@Frank Apisa,
All expansion of what we call "knowledge" depends on
hypothesis generated observation..in other words "a hunch" or "a guess". There are no
independent "data".
You have no idea of how to descriminate between an "educated guess" and a "blind guess" unless you are steeped in a particular exploratory paradigm, and even if the "educated guess" yields supportive data ,that guess remains a "working hypothesis" subject to possible refutation at any future time by counter-example.
A good example of the problems with the word "guess"can be found in the proposal of Clerk-Maxwell's electromagnetism equations which were based on the assumption(=guess) of "an elastic ether" in which e-m waves could vibrate. The equations "work" to this day despite the fact that "the ether" was shown to be non-existent by the Michaelson-Morley experiment on the speed of light. This is also a good example of how the guess of an aspect of "a fundamental physical reality" ( the ether) was shown NOT to be a requirement for epistemological progress.
At the risk of being accused at "argument from authority", I would suggest you consider why Hawking (
an educated guesser of the first order) has come out against a concept of a TOE, and by inference
the necessity of "a fundamental reality." If it is a useless concept, then why even discuss it ?