Sun 22 Jan, 2012 12:42 pm
If someone could quickly translate this, that would be great. They are excerpts from the Latin translation of Odysseus. It needs to be accurate.
"Hanc tibi gratiam pro tanto beneficio referam; te postremum omnium devorabo"
Tum Ulixes sociis convocatis, "Habemus," inquit, "quam petivimus facultatem; ne tantam occasionem rei bene gerendae omittamus." (Hortatory Clause.)
Tum causam, veniendi docuerunt atque eis persuadere conati sunt ut secum ad navem redirent. (Indirect Command.)
Ulixes cum ab hora (line over the a) septima ad vesperum excspectasset, veritus ne socii sui in periculo versarentur, non nullos e reliquis misit, ut quae causa esset morae cognoscerent. (Fear Clause.)
Hoc cum dixisset, abierunt cyclopes cum in insaniam incidisse arbitrati. (Cum Clause.)
The reason I am not replying to this is that these passages are from a Latin
text that is often assigned as homework. If questions are asked about
specific problems with specific passages, I'll be happy to help.