Wed 4 Feb, 2004 06:50 pm
I was driving today and noticed a fellow with two plastic hula girls on his dashboard. Then theres my neighbour who has his back window encircled with fluffy little balls and a couple of wobbly headed chihuahuas. We've all seen people with enough bumper stickers to keep any rust bucket together.
I have a pair of tiny native indian, beaded gloves hanging from my rear-view mirror.
What decorations or knick-knacks do you have on or in your car, if any?
Have you ever seen something unbelievable or funny in someone elses car?
I once saw an extremely obese woman riding in a relic mortorcycle (she barely fit) with a sidecar and a built in overhang.
That's a sight to see.
That reminds me...
I used to work at private club for firemen and police ect. A huge man nearing retirement and his equally enormous wife came to the club frequently. He had recently lost his license, DUI, but was still on the force - because of a strong union.
He and his wife would come to the club via a moped. I would pass them on my way to work. I was walking.
Fat lady on a moped...That's classic!
I've got one of those hula girlies in my Jeep. A friend of mine gave it to me when they came back from Hawaii.
I know another person (Don't worry quinn1, I wont ell 'em it's you!

) that has the back dash of her car filled with stuffed panda bears.
I know someone who paints her car to look like a brick wall.
I used to know another person who painted graffiti art all over his vw bus and used it to house his great dane and llama.
There was a story here last winter about a guy who adopted a dog from the SPCA. I'll never forget his comment: "This isn't just an animal, this isn't just a dog, this is my buddy!"
The dog had her own (albeit small) mobile home as a "dog house".
Now that's doggie luv!
My recently destroyed Z3 had the Packer's logos and images on the doors, trunk, steering wheel, floor mats and the license plate read PACKU. Still, it looked pretty tame compared to some of the vehicles I've seen at games.
A bought a PT Cruiser and took some kidding about my "gangster car". It looks a bit like a forties-era sedan.
As a joke a put a post-it note on the glove compartment with a checklist
[ ] Leave gun
[ ] Take cannoli
as I was going to give a lift to lunch to some of my co-workers.
Fortunately, I took the note off before I drove home that evening. I was enjoying my car a bit too much and was pulled over by the local contabulary. As it was he got a bit nervous when I reached down to the drawer under the passenger seat to get my registration. If he'd seen that note, no doubt I'd have been outside the car "assuming the position".
The things we do to humor ourselves...
A couple of years ago in Vangroovy, I saw an old cadilac convertable completely covered inside and out with fake fuzzy holstein cow fur. Over the front grill was an large set of longhorn cow horns. The only thing the guy kept in the car was fire extinguisher.
I once was driving behind a car that had a queens crown (about 4"x 6") setting in the center of her back window.
Every time she touched the break, it would light up in different colors.
I once saw a car whose chassis was redone to look like a boat. I seriously doubt that it was sea-worthy.
For all of the commercials and songs and little jingles, I have never once seen the Oscar Meyer Wiener Dog truck.
Bill offered this...
Quote:My recently destroyed Z3 had the Packer's logos and images on the doors, trunk, steering wheel, floor mats and the license plate read PACKU.
Thank God that apparition was destroyed! Normally, I have an inkling of compassion when I hear that someone's car was destroyed, but in this case.... I'll make an exception.
I was stopped at a red light in Phoenix one hot summer night when I heard a rumbling noise alongside me and my vehicle started filling with a cloud of foul-smelling exhaust. I started coughing and looked out the window to see an incredibly hideous old lime-green cadillac, dents everywhere, paint peeling off, and the front bumper held together by wire with one side almost touching the road. There were about six guys inside bouncing to the beat of some horribly loud song that was distorted beyond belief because of cracked speakers. On the front of the car, for a hood ornament, they had installed one of those pink yard flamingoes.
It was one of the funniest images I have ever seen and it shall be forever burned into my memory bank.

Gus, your incredible sense of compassion has touched me once again. Did you still want me to sign your petition for your acceptance into the GBP Fan Club? :wink: Any idea where I might find that Caddy? Sounds like they could use a G or two.
A nodding head sea-lion and a beany baby seal on the dash.
That's about as far as this car goes for kitsch...
fishin' wrote:I've got one of those hula girlies in my Jeep. A friend of mine gave it to me when they came back from Hawaii.
I know another person (Don't worry quinn1, I wont ell 'em it's you!

) that has the back dash of her car filled with stuffed panda bears.
And I wont tell them you keep the hula girl stuffed in the console...ya freak!
I used to live in a city with not one..but two vehicles riding around that were slowly but surely covered in bumper and other stickers....was probably all that held them together after a while