More or less--specifically, a straw man argument in a mischaracterization. Whether or not the person employing a straw man argument has correctly interpreted what you've written is not explicit in the use of the straw man. A straw man argument characterizes one's argument in a manner which allows one's interlocutor to argue against that characterization rather than what you've actually said. It's called a straw man because the mischaracterization is one which the culprit feels can easily be knocked down.
Whether or not Finn actually employs straw man arguments, or simply isn't sufficiently intelligent to have grasped what one says, however, is fodder for speculation. Like many conservatives i've seen around here, he tends to speak in code words and code phrases, and to sneer about what he alleges the political viewpoints of others to be, rather than to actually debate an issue toe to toe. I've long suspected he lacks the skills to do so.