Wed 14 Mar, 2012 02:22 pm
I find myself reading threads all day long when I should be doing some of my bookkeeping for the business. Does anyone know of a twelve step program available in my area? I’m in Saint Petersburg, Florida BTW.
Doesn't exist. Go straight to your nearest NA (Narcotics Anonymous) and when they ask for your drug of choice, instead of reading substitute the word "shooting up" and instead of "threads" use the term "heroin" and I think they'll get the gist of your addiction.
Love the soundtrack . . .
THE best song coupled with THE best video of all time!
'Ya think those ladees were playing guitar?
Some people put rubber bands on their wrists and snap them to break their addictive thoughts/behavior.
You could try it around your head, across the eyes.
just roll over and enjoy it
if you're lucky, someone will scritch scritch you behind the ears
Great response, Jes, says another addict.
Don't worry. From personal experience, I can tell you that effect fades after five or six years.
There's a two-step program every Friday night at Flamingo, if you're in to that sort of thing
Me too! I lurk here just to see what's going on with you guys since I don't see you boys out very often.
I've noticed quite a few users have been here for many years, I was surprised Morgan has been here since 2006! I thought he would have been banned by now
Thank you, my favorite by Robert Palmer, he died way too young.
Oh, my pleasure, although I'd've liked a version with dudes in the background (no lipstick, though).
You could develop a large support group here at A2K. It would be difficult to measure any success if support group members continue posting, however.
Nice to have you here though!
Thank you, I am enjoying it here, love reading all the different opinions!
now get out there and mix it up in more of the threads!
you've got interesting opinions - share !
Will do, suppose to be working today but taking it easy