House Panel on whether women should have access to contraceptives

Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2012 09:54 am
does one get a coupon for a free abortion with every box, sounds like a good deal, you never know when you might need a snicker doodle or an abortion

or both
Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2012 10:01 am
Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2012 10:14 am
The following is pretty standard image of girl scouts selling cookies.


2011-2012 Girl Scout Product Activities
Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2012 12:28 pm
izzythepush wrote:
reforms that are opposed by five sixths of the population.
Exclamation That's a lot. Are there specific changes being made that they're especially against?
Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2012 12:53 pm
It's about taking control of the budget from Health Care Trusts which are Hospital based, and passing it to individual groups of GPs. There is already outcry about one group of Gps who sent all their patients a letter from a private company offering a full range of tests. A lot of these tests are available on the NHS, and some patients who were already undergoing consultation thought it might have something to do with that.
Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2012 03:30 pm
Thanks, Izzy. I'd googled it, of course, but wasn't clear on what the major objectionable changes were.
Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2012 05:02 pm
This is what happened to the health secretary when he tried to go to a meeting about the changes just a couple of days ago.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2012 05:17 pm
No picture there of me selling cookies under the always dank but these two days more dank Maple Street overpass in the rain (a Chicago El Station). It wasn't entirely desolate, just almost entirely: there were a couple of stores under there (a magic shop if I remember), and my mother was with me (thank you, Mommie). Sort of creepy in memory.

On the other hand, I learned a lot in the girl scouts, including beginning cooking.

This assault on contraceptives (oh, hi, bishops and others) confuses me - I can't suss out if it is a sputtering balloon or the shape of things to come, as from my view, people seem to be getting more stupid. Or the stupid are getting more press.
Reply Thu 23 Feb, 2012 04:18 pm

0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2012 10:12 am
Oh well, apparently Morris apologizes for painting the whole girl scouts with a wide brush but still stands by his remarks and other right-wing groups have joined in defending his remarks.

Indiana Republican Backtracks From Attack On Girl Scouts, While Other Right-Wing Groups Continue Smears

Links embedded in the article.

I guess if you work for planned parenthood and you also do work for Girl Scouts it automatically means you are promoting abortions and contraceptives for growing girls in the girl scouts. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2012 11:04 am
maxdancona wrote:
Religious groups are balking at this saying it hurts their conscience paying for health care that covers health care.

Isn't that the way of all taxes. It hurts a lot of people's consciences paying for nuclear missiles. It hurts my conscience paying for banker's bonuses.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 08:41 am
I guess if a woman testifies for this panel they are sluts or "round heeled."

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown student whom House Republicans wouldn’t let testify at a contraception hearing last week, a “slut” and a “prostitute” today, because, Limbaugh argued, she’s having “so much sex” she needs other people to pay for it:
LIMBAUGH: What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke [sic] who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex. What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She’s having so much sex she can’t afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex.

While it’s probably not even worth engaging with Limbaugh on the facts, Fluke’s testimony was about a friend who is a lesbian and needed birth control for non-sexual medical reasons, so he’s only wrong about three times over, and offensive many more times over than that.
Later, he feigned a walk-back, saying “OK, she’s not a slut, she’s round-heeled” — a colloquialism for a loose woman.

links at the source

I wonder if someone being gay will be reason for someone to deny someone else coverage for insurance because their sexual orientation is against their "moral beliefs?"
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 11:06 am
Can't find it yet, but the Senate defeated the Bill. 51 to 48. pity they don't have a victory dance emoticon.
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 11:09 am

Senate defeats bill to reverse birth control rule

By LAURIE KELLMAN, Associated Press – 6 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate has defeated a Republican effort to roll back President Barack Obama's policy on contraception insurance coverage.

The measure sponsored by Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican, was defeated 51-48. The measure, an amendment to a pending transportation bill, would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of portions of the president's health care law they found morally objectionable. That would have included the law's requirement that insurers cover the costs of birth control.

Republicans said it was a matter of freedom of religion; Democrats said it was an assault on women's rights and could be used to cancel virtually any part of the law.
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 11:13 am

A GOP-led attempt to rollback new rules requiring insurance companies to provide free contraceptive care was dismissed by the Senate -- a rejection of Republican pivot toward conservative social issues and a victory for President Obama's health care law.

The 51-48 vote to table the Republican measure showed dissent among the GOP, as several Republican senators said the legislation was too broad for their support.


The measure also divided Democrats, as three Democrats, Sen. Casey of Pennsylvania, Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska voted for to keep the measure. One Republican, retiringSen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, joined Democrats in turning it back.

Some on both sides of the aisle decried what they considered a political sideshow. Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) noted that the measure was an amendment to a transportation bill. "How is this conversation relevant to job creation or to infrastructure?" he asked.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said she hoped the chamber would "move forward to address the many important, pressing issues facing in our nation, and stop engaging in what is clearly an election-year ploy."
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 02:57 pm
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said she hoped the chamber would "move forward to address the many important, pressing issues facing in our nation, and stop engaging in what is clearly an election-year ploy."

Snowe on Wednesday called the Blunt amendment “much broader than I could support,” giving voice to the kind of political independence which has become a hallmark of her 33 years of service in Congress.

However, Snowe’s home-state colleague and fellow Republican moderate, Sen. Susan Collins, chose to support the attempt to restrict birth control.

That Snowe and Collins had chosen a more-moderate course gave the pair “outsized influence in the Senate in recent years as they frequently became crucial swing votes on major issues,” according to a Maine newspaper.

But while the departing Snowe decided, once again, to walk away from the GOP party line, Collins, up for re-election in 2014, chose to hew to it.

Speaking on the Senate floor ahead of the vote, Collins says she was conflicted about the Blunt amendment but complained that those in the Obama administration “are playing politics with” the birth-control issue.

“… I feel I have no choice. I hope the amendment will be refined, and I also hope that the senate will move forward to address the many important pressing issues facing our nation and stop engaging in what is clearly an election year ploy,” she says.

Meanwhile, she had to look only to her soon-to-be-departed fellow senator from Maine to see that a choice was indeed possible.


After saying that the Washington, D.C., Department of Health "will send you free condoms and lube," Limbaugh said: "So, Ms. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I'll tell you what it is. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch."


Disgusting man.
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Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 03:13 pm
The limbaugh thing has taken over the discussion today online and in the media. It's going to be devastating to the GOP argument, as it reveals what truly underpins many of their objections.

Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 03:32 pm
Limbaugh needs to replace the batteries in his hearing aids so he can hear what is actually being said instead of listening to the voices in his drug-induced wet dreams.

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Reply Sat 3 Mar, 2012 08:46 am
This attack on Fluke reminds me when men used to attack women who tried to bring charges against sexual assault and testified in court. In the end it would end up being about whether the woman wore short skirts and whether she asked for it or not.

Bill O’Reilly Sides With Limbaugh In His War On Sandra Fluke

As much of the country recoils in revulsion from Rush Limbaugh’s shockingly misogynistic attacks on Sandra Fluke, the young Georgetown Law student who testified before Congress about the need for women to have access to contraception, Fox News is siding with Limbaugh. Our Priscilla previously reported on Fox's Todd Starnes’ vile tweets in support of Limbaugh. Exhibit Number Two: Bill O’Reilly. O’Reilly didn’t directly address Limbaugh’s hideous rhetoric (though you know that no such reticence would have occurred had he been a liberal attacking a conservative). Instead, O’Reilly regurgitated Limbaugh’s arguments using slightly milder language. Rather than calling Fluke a "slut" outright - as Limbaugh did - O'Reilly merely implied it.

"Do you want to pay for other peoples’ activities?" O'Reilly asked condemningly - as though only certain people have sex.

He continued,

"…Sandra Fluke believes that all of us should pay for her sexual activities… I’m asking this with all due respect, I am. You want me to give you my hard-earned money so you can have sex? Is that what you’re asking for? Good grief."

Actually, I see it as paying for contraception, not sex, and it’s not O’Reilly being asked to pay, but insurance companies. But putting that aside, I don’t see why O'Reilly's view of contraception coverage is any different from insurance companies paying for smoking-related diseases, accident injuries or obesity-caused conditions. Will multimillionaire O’Reilly be railing against medical coverage for those next?

“What about the concerns of Americans, in general, now forced to buy health insurance who don’t want to pay extra for Sandra Fluke’s social decisions? …To (Fluke and her supporters), sex is a potential health crisis so American taxpayers should now be responsible for what goes on in everybody’s bedroom. I don’t think I can make it any more vivid. This is a freedom issue. My freedom as an American is being encroached upon. The Obama administration is trying to force me and you to pick up the tab for what people do in their private time.

…Now the progressive colossus is demanding payment for Sandra Fluke so that she can go through Georgetown Law School with an active, healthy social life."

O’Reilly also compared contraception coverage to providing drugs to addicts.

The subtext of O’Reilly’s argument is that contraception coverage is somehow a “price” that he is being asked to pay for women’s bad behavior. But sexual activity is not like doing drugs. It’s a normal part of nearly everyone’s behavior. O’Reilly didn’t even consider the possibility that many Georgetown Law School students – like women everywhere – might be married.

But, OK, O’Reilly doesn’t think contraception should be covered. We’ll even stipulate that maybe he has a valid argument. But that is no excuse to vilify Fluke. This is not about her sex life or his paying for it. It’s about contraception for women and whether there should be mandatory coverage for it in health insurance. It’s hard to believe O’Reilly doesn’t get that and that he didn’t make a calculated decision – just like Limbaugh did – to denigrate Fluke. For the sake of - pardon the pun - sexing up his own argument.

I’m sorry, Bill. You may have been a bit less incendiary than Rush but you came out looking like the same kind of prick.

Sandra Fluke was talking about a friend of hers who could not afford birth control pills for an illness she had. Do they just ignore completely what she testified about and just went on with what they wanted her to say? Why do people even give these people the time of day to be heard?

Speaking of O'Reilly, in 2008 he said Viagra should be covered by insurance but not birth control pills because impotence is a medical condition. So, he thinks we should pay for men to have sex, but not pay to prevent the outcome of that sex by preventing pregnancy.

As the blog Think Progress noted, on the July 17 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, while discussing the issue of whether health insurance plans that cover Viagra should also cover birth control, host Bill O'Reilly asserted: "Viagra is used to help a medical condition -- that's why it's covered. Birth control is not a medical condition, it is a choice. Why should I or anybody else have to pay for other people's choices?" But O'Reilly's assertion is contradicted by professional medical associations that have stated that pregnancy is a medical condition and that "[c]ontraception is medically necessary" for women.

O'Reilly made his comment after airing a Planned Parenthood Action Fund ad that included a clip of Sen. John McCain being asked: "It's unfair how the insurance companies cover Viagra but not birth control. Do you have an opinion on that?" McCain responded: "I don't know enough about it to give you an informed answer." During the segment, O'Reilly also said: "Do I have to buy you dinner before you use the birth control? Give me and every other taxpayer a break, Planned Parenthood."

Dr. Luella Klein, former president of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and then-director of ACOG's women's health issues, was quoted in a May 12, 1998, USA Today article as saying: "Pregnancy is a medical condition, just like impotence. And the cost benefit of preventing pregnancy is much greater than treating impotence." In addition, ACOG's "Contraceptive Equity Toolkit" states that "[m]ost women can become pregnant from the time they are teenagers until they are in their late forties" and that "[c]ontraception is medically necessary to a woman for more than 30 years of her life." The Toolkit added: "To ignore the health benefits of contraception is to say that the alternative of 12 to 15 pregnancies during a woman's lifetime is medically acceptable."

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