Have others had connection problems today? Trouble loggin on, trouble staying connected. Just wondering. (I've been trying to post this for a couple of hours now.)
There was a thing on Facebook saying that there was a problem with the host.
0 Replies
Tue 6 Mar, 2012 01:07 pm
Yes! Big time. When I logged in around 10:00 a.m. MST, it was slower than when I was on dial up, and with the same error message. Something like "cannot connect to website" when I tried to open a post. It wasn't just a2k, though. Same problems with mail and weather site.
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Tue 6 Mar, 2012 01:09 pm
'K . . . i had some problems with FB, too . . . but that's always a chancy place. Roger, i was goin' crazy with it for a while.
The connection problem I had was ONLY with connecting to A2K. It was pretty slow to respond (10 sec or longer delay to respond) last night also. Today for about 3-4 hr (10am-2pm ET) it was not connecting at all; however, I saw no comments when I searched on FB, though..just some comments about a connection issue months ago,
Penny's comment had been deleted when I wanted to look at it today after a response suggesting that Penny submit what she'd posted to "contact us". Well, that would have been difficult when the site was not accessible.
Have others had connection problems today? Trouble loggin on, trouble staying connected. Just wondering. (I've been trying to post this for a couple of hours now.)
Yes. During the morning and afternoon. I thought it was because so much of nyc goes online during working hours?
0 Replies
Tue 6 Mar, 2012 05:50 pm
Yes. It's been very slow & noticed the double (a few times, more) posts, too.
I hope the glitches are fixed now.
No problem logging in today, though .... that must have happened overnight (Oz time).
My doggies Dolly and Madison got so frustrated about the A2K problems the last few day that they started singing at the dog park yesterday. Their howling got so loud that all of the other dogs started howling with them.
The dogs fixed the A2K problem. Ain't them dogs smart?