Tax Implications of the Supreme Court’s “Obamacare” Ruling
By Garrett A. Fenton, Miller & Chevalier
As most people are aware by now, the Supreme Court issued its ruling yesterday on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the “ACA”), dubbed “Obamacare.” In short, the Court ruled that the controversial “individual mandate” provision – which requires most Americans to obtain health insurance for themselves and their dependents (e.g., through an employer, a government program like Medicare or Medicaid, or the individual health insurance market) or face a penalty, beginning in 2014 – is a tax, and therefore constitutional under Congress’ general taxing power. The court thus upheld the ACA – except for certain portions of the statute’s Medicaid expansion provisions – with a 5-4 decision.
Now that the constitutional status of the ACA has been determined, it is worth remembering how many other provisions in the ACA impact taxes. This article focuses on the key tax implications of several ACA provisions – other than the individual mandate – that have already taken effect, or will take effect in the near future, and that impact the taxes of employers or employees.
MLR Rebates
The ACA requires individual and group health insurers to spend a specified minimum percentage (called the medical loss ratio, or “MLR”) of the premiums they receive each year on health care claims and “quality improvement” activities. Insurers that fail to meet the MLR requirement for a given year must pay rebates to their policyholders or subscribers, either in the form of cash, premium credits, debit or credit card reimbursements, and in some cases, pre-paid debit or credit cards. In most instances involving employer-sponsored health insurance, the insurer will pay the rebate to the employer, who then may either pass through all or a portion of the rebate directly to its employees, or use the rebate for certain other permissible purposes. Health insurers must pay any MLR rebates owed for 2011 by August 1, 2012. According to a recent HHS press release, nearly 13 million Americans will receive a total of $1.1 billion in rebates this year.
Tax implications may arise when individuals receive MLR rebates, even in the form of credits against future premiums. For example, an individual will be taxed on any MLR rebate received if he or she (1) paid the premiums for the health insurance coverage and then claimed a federal income tax deduction for those premium payments, or (2) in the case of employer-sponsored health insurance, paid his or her premiums via pre-tax payroll contributions (which is how most employees pay for their employer-sponsored coverage). In the second instance, the rebate paid to the employee will also be subject to federal employment taxes and related employer tax withholding and Form W-2 reporting obligations.
Employer Pay-or-Play Penalty
Beginning in 2014, employers with 50 or more full-time employees may be subject to a “pay-or-play” tax penalty if they (1) fail to offer health coverage to their full-time employees, or (2) offer coverage, but the coverage is deemed either to be “unaffordable” for certain employees, or to have an insufficient “value.” The penalty will be imposed on a monthly basis, and will vary depending upon which of the two categories applies.
Employer Market Reform Excise Taxes
The ACA enacted numerous “market reforms” that impose mandates with respect to employer-sponsored health coverage (as well as coverage offered under an individual health insurance policy). Some of these reforms are already effective, and many more are scheduled to take effect in 2014. These provisions include, among several others, the requirements to allow children to remain on their parents’ coverage until age 26, to provide no-cost coverage for certain “preventive” services (including the controversial birth control mandate), and to meet specified limits on employee cost-sharing requirements (i.e., copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles), as well as the prohibitions against preexisting condition exclusions, retroactive terminations (“rescissions”) of coverage, and lifetime and annual limits. An employer whose coverage fails to meet any of these requirements may be subject to an excise tax penalty – which must be self-reported to the IRS – of up to $100 per day, per affected individual.
Other Taxes
Several other tax provisions are set to take effect in the near future under ACA, including (among many others):
A $1-per-covered-individual excise tax on employers and insurers, which will take effect this year, to fund “comparative effectiveness research.” The fee will increase to $2 next year, and will be increased further for inflation thereafter.
A 0.9% increase in the Medicare payroll taxes imposed on the wages of certain higher-income-earners (i.e., those earning more than $250,000 (if married) or $200,000 (if single) per year), effective beginning in 2013. In some (but not all) cases, an employer will need to withhold the additional tax from an employee’s wages. The employee will remain liable for the additional tax to the extent the employer does not withhold it.
A 3.8% Medicare contribution tax on an individual’s net investment income, if and to the extent that the individual’s total income exceeds $250,000 (if married) or $200,000 (if single), effective beginning in 2013.
An annual $2,500 limit on employees’ payroll contributions to employer-sponsored health flexible spending arrangements (or “health FSAs”) – which allow employees to pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses with pre-tax dollars – effective beginning in 2013.