I've discovered a wonderful site that exposes corruption in and around the Washington D.C. government. Outstanding information about how it works, how to identify it, and how to stop it from corrupting our democracy.
Here is the site:
Republic Report.org -
Some of the current stories that will interest you:
Agribusiness Fights to Allow Children to Work in Manure Pits.
Stealth Influence: Defense Contractors Lavish Congressman McKeon’s Wife With Campaign Donations.
JACK ABRAMOFF: Attempting to Repair Our Democracy.
VIDEO: Anita Dunn Defends Her Dual Role As White House Advisor, Influence Peddler.
EXCLUSIVE: Koch Brothers Convene Ultra-Secret Billionaires Meeting To Raise Funds, Plot Strategy.
Bill Gates Praises CEO of Washington Post’s Kaplan Unit, Whose Profits Benefit Gates Foundation.
Amazon Spends $156,000 To Win Tax Break Costing South Carolina $2.5 Million A Year.
I recommend this site.