This week at the Court
By Kali Borkoski
On Monday we expect orders from the June 21 Conference as well as opinions in argued cases. Our list of “Petitions to watch” for that conference is
here. Monday is the last day before the summer recess on which the Court is scheduled to sit to issue decisions, but it is likely that additional decision days will be added to the Court’s schedule for the week. We will update our “Editor’s Note” to reflect any additional decision days once that information becomes available. Assuming that the Court will issue one opinion for the health care cases, we expect the Court to issue six more opinions before it recesses for the summer.
On Monday, and for any other opinion days scheduled this week, we will begin live blogging in advance of the Court’s ten o’clock announcements. For fastest access to the Live Blog, please use this address: More information about our plan for covering the health care decision, including a roster of guest contributors who will be analyzing the opinion for the blog, is available
here. We are also looking forward to several guest contributions analyzing the decision in Arizona v. United States.