It makes no sense to publish the menu unless all the rest of y'all want to join us on the dates in question (which I forget at the moment....later this month and next.)
Besides, we always order the same thing: Big Cafe Au Laits, the Moroccan Omelet for me and some kind of veggie thing for Thomas.
Did four in the park, up the East Side down the big hill and up the other side to the water fountain then down to the street and the 110th Street Station.
I was very lucky to get passed just before the downhill by a very trim woman in her 30s, I decided, as runners often secretly do, that I had to beat her to the water fountain. heh heh heh.
Yes. I am secretly racing you.
Trouble was 1) she figured out right away when I passed her that it was a race and 2) she was not in the mood to be passed.
She passed me.
The only thing she did not know for sure was where the finish line was. Again, heh, heh, heh.
I waited until the roadway flattens out down by the beeeeuuuutiful Haarlem Meer.

Then I let her have it.
I turned my music (161 beats per minute from Podrunner.com) UP! And starting hitting it.
Did I mention that, from this point on, it's all uphill?
Hills, uphills anyway, are my friends.
Did I mention that I had a dollar fifty in quarters that I had put for safe keeping inside my Rubbermaid lunch container inside my little backpack??
(Yes, I run with a little backpack. Where else am I going to put my lunch, New Yorker magazine, extra shirt and socks [I like dry socks] and that orange that I had leftover from the aforementioned lunch.)
Those quarters were making a lovely tamborine-ish thrumble noise, the only problem was I couldn't hear the footsteps of my nemesis, (Okay. It's over the top to call her a nemesis, um, "Mystery Competitor") it was not helping that I had the music up so loud either.
So, I took a peek behind me.
Twenty yards ,,,,with a quarter mile to go. (!!)
I just tried from that point just to go steady, the road rises steeply just as you go under the big rock outcropping which I always pray will not fall on me as I pass under it.
(Then, I think, boy, that would be a great way to go. Make the all the papers~~
[New York Daily News: Local Runner Rocks It All The Way]~~
[New York Post: STONED IN THE PARK~~
[The New York Times: Central Park Runner Killed by Outcropping.
and the Lawsuits would fly!!)
I rounded the corner and went full out to the water fountain.
I turned around and caught a glimpse of the runner as she went further up the hill.
(Yes, the hill goes on past the water fountain, but I get to set the finish line. nnnyeah!)
Down the other hill to the subway, took a picture with some really nice kids who were taking pictures of each other on the platform. Lots of laughs when I told them that they owed me fifty bucks for my picture.
Joe(it a was rare night of real joy )Nation