OmSigDAVID wrote:I wonder Y ! ? ?
She already spoke on the subject before; I 'm only pursuing the point
for greater elucidation, in contemplation of interesting comments
on the subject by respectable experts.
izzythepush wrote:I thought you were asking Hawkeye to justify his claims with some evidence.
I hadn't realised you'd decuded to turn your guns on Firefly.
We r not
FIGHTing, Izzy.
I look upon our discussion of this subject as pleasant and congenial
in an ambiance of intellectual tranquility.
So far as I can remember, Firefly has always been polite in our conversation
and neither of us has ever descended to any hurling of
ad hominem abuse at the other.
My only characterizations of her were those of genuine admiration, not gunning for her.
I was only
hoping to elicit comments i.e.,
Firefly 's point of vu, upon the videos of experts
( an ex-Criminal Defense Attorney current Law Professor and a senior Police Officer-lawyer ) concerning the wisdom
of offering statements to the police in America. This is so because to
MY mind their counsel is, if not dispositively probative,
then at least cogent on the subject and I am enthusiastic to hear
counter-arguments in favor of Firefly's contrasting point of vu,
which tacitly
implies that one shud indeed give statements to the police.
Because I have come to respect and to admire
Firefly's professional sagacity, acumen and discernment,
I hope to hear argument in support of her philosophy on this point (but
not to turn my guns on her).
LIKE fireflys; thay r