@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
I have often thought about what people in your position must go through when being asked for help in ending an intolerable situation. It must be hell.
I dont call it hell.
Remember, i was working with some of these people for YEARS... I saw them walk into a hospital, walk into their own rooms and almost over night, stop walking... have to wear a diaper.. lose their speech, not recognize their children... No. Being asked for help was not hell.
In fact, if I can explain it properly.. i didnt feel ANYTHING that was wrong when asked that. It , to me .. was pretty normal, pretty natural and not anything that rocked me.
When people would ask , I would shut the door and talk with them about it. I wanted to hear what they thought they would do.. WHY they thought they should do it and listen to their outlines for the last part of their lives. A lot of times I could get that random person on the phone that they needed to say something to and it helped.. even though I would not.
I can not lie and say I would NEVER help. If it were not a felony.. if it were not illegal, I would sign up and start doing it now. People know when they want to die no matter what WE think .
I see absolutely nothing wrong with a person ending their lives, but I see a lot wrong with those who want to interfere and tell them they are wrong for wanting to do so. The only emotional reaction I ever had was sadness. Sadness because what they were requesting was perfectly fine and something that COULD be done.. and if they could have done it them selves.. they would have.
i think.... being to the point where I have to ASK for help for something that private would be more hell than most anything else...
but i do understand what you are saying and yes.. there are people who being asked that simple of a question would devastate them for life. Not all people can look at a situation like that with out putting their own emotions on the front burner and trying to make the situation comfortable for THEM despite what the other person may need. Being able to do that is not easy especially when dealing with death.