ehBeth wrote:That's not too difficult.
There is the evidence of the people he was with earlier in the evening.
won't say that its
but I think its
DIFFICULT, particularly bearing in mind
that this thread indicates friendly support for defendant.
The issue is fraught with uncertainty.
WHAT was seen by whom under what circumstances?
Did he accurately see how the drink was made? Sure of who drank it?
See it being drunk, or liquid being held in a hand?
Count the drinks?? What, if anything, did u see him
Any reasons to dislike defendant?
Any disagreements with him?
"Do u remember how many drinks
u had b4 u saw defendant drinking? Tell the jury what
YOU had that nite.
How about your friends Joe Blow and Jane Doe? What did
thay have that nite?"
How much time between drinx?? Coffee?
Did he get much
exercise? Dancing??
I see a lot of room for uncertainty there.
Defense counsel coud have some fun with that.
If Thom's friends
bear him good will, he shoud have a sweet ride.
("Well, u know, I was not paying that much attention to him.
I was distracted by yada, yada . . . .")
ehBeth wrote:Also, a good set of toxicology tests will be able to pinpoint when he started drinking,
and if there was anything else in his bloodstream that could have impacted his ability to respond.
Was it administered?
How soon after his drinking
to quell his state of alarm in his home??
Administered by M.D.s in a hospital?
Will medical expert testify?
Detour thru the Police Station ?
How much do u need to raise reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury?
ehBeth wrote:A sober driver, with good reflexes, can do a decent job of preventing serious injury to someone who jumps in front of a car, let alone someone on a bicycle who might have been swerving (if we believe the things posters here are trying to add to the scenario).
People have to remember that cars can be dangerous. They are weapons when they are controlled by the wrong person.
Don't drink and drive.
If you do, don't expect sympathy.
Jurors who have
done it themselves might possibly empathize with defendant.
I 'd not bet against it. Maybe human nature has changed since I retired.