong on each of these important points, save one. The Zimmermans did mislead you on their finances and my hope is that you see that for what it is, a small part of the overall picture. Recall that George and Shellie have been the victims of what amounts to a national lynch mob, led in part by the president and the attorney general. They have received a flood of death threats from the Black Panthers and many others. They have been forced to leave their home in Sanford. So have other family members. George has had to leave his job and his college. They have been forced into hiding and he must now stay in a safe house. Think of how you would feel if you received constant death threats and had to leave everything with which you were familiar. In that situation, it is quite understandable that you would become secretive and be very cautious when asked about your finances in a court hearing.

These are terrified young people and you are treating them as clever pariahs and devious criminals. You are supposed to assure their dignity and their safety. You have sought to do neither. Just the opposite. For shame.

It is as if you had graduated from the Al Sharpton School of Law.

My review of all of the available evidence and information leads me to believe, as have other legal analysts, that the state's case is fatally weak. That has led me to conclude that George Zimmerman is innocent, which is an extraordinary public statement for an old lawyer and legal scholar to make -- since the case has not yet been tried. I am not saying merely that there is insufficient evidence for the state to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. I am saying innocent. Period.

Here are some of the facts that led to my conclusion. Zimmerman's claim of self defense is supported by almost every piece of information that has come to light. The first police officer on the scene arrived within minutes of the tragic shooting. He observed that Zimmerman was bloody and looked beaten. The second police officer arrived moments later and reported that Zimmerman told him that he had been screaming for help but that no one would help him. The fire department emergency medical technician told of how he had treated Zimmerman's head and face wounds. A subsequent doctor's report confirmed his injuries and stated that he suffered from a broken nose.

Such reports made within a short time of the incident, in my experience, are the most persuasive. There is no time to make up stories in such hurried circumstances. All of them support Zimmerman's claim of self defense. These statements made in the heat of the moment, or near to it, are much more compelling than the affidavit filed by Angela Corey months later, an affidavit you cited with approval.

None of the early statements by officials mentioned any hint of racial bias in any comment made by the defendant.
Trayvon Martin was killed with one shot to the chest fired at close range. This was consistent with Zimmerman's description of the encounter. Had Zimmerman been intent on stalking and killing the young man, he could have taken out his pistol and fired several shots from a distance, perhaps hitting him in the back.

On the evening of the sad event, George Zimmerman agreed to voluntarily take a CVSA Truth Verification test in the Sanford police station. This is a form of lie detector test used by many police departments. While not ordinarily admissible in a formal court trial, as you know, it does help guide police and prosecution officials in determining whether or not to proceed with an arrest and prosecution in the early stages of a case. The confidential report gives the examiner four choices to describe how the subject fared. The examiner checked the fourth and highest level: "The examinee has told substantially the complete truth in regards to this examination." Such evidence quite probably figured in the decision by the police chief and the then-prosecutor to drop the case, at least initially.

It is of major significance that, in the early stages, the only official to question Zimmerman's racial tolerance and also his innocence was lead detective Christopher Serino. Within a few days he practically accused Zimmerman of being a bigot and also urged that he be charged with manslaughter. Recently, Serino was reduced to a patrolman on the night shift. The change was labeled as voluntary but there is some new information that his role in the case, on numerous fronts, has been quietly discredited.

Your honor, I am baffled to try to understand your conclusion that Zimmerman was preparing to flee the jurisdiction. That is simply bizarre. Adam Vincent, a Seminole County probation officer, testified, "We never had any problems from Mr. Zimmerman while he was under our supervision…. For all intents and purposes he was a model client."

I have been forced to conclude that like Christopher Serino and Angela Corey, you have made it obvious that in your mind George Zimmerman is guilty of second degree murder. It would help restore my faith in the legal profession, which faith is a cornerstone of my very being, if you recused yourself from the case -- and moreover issued an apology to all concerned for the misleading contents of the bail order.

With sadness and deep concern,

Arnold S. Trebach

Arnold S. Trebach was a protester in the original civil rights movement during the Fifties, and also was Chief, Administration of Justice Section, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1960-63. Currently, he is professor emeritus, American University and a member of the Maryland state Advisory Committee to that commission.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 05:05 am
"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I ask you to find George Zimmerman guilty of murder in the second degree because, if you don't, then hordes of brainwashed, dumbed-down, savage Negroes will descend upon their own neighborhoods, and begin to conduct themselves in a riotous manner!!"

Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 05:12 am
It could easily be that the worst part of this entire legal debacle has been a Republican governor who had to have known the history of this rogue prosecutor, handed this thing over to that rogue prosecutor as a means of keeping his own hands clean of it.

I mean, he may have been thinking that he had a career-ender case for SOME prosecutor and simply fished around for a prosecutor whose career needed ending, but he's turned an innocent man's life upside down in the process.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 06:07 am
Who says Zimmerman had not turned around and started retracing his steps back to his truck?

How did Zimmerman get to the point on the map where he shot Martin?
There is no "retracing his steps" to get to that point. He would have purposely turned to go the way that Martin probably had which means he was following him. Unless of course you want to argue that Zimmerman was lying during his phone call.

You can discount the second map because it would have meant Zimmerman was a world class sprinter. According to the timeline, a 911 call was placed 1 minute 20 seconds after Zimmerman's ended reporting 2 men shouting.

But in neither map is Zimmerman heading directly back to his car to wait for the police.

Also, there is no point shown on the maps for when the dispatcher advised Zimmerman that they didn't need for him to follow Trayvon
I would guess most reasonable people could assume it happened before the phone call ended. If one had a little initiative, they could even listen to the phone call and see exactly where that statement is related to the other quotes from the phone call.

He was told not to follow him between "he's running" and "He ran." That's at about 2:26 in a phone call that ends at 4:12. One thing is very clear. Zimmerman didn't head back to his truck after the operator told him not to follow.
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 06:10 am
oralloy wrote:

Who says he didn't? Do you know what his position was at the time the dispatcher advised him that they didn't need him to follow Trayvon?

Let's just ignore the timeline completely and the map.
Let's just assume Zimmerman was capable of transporting himself a few hundred yards in 2 seconds.

It's so much easier to make arguments when you ignore time and space.
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 07:52 am

It's so much easier to make arguments when you ignore time and space.

It's also easier for them to make arguments when they selectively ignore things Zimmerman said in his statements to the police, and things he has admitted to doing.

And the state has already said they will use the inconsistencies and contradictions in his statements to cast doubt on Zimmerman's credibility.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 08:06 am
Zoiks! Black folks are scary! Be afraid, Gunga, be very afraid....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 08:42 am

I think what we have here is two troubled males who both made poor choices.

Two troubled males?

Only one of them appears "troubled" by objective standards. Zimmerman is the one who was in psychiatric treatment and who was prescribed two different psychiatric medications, including one used to help control impulsive behaviors. He was the one with a past history of aggressive behaviors and run-ins with the law.

The other one was a barely 17 year old, with no history of aggression or criminal behavior, who was not a significant behavior problem at his school, despite some minor issues with truancy and lateness, and other minor transgressions at school which were not at all particularly serious or unusual in his age group. The police investigator on the case described him as being "a good kid".

And wouldn't most people, particularly a minor, be "troubled" and frightened if they were suddenly being watched and followed by an adult stranger, on a dark street, for no apparent reason?

The "troubled" adult was the one who made poor choices. The minor, who hadn't been bothering anyone, and who was minding his own business, was simply going back to the home he was staying at after a trip to the store. And, if that "troubled" adult hadn't made such poor choices, and displayed such bad judgment and impulsiveness, that minor would have made it safely home.

A kid should be able to go to a store and return home without fear of being stalked, and accosted, and killed, by a gun-toting wannabe cop, a nut whose idea of protecting his enclave was to stalk and frighten an innocent kid who had a perfect right to be in that enclave.

I wonder if it's dawned on Zimmerman yet that his very stupid actions led to the death of an innocent kid. I hope that realization does sink in--having to live with that, for the rest of his life, would be a fitting punishment for him, beside whatever the court will decide.

Joe Nation
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 01:44 pm

TIME Magazine (I'm no fan, I do read it.)

You read this and take from it what you will.

Joe(or what supports your mindset)Nation
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 03:22 pm
@Joe Nation,
The Times piece that Joe brought just makes grey the black and white, good guy / bad guy bullshit that most biased opinionators tried to forward.

While Zimmerman may have been wrong - and his mistake in judgment led to what most people on both sides believe was a wrongful death caused by Zimmerman's zest for "neighborhood watching," it just doesn't appear to be as insidious on Zim's side as divisive racial zealots wish.

I still think I would have reacted like it seems Trayvon did. If I felt I was endangered - some dude was following me in the dark - I might turn around and attack. The best defense can be an offense.

I didn't want to defend Zimmerman. But, I hated seeing people make huge judgments against this guy and try to belittle or deny his injuries, and reflexively dismiss his story - paint him white and a racist, when he's brown and a nutjob.

The thing is - do we want to know the closest narrative of the truth - or do we want to front whatever version of events that soothes our prejudices?

Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 03:26 pm
Trayvon's mistake was that he simply should have handed over the Skittles.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 03:34 pm
I've pretty much stayed out of this so far, but what you said rang a bell for me, Lash. Good thoughts...well expressed.

I think Zimmerman screwed up big time...and a kid is dead as a result. Zimmerman should be made to pay for what he did...but that is up to a jury to decide.

In any case, I suspect Zimmerman has already paid a big price; will continue to pay regardless of how the trial plays out...and the vigilantism that may well come from these "stand your ground" laws will probably be lessened by the lesson taught here.

Win or lose for Zimmerman...Martin is dead and cannot be brought back to life. Best thing that can happen is for some good to accrue to society from this tragedy.
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 03:46 pm
Now there's a sig line.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 03:54 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Is that where we are today in America....it takes the emotional upset of some vocal citizens to get rid of poor quality laws? And is that really good enough to count as a win?

I think a win would look like having a system that never passes poor quality law in the first place, to have a system where NGO's like the NRA could not get their wish lists inacted into law at the price of justice for all.

I am a deamer of course....highly unrealistic in my expectations for the state doing its day job of running a democratic collective. They of course being far too busy doing the side job they took on, that being collecting power andtrying to tell us citizens how we must live.
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 03:54 pm
I said early in this thread that I didn't know Zimmerman's heart and have not called him racist. I have seen links, who knows where, that show him with bias against some hispanic ethnic groups, but clearly if that is so it's not in play. I do go with the idea that he profiled, and maybe or maybe not the latest thing on his profiling the hoodie is right. Obviously I don't know.

I wouldn't mind the truth but I think we are dealing with Rashomon.


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