Wed 28 Mar, 2012 06:02 am
Quote:The future 41st President was once known as a family-planning champion. his address to the house in 1968.
The federal government, along with many state governments, has taken steps to accelerate family-planning activities in the United States, but we need to do more. We have a clear precedent: When the Salk vaccine was discovered, large-scale programs were undertaken to distribute it. I see no reason why similar programs of education and family-planning assistance—all on a voluntary basis—should not be instituted in the United States on a massive scope. It is imperative that we do so: not only to fight poverty at its roots, not only to cut down on our welfare costs, but also to eliminate the needless suffering of unwanted children and overburdened parents.
Another article that highlights the Republican's former progressive sensibilities (like Nixon's support for the ERA for example) and compares it to their current war on women.
Stag Party
The GOP’s woman problem is that it has a serious problem with women.
From the Blunt Amendment to the defunding of Planned Parenthood, all these socially retrogressive policies of the Republican/Taliban Party are efforts to push women back into their second class citizenship roles. Apologists like Peggy Noonan are only doing her gender more damage and ultimately the entire country when they try to soften/defuse or worse try to divert the attention away from the hatemongering Limbaugh scandal, the waterfall of Romney gaffes, and the terrifying agendas of the likes of Rick Santorum.