I have been religious about food for 20 years. That is why I am still strong and able to work a physical job with the younger folks. Perhaps I shouldn't be too harsh with doctors, since I don't recall the last one I went to for illness, how long ago and what for.
I figure I eat much more chile and garlic than you do, because I like them, not because I am a food saint. I also totally skip them sometimes.
People always think I am as you call it a food saint. But, I backslide all the time. Posts on a forum never tell the full story.
I know you aren't a saint, thank goodness, but you can sound that way, man with rules.
Truth is, I should be more, not less, aggressive in matters of diet.
What does this graphic show us? Is it that the various amino acids in several foods are different? I mean glutamic acid is glutamic acid. I dont see it compparing proteins v amino acids.
The Y axis doesnt make sense specifically.
Genetic dispositions don't mean much to me, and i think it is correct to say that they follow rather than lead evolutionary change. Early modern man needed to store fat in order to survive winter once they had moved into termperate zone climates, and especially when they began to live on the periglacial steppes. It is far more efficient to store fat by eating fatty meats than it is to eat non-game sources of food and convert them to fat. Our ancestors had strong impulses to eat fats and sugars, and to store fats and sugars outside the body to sustain them over the winter. The fats could almost be said to have been more important than the protein. There is such a thing as protein starvation, which has been recorded in ships at sea on long voyages and long marches of armies which herded their own livestock. The salt pork and salt beef which ships carried were seethed in large copper cookers in the galley, and the fat was skimmed off by the cook and stored in barrels. It was known as slush and was not only used as a lubricant on shipboard, but was also put up in barrels which were the cook's perquisite. The cook sold those barrels of slush to ships' chandlers in port, and hence the origin of the term slush fund. Most of the fat from the salt pork or salt beef didn't make it into the sailors' diet. Armies on long marches which herded their own livestock tended to march the fat off the cattle--the soldiers could get all the meat they could eat, but very little fat in their diets. This was recorded by the Lewis and Clark expedition, too, who at one point in the second year were killing and eating their ponies, which animals had very little fat left by the time they were slaughtered.
I have heard, but cannot vouch for the accuracy of a claim that we have a genetic disposition to want fats and sugars, and to prefer to get them from meats and fruits.
Sun Warrior? Is that a pizza topping?
If God didn't intend us to eat animals, He wouldn't have made them out of meat.
For those who don't know it, it appears that the member "Anomie" is peddling a vegan food source. Sunwarrior is a non soy, raw whole grain sprouted vegan protein. It is unsurprising to see a chart provided by a commercial source which shows that commercial product as "superior" to other protein sources.
Thanks for that, it reminds me of that episode of the Simpsons where the school could not afford proper copies of the periodic table and had to use a promotional one supplied by a hot dog firm.
meat is used in most of the world as a "Flavoring".
Well said.
I have defended eating meat. On the other hand, my boss is a vegetarian. And a body builder, of sorts. She is not muscle bound, but you can tell she has muscles. For her, I would defend not eating meat. It is her life.
You know, I like it when women eat my meat... even if they are vegetarians
(I apologize to any women for this immature joke)
I still hope there is space in this world for any sorts of beliefs as people mind their own business with them, which is what we call being civil...I personally love meat but have no problems with vegan friends, I have several...although in my defence I can reassure anyone that it feels pretty natural eating meat to me...
I love my vegan friends. I love my girlfriend's vegan daughter. I love this joke:
Q: How can tell if there are two vegans in a crowd of 100 people?
A: Don't worry. They will tell you.
I think i could like a vegan . . . if slow roasted, with lots of garlic . . .
They all seem kind of lean, too lean, for roasting long term; you'd be making nothing but something akin to jerky.
I'd go for a nice all-day slow cook in a broth of onions, garlic, cabbage and a big bunch of carrots.
Joe(sideserve: Basmati Rice)Nation
@Joe Nation,
Good thinkin' . . . kinda like this, huh?