@Joe Nation,
Quote:They consistently misspell the word "color".
Joe(among many others)Nation
Apropos of something one of my British (Scottish, specifically) teacher friends said to me the other day as we were walking out the gate and to our cars. She said, I guess having forgotten for a minute that I was American, that she was really a little peeved and bothered by the way the world is becoming so haphazard and 'slapdash' in 'their' use of language and of particular concern to her were 'text-speak and American spellings'.
I said, 'Oh, you equate the two do you? American spellings are no better than text-speak in your mind?'
'What if one is American and spelling in America? Is it okay to use American spellings or would you still consider that 'wrong' and or 'slapdash'?
She said, 'Well, I guess I couldn't call it wrong, but I'd still call is 'slapdash'.
To which I replied, 'Well, I'd rather be slapdash than anal and persnickety about something as inconsequential as spelling.'
I add the u's here because basically it would cost me my job not to - but I cannot bring myself to write 'programme'. I go out of my way to find another word to use so I won't have to add those totally unnecessary last two letters that make me feel like I'm living in 'merry olde england and heading to the shoppe.'
And I still haven't gotten a satisfactory explanation for the potato/tomato thing. Why if you say to-mah-to for a word that spelled to-ma-to do you not also say po-tah-to for a word that's spelled po-ta-to?