Would "Christians" vote for Mitt Romney if they knew Mormons rebaptise other religions' deads?

Reply Sun 5 Feb, 2012 08:17 pm
I was pointing it out as an example in which their theology has drastically changed to conform to a more mainstream christian viewpoint.

And I am simply pointing out that in the same timeframe, what you are calling "mainstream" christians have drastically changed their theology to conform to a more "mainstream" christian viewpoint.

This kind of hypocrisy really bothers me. You are defaming Mormons for changing their theology when the people you are calling "mainstream" have changed their theology just as much.

And don't you think that calling them a "parasitic religion" is a little hateful?
Reply Sun 5 Feb, 2012 08:34 pm
maxdancona wrote:

I was pointing it out as an example in which their theology has drastically changed to conform to a more mainstream christian viewpoint.

And I am simply pointing out that in the same timeframe, what you are calling "mainstream" christians have drastically changed their theology to conform to a more "mainstream" christian viewpoint.

This kind of hypocrisy really bothers me. You are defaming Mormons for changing their theology when the people you are calling "mainstream" have changed their theology just as much.

And don't pretend that calling them a "parasitic religion" isn't anything but hateful bigotry.

Defaming? No. Calling a cat a cat is more appropriate. I am absolutely fine with them having their viewpoints and their religion. I am absolutely, perfectly at peace with their culture and they way they choose to freely live their lives.

I can not, unfortunately, be OK with them claiming to be Christians when the tenants and views they embrace are so absolutely counter to what being a Christian actually entails.

It would be exactly like you being a Liberal, and then have Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum decide that if they went by the name 'Liberal' it would get them more votes. So they run on a Liberal ticket but only care bout conservative agendas and insist that you call them Liberals and allow them to be represented on the Democratic ticket.

It's also not hateful bigotry, though that's a VERY easy label to throw at people that disagree strongly with others. As I've said, I do not hate the LDS church. I WAS describing, again, a very real perception of a large part of the evangelical community of what the LDS church DOES and IS.

One of the things that they like to do is go to people that have recently joined the church, been baptised, and then say 'we actually have the rest of the story' and convert the newly converted. It's a tactic they use frequently and is the reason I referred to it as a parasitic religion.

They change their theology so that they can be better seen as something that they started out abhorring, then they used that new perception to convince new converts to join up. They feed off of Christianity.

And slavery was never a 'theology'. Joseph Smith testified that an angel with a sword came to him many times and commanded him to practice polygamy. Brigham Young stated the reason polygamy was instituted by the Lord was so that "Noble Spirits which are waiting for tabernacles might be brought forth."

Anyway. I wouldn't get very far at all hating 90% of neighbors. As a side note, the Mormon families around me are very nice, very respectful, and this is perhaps the best neighborhood I have ever lived in. My responses here have been in regards to the issue that an apparent LDS member earlier posted between the Evangelicals and themselves.
Reply Sun 5 Feb, 2012 08:46 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Thanks for the memories..
Reply Sun 5 Feb, 2012 08:51 pm
I would yawn away this election, aside of course from voting, which I always do, except that I can project my good and dear mother being on the gop side, since religion is where she made her stands, all those years ago. It's a little like seeing a ghost for me, all these people with my mother's point of view, so adament.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Feb, 2012 09:10 pm
Questioner, I don't even know where to start.

First of all, how is slavery any less of a theology than polygamy? Slavery was preached from the pulpit and was supported with Bible passages.

Second of all, the Christianity practiced now in the US is really a different religion that was practiced in the First Century, which was different from the Fourth Century which was different from the Middle Ages and the Enlightenment. Even Christians from 100 years ago would not relate to today's modern Christians.

Third of all, Modern Christianity largely stolen from an earlier religions. In each step ideas are taken but changed to meet newer ideas and needs.

Modern US Christianity stole from European Protestantism that stole from Catholicism that stole from Gnosticism and the early chuch of the fourth century that stole from Judiaism. Each of these steps is equivalent to the changes in Mormonism.

It is the hypocrisy that really bothers me.

Reply Sun 5 Feb, 2012 09:30 pm
It is the hypocrisy that really bothers me.

You don't seem to mind that it is an inherent part of life in the USA, Max. How come it doesn't bother you in this regard?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Feb, 2012 09:38 pm
Is there a "fee" involved in this?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2012 07:13 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Would "Christians" vote for Mitt Romney if they knew Mormons
rebaptise other religions' deads?
I doubt that thay care much.
Republicans don't believe in God anyway... It is all sham... They do it because the other guy is doing it and because their religion allows any vice in the pursuit of personal gain...By the same token, Democrats have no manadate from Jesus to organize for the purpose of steering government towards hope, charity, and compassion... If the democrats had faith in God, the would keep out of government, and do good while resisting evil... They organize because Evil organizes, and they hope to counter that organization with organization... But evil is a single purpose and so much easier to organize around, while good is present in every opportunity... Organization defeats good by sapping its will with politics, and it deflects people from their purpose... It is better for people to disarganize evil, than to organize to combat evil... So; you are right that Republicans do not care much for God... God is but an impediment to their final destination, and an insignificant one at that...
Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2012 07:30 am
I have no interest
in your hallucinations.

Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2012 07:32 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

I have no interest
in your hallucinations.

If there were a God of Hate you would never get off your knees long enough to take a pee...
Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2012 08:18 am
I don't hate u, Fido. There is no reason for that.
I just don't wanna be bothered with your halluciations.
For that reason, I seldom read your posts; once in a while
just a little skim of a few words of one.

In another century, I liked a girl who sadly was afflicted
with paranoia; very delusive. I tried to participate in having
a pleasant time with her in nice restaurants over dinner,
but she INSISTED on making me listen to her delusions.
I was forever triaging her words as to what was believable,
what was obvious nonsense and what was a mixture of the 2.

I 'm not gonna begin doing that again with U, Fido,
but I don't hate u, nor do I wish u any unhappiness.

Who knows: maybe some day u will recover your sound mental health. Good luck with that.

Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2012 10:22 am
To answer the original question, I think that those who claim to be Christians who are also republicans will vote for Romney. Those who claim to be Christians and also democrat will vote for Obama. When it comes to elections, I don't think religion plays that big of a part in it, at least once the two parties have picked their nominee.

Some republican Christians may not be thrilled in voting for Romney, but will probably vote for him if for no other reason than to rid the country of Obama. And a small number may ever vote for a third party candidate because of Romney's religion. But in the end it won't be enough to make any appreciable difference in the outcome.

Of course, this represents my own personal opinion. For what it is worth.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2012 12:19 pm

I come from a Christian background.
I intend to vote for Newt.

I like Ron Paul a lot; he 'a good American,
his fanatical pacifism is intolerably dangerous for all citizens of sea ports, so it is Newt.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2012 12:20 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

I don't hate u, Fido. There is no reason for that.
I just don't wanna be bothered with your halluciations.
For that reason, I seldom read your posts; once in a while
just a little skim of a few words of one.

In another century, I liked a girl who sadly was afflicted
with paranoia; very delusive. I tried to participate in having
a pleasant time with her in nice restaurants over dinner,
but she INSISTED on making me listen to her delusions.
I was forever triaging her words as to what was believable,
what was obvious nonsense and what was a mixture of the 2.

I 'm not gonna begin doing that again with U, Fido,
but I don't hate u, nor do I wish u any unhappiness.

Who knows: maybe some day u will recover your sound mental health. Good luck with that.

Freud said: Neurosis does not deny existence of reality, it merely tries to ignore it: Psychosis denies it and tries to substitute something else for it... A reaction which combines features of both these is the one we call normal, or "healthy"; it denies reality as little as neurosis, but, then, like psychosis, is concerned with effecting a change in it...

Now; by that standard you are psychotic since you deny reality at the same time trying to transform it... I am normal enough by Freud's standard, but were I truly normal in my own eyes I would have to share your psychosis as I cannot... I wish to change nothing... I deny nothing... The problem is not alone myself... The problem is all of us because for quite realistic reasons we cannot change, and no animal can change itself though each can learn...And the psychotic is an exception because they cannot learn and at the same time deny reality... What sets me apart is not that I have been diagnosed with some terrible disorder, because I have not... I recognized that I am depressed only because I find myself more so and less so... My disease, to put a name on it is nostalgia, and I fear it is fatal...I miss the people who once shared my life, and I remember a more rural time, and when ever I must drive down a country road I am afflicted with nostalgia, and my heart aches for the people I once loved now gone...

But I do not **** myself as you so seem to do about the past being better when whites did not have to share their rights and property with so many of so many nations poor and withut promise...There was a time when there was no limit to wealth, and resources seemed endless... Now even our most abundant resources must be bought and rationed in their own ways: Sunscreen for the Sun, filters or taxes for fresh water... You would change everything if you were given your way, and I would change little...

All I would change is this: I would have humanity understand what to me seems obvious... All human progress demands a change of forms... That person changing a pair of house slippers for a pair of boots to go out into the snow is doing what everyone would do with this society if they were aware of what they could change and what they cannot... Awarness is a small thing to offer a person, and it hardly deserves thanks; and if you were not so stuck in your denial of reality I would have your thanks... But from a psychotic no one can expect thanks let alone wisdom... Here is you in a portrait by Lictenberg, since you so often want to punish the innocent and spare the guilty: It is Questionable whether when we break a murderer on the wheel, we aren't lapsing into precisely the mistake of the child who hits the chair he bumps into...
Most of society's maimed were maimed by a society that cannot escape the form of its principals that no longer work, if they ever did... The form of our Economy had its religious, philosophical and legal defense; but all it ever was was justified self interest... I will not deny that some good did come out of it, but little good, and very little of good...Much of what we call progress rests solely on the death wish, and the environment and resources have certainly been destroyed in the process, and that is normal, and not healthy...

When some idiot tells the poor in a land with millions unemployed that they should get a job he is just like the Presbeterians who once punished poverty with their poor laws... They deny their own responsibility in the reality they have, and what they want is to attack a symptom rather than the disease, because the cause would be found in their own behavior which they cannot change though they can blame the poor, and punish them...You are psychotic in your denial of the reality before you, but at least you are not so alone as I...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2012 01:37 pm
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:

Would "Christians" vote for Mitt Romney if they knew Mormons rebaptise other religions' deads?

Sure, he's better than Obama and that's what's important.
Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2012 01:53 pm
H2O MAN wrote:

BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:

Would "Christians" vote for Mitt Romney if they knew Mormons rebaptise other religions' deads?

Sure, he's better than Obama and that's what's important.
As sooon as the possession of wealth equals social worth...Until then he is just a tax dodging piece of living ****...
Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2012 02:03 pm
Fido wrote:

As sooon as the possession of wealth equals social worth...Until then he is just a tax dodging piece of living ****...

Obama's a tax dodging piece of living ****... got it.
Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2012 02:04 pm
You're right. Every religion, sect, and denomination make exactly as much sense to me as any other. Some may seem in better taste than others, but that's as much a person's background as anything else.
Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2012 02:15 pm
H2O MAN wrote:

Fido wrote:

As sooon as the possession of wealth equals social worth...Until then he is just a tax dodging piece of living ****...

Obama's a tax dodging piece of living ****... got it.
Get it... They are both tax dodging pieces of ****, but Mr. Obama has less, and so less reason to dodge... If you look at the history of the income tax you would find that it was made constitutional to bleed the rich and make them pay their fair share, but it was turned, and laid on the backs of the poor who cannot pay it... The rich have shown they could pay much more but they cried the blues and their government heard them... It is primarily as a result of tax policy and tax evasion that so much of the expense of government is carried in debt and loaded on future generations...

So tell me why it is that people making greater profits than ever cannot pay nearly what they once paid in support of their governement??? Are they unpatriotic??? They are treasonous, making enemies for us all over the world, and charging the cost to us -loaning our government the money which it must collect from us even if it means selling us into slavery...Romney is a traitor denying to his country his support and its due income, and all the time seeking the highest office so he can justify his actions by making them universal to his class... Romney is scum... He is the shine on ****...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2012 02:18 pm
roger wrote:

You're right. Every religion, sect, and denomination make exactly as much sense to me as any other. Some may seem in better taste than others, but that's as much a person's background as anything else.
Churches are hospitals where the less well nurse the less sick...
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