@Fil Albuquerque,
Yes Phil thanks, there is something mysterious about time since it is so essential as an underlying concept. However intuition seems to insist upon its independence. The cockroach of course has a somewhat diminished sense of time but because nothing is entirely anything while everything is part of something else, one might infer that quality to a germ, then finally to an atom where one must ask oneself with so little consciousness to perfuse the subject how its death stops time. Presume it’s when the electrons stop orbiting
If so we must assume the stoppage radiates from its nucleus it at speed c in which case we must now ask whether the Universe is infinite, in which case of course time never stops
In posts of this sort I reflect oh God, Lord, how can you give me only 10 mi nutes but I suppose you should welcome the limitation else my posts would b ecome too long and tedious
But incidentally re the edit box I note again how I wish you’d let me scroll but whilst typing this very post I note another glitch” At the right margin you cut a word in two. You shouldn’t do that, this is the very first instance in some 17 years I’ve noted forum software to do such a thing, setting me to wondeer each time whether that interloping space was mine or yours
But let me not pursue these facets of software, I mean no harm, I love you all, and I find ak. Oops what was that beep
…I find a?k (or is it “a2K” or “aqk”)
Edited to add, Ah thank you for the blue scroll bar but I’m not sure just what I did to deserve it. Some time you must look into that if you have a moment. I think it has something to do with the number of lines in the post, you don’t get it unless you‘ve typed 14 lines or some such arbitrary rule
Hey! When you gave me the scroll bar, you also let me scroll! Thank you!!! though some of the words are still cut in half
As I was saying I find a?k a very superior sort of forum except for some minor drawbacks, a few of which I have brought to your attention supposing of course that later there will be a few more though if I shouldn’t please let me know and I will cease my efforts at making the world a better sort of place, easier to navigate
Again thanks all, I dearly love you especially Ceili