JLNobody wrote:
I'm not saying that there is no reality beyond my thoughts. I'm only saying that the way reality makes sense to me is by means of my constructions of it. I live in an ever growing and changing "meaningful" reality and its meanings are created (i.e, culturally constituted) by humans, including the notions of "space" and "the elements." Remember, Science is a cultural process. Culture is, I suspect, far more than you understand it to be.
...oh you see but you have a problem of regression there unless you can make a stronger case...whatever we interpret from reality was given to us by nature and can perfectly be equally argued that our mediums are not our own but nature´s own processes working in us...in fact we have no good reason to believe otherwise...so when you loosely use the expression we "create" we "invent" you are begging the question are n´t you, after all how can you be certain that whatever we build and interpret does not correspond, as much as knowledge can, to reality ? If you posit a Reality and accept that such reality is shared by minds plural and not by a single mind then necessarily you must conclude that reality precedes mind and establishes the conditions from where mind arises.
One thing is to acknowledge that we have a specific form of displaying reality as humans and quite another to posit that we are the ones who build it...
...so when I am confronted with the choice, the hypothesis, on whether I believe that we build reality or that reality build us, I don´t buy the top down argument not because it does n´t apply, but because such as nothing to do with minds...for that purpose mathematics suffices just as much it suffices to dissolve the "materialistic" approach regarding what matter is...(matter is matter sounds just North style but unfortunately is how most people go about it, no comments...)
Consciousness is just a complex form of interaction, of relation, a closed loop, there´s nothing special or particular in consciousness ...time is irrelevant on the issue...its almost futile to quest on what comes first if complexity or simplicity, if "mind" which is a synonym for system, or if is matter that progresses in complexity, by the way towards were if no place yet, if no being ? The point being that Mind is no more mental then matter is material...there´s no first or second when we address the ontological status of what is the case to be Real regarding what is the case to be possible in the first place, whether we know it or not its also not important...