kjvtrue wrote:Montana wrote:I have no clue Caprice. I've only been in Canada for 3 1/2 years now except when I was little and I never watch the show. I'm sure if I saw him I'd know who he was, but I really don't spend much time watching tv.
"Than why is your User Name Montana!"
What does her user name have to do with what she said? *confuddled*
I picked Montana as my user name because there's a show I watch with a woman in the show who's character is called Montana. The womans character is very much like me, so that's my story. It's not the state Montana, it's the cowgirl Montana ;-)
Lucky the name of the character wasn't "Ugly Woman with Drinking Problem Who can Shoot a Gun and Round Up Cattle"!.
Mr Stillwater wrote:Lucky the name of the character wasn't "Ugly Woman with Drinking Problem Who can Shoot a Gun and Round Up Cattle"!.
That's the way we do it in Australia, sweet talk 'em everytime!!
Mr. S.; you're starting to sound like Ben; and that's not good, believe me!