I just don’t understand drinking and driving

Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2012 10:58 pm
Kind of like most marriages however as I was raised in a household where the last decision my father make was when he said I do on his wedding day, so I been use to the concept of a beneficial female dictatorship all my life.

In fact on the way home from my folk wedding it is known that my mother went to a jukebox and play there will be some changes make.

On my second and current marriage I also follow the family pattern in marrying someone who is brighter then I am.

So far it is working out fairly well as she been in my life on and off since 1985 and we been married since 2006.

Did not rush into my second marriage to say the least.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 02:40 am
Not really Bill.. Depends maybe on your up-bringing? Beliefs?

Judging on what you are stating there.. You had a very strong opinionated Mother whom took the roost and ran it and as such you married someone just like her, only to be more careful the second time around as you took forever to accept her, yet you still liked that control / power of a woman but perhaps really you wished you could go for equality but alas not to be as you need someone stronger.

Is that why you like Fire-Fly? She's a strong woman....


Not judging , just observing.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 04:06 am
BillRM wrote:
Googling...........how to fixed an unhinged jaw

You'd be better off trying to fix your unhinged brain first.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 07:52 am
Damn I wrote a long reply and then for some reason it did not post so here is a shorter version.

First as all the adult women in my family during my childhood had been strong not just my mother so I never even knew that some repeat some women consider themselves and was consider by others not to be full adults and the equal of men until my late teens.

One problem, I had is that while I was always been attractive to strong women I do not have the very very easier going personality of a man like my father that would make having stable relationships with such women an easier task.

Now I been overstating and teasing slightly the degree that my wife have control of the family still I had learn that a happy wife is essence to a happy husband.

Now why so long before marrying?

Well we both are second time around in the married game and for myself after the ending of my first marriage I was determine for many years/decades never to allow anyone the power to destroy my happiness and peace of mind that a marriage license grant another person.

Second we both have strong personalities and getting a long term and stable relationship going was not a simple task for us.

Now as far as Firefly and being attractive to the lady you got to be kidding me as the only point she share with my wife is a strong personality and a fairly high intellect.

Unlike my wife she seems from her tens of thousands of postings to view men as a class as sexual predators who are either rapists or would be rapists who lust is barely held in check by the fear of an all powerful state.

Worst perhaps she also seems to view most women as defenseless victims or would be victims of men who are not full adults as far as being free to use their own judgments in relationships and needing the protection of the state and it laws not only to protected them from the evil men but from their own child like judgments.

God know what family dynamics she must had face in growing up.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 11:16 am
Poor baby Firefly even in pain from my jaw I got to feel sorry for you as I double in your long life that any male had have sexual fantasies concerning you.

Given you fear and hate and fear of men that had come through your postings here the likelihood of you ever having even one intimacy relationship with a man is near to zero also.

Men fall into two classes rapists or would be rapists barely held in check by the state.

Only the all powerful state and it laws keep women somewhat safe.

Sad to be going to your grave without sharing a loving relationship with a man.

These are are all your usual sick fantasies about me. Absolutely nothing you have said is true. They say a lot about your peculiar obsession with me, which seems to include how you think about me sexually.

Can you find one post I've ever made at A2K that expresses my fear and hatred of all men? Or my fear and hatred of any men? Or my fear and hatred of anyone?

Yes, I support rape laws. So do most of the people around the globe, including most men. So, in your warped mind, that must mean the entire world views men as "rapists or would be rapists barely held in check by the state"? Is that how you see drunk driving laws too? I also support drunk driving laws, as do most of the people around the globe. Are most people drunk drivers, or would be drunk drivers, "barely held in check by the state"? Are you a rapist, or would be rapist, and a drunk driver, or would be drunk driver, "barely held in check by the state"? If so, I suggest you speak for yourself, and not insult other men, or other people who drive cars.

And, in your sick mind, if I support rape laws, I obviously hate and fear men, I've obviously never had an intimate or loving relationship with one, and no man has ever had a sexual fantasy about me, blah, blah, blah. Do you feel that way about all women who support rape laws? That would be practically all women, BillRM. Do you see all women as hating and fearing you? Is that why you are absolutely obsessed with the issue of false rape accusations, and try to claim that most rape accusations are malicious lies, and that women can't be trusted--because women hate and fear men? That's a great view of women you have, BillRM.

Why, on earth, would I want to share any details of my sexual or loving relationships with men with a creep like you?

Only the all powerful state and it laws keep women somewhat safe

So, you don't think we need laws to keep people safe? Anyone who thinks we need rape laws, or laws against theft of property, or traffic laws, or drunk driving laws, wants a "police state"? And the only ones being kept safe are women?
You don't feel safe even with the laws, which is why you carry a gun--and so does you're wife, who you've told us even sleeps with a gun.

Guess what, BillRM. I'm not as paranoid or fearful as you are--I don't feel the need to carry a gun, or own one. I'd rather just support the laws and their enforcement.

I do support the drunk driving laws. By your warped logic that means I am anti-alcohol and want to bring back prohibition.

It is your attack of the drunk driving laws, and your insistence that the legal BAC level should be raised, for which you have put forth an unsubstantiated argument that disregards all facts and statistics, that makes very little sense, even common sense. You apparently don't want any laws to keep people safer. Except, of course, the laws that let you carry and own your guns. Those are the only laws you do support.

Make no mistake, my feelings toward you in no way reflect how I feel about men in general--no way. Nor do I ever insult other posters at A2K the way I insult you, not even Hawkeye. I'm not given to insulting people, but in your case, I really have to make an exception. Your expressed views and attitudes toward women have been extremely insulting, your fantasies and delusions about me are offensive, your opinions on many things are often inane or at odds with reality or facts, the things you choose to reveal about yourself are often unsavory, and I have no regard or respect for you whatsoever.

Is that clear enough for you?

Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 11:36 am
His obsession with you is more pathetic than anything else. He constantly discloses tedious details of his dull life, which tepid as they are, are probably wildly exaggerated, seeing that he keeps changing his story.

He's a Walter Mitty character, but a Walter Mitty who has wild fantasies about driving in the fog. No wonder he spends so much time online.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 12:18 pm
No izzy I am in love with your charming self and am looking forward to leaving my wife and having a long and loving relationship with you in merry old england.

At least I would far prefer an gay relationship with you then any type of relationship with Firefly.

She is so bended and warp that she make you look desirable and that is saying something indeed.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 01:02 pm
Now that I had deal with izzy let very briefly deal with you as anyone can read your tens of thousands of postings and draw their own conclusions.

First you had proudly stated that when juries find men innocent of rape the public still should label them as rapists as innocent verdicts prove nothing.

If an innocent man is charge falsely and that is proven beyond question it not the fault of the charge bringer but of the DA who believe her story and at the most she should face a minor charge such as filing a false police report.

When I happen to agree with the bulk of the sitting federal judges that the sentencing guidelines are too harsh for having CP and express the opinion that the UK deal with the matter far more sanely I must be in fact be a CP collector myself.

When I reply to your nonsense comments in that regard with the sarcastic comment that I do indeed trade CP with federal judges you cut off the part concerning federal judges and then claimed that I had come clean that I was indeed a CP trader.

When I stated that I had installed top level security on my wife notebook computer your cute question is she also a CP collector.

When I express my disagreement with the current DUI laws it only could be because I am an alcoholic and a drunk driver myself as who else would disagree with such laws otherwise.

Let see then there are the comments that the only reason I think that adult women should be responsible for their own sexual actions under the voluntary influence of either drugs or alcohols was that must be the only way I can get women to have sex.

There are many other examples in your postings not only aim at me but anyone else who dare to disagree with you on any subject.

To sum up in my opinion you are one ugly human being and I am not talking about your physical appearance.

Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 01:58 pm
Firefly is any oppressive dictators wet dream of a high level bureaucrat...
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 02:03 pm
His obsession with you is more pathetic than anything else.

And, what's even more pathetic is that he has an inability to stop himself, or control himself, from continuing to post his delusions, distortions, and fantasies about me. In real life, I'd slap him with a libel/slander suit so fast his head would spin.

But, like many of the creeps who find a haven in the internet, he feels safe in using his anonymity as a tool of abuse and harassment to express all of the hostility he keeps bottled up in real life. And, in his case, that includes a great deal of hostility, and resentment, and animosity, toward women.

I'm one of the few women who still bothers to respond to his posts on any regular basis. He's turned off most women, and quite a few men, so that they ignore most of his posts, including his posts in this thread. He actively baits people, including you and me, just to provoke a response so he won't be ignored. And I've gotten flack from others just for responding to him, because that's seen as feeding him, and they just want me to ignore him too, because they're not anxious to hear more. He is absolutely clueless about why he elicits the negative, often insulting, responses he gets when people do reply to him. He has no insight into himself, at all, and if he doesn't have it online, he doesn't have it in real life as well.

I do think BillRM is rather pathetic. He's constantly trying to impress us with all sorts of details about himself to show, and try to convince us, he really is intelligent and smart, rather than letting his posts, and his thinking, and his logic, and his reasoning, speak for themselves. Why? Because, from reading his posts, people often wind up thinking he's an idiot.

I don't have to tell anyone the details of my life, or educational background, or accomplishments--some of the things BillRM is dying to know about me--in order for them to conclude I am an intelligent, likely well educated, person--I think those aspects of me come across quite clearly in my posts because they are part of me. I don't have to try to impress anyone, and I don't try to impress anyone, with my intelligence, and I don't have to post details about my personal life, or education, or accomplishments, to try to prove my intelligence to anyone.

But BillRM, because he feels so inadequate about such things, particularly his intelligence, is constantly on the defensive. And that makes it impossible for him to admit when he's wrong, or his reasoning is illogical, or when he's been clearly outclassed in an argument. All of that is too threatening to his shaky sense of self esteem, and his fears about not being as smart as others. So, he continues to go on, and on, and on, in just about every thread, clinging obsessively to arguments that others have already shot down, mindlessly repeating the same things over and over, like a deranged parrot. I'm not only willing to admit it when I'm wrong, I'm happy to find out if I've been wrong, because that's the only way you learn something. BillRM not only shows an incapacity to learn, from the things others post, he also displays significant incapacity to even accurately comprehend what others post, judging by the fact he distorts a good deal of what other posters have said.

He's not going to convince me he's a bright guy, nor did I ever ask, or want him to convince me. His posts speak for themselves, just as everyone else's do. And some of the things he chooses to reveal about himself in his posts, don't paint a very flattering picture of the man in terms of his personality or character. And, when others react to such things, with disapproving, or negative, or insulting, remarks, he goes into a flurry of denials and rationalizations, with no awareness of why he gets such feedback.

On balance, I certainly do agree with you that BillRM is pathetic. But his constant defamatory personal assaults on me are also pernicious, not to mention a pain in the neck, and extremely boring to other posters as well. But this rather pathetic person just can't shut up.

As an example of just how pathetic he is, consider his recent interchange with Found Soul, in this thread, about the term "drink driving". He went on endlessly about it, as if he never heard the term "drink driving" before--although it has been used quite often, and quite appropriately, in this thread from posters who live in Australia and the U.K.

BillRM, who brutally mangles the English language, in post after often incoherent post he makes, and who seems unable to even use a spell-check, carried on with Found Soul about her use of "drink driving" and her poor English. Talk about having chutzpah.

At one point, BillRM said this to Found Soul...
Someone down under wrote a book with drink driving in it title? it sure the hell is not American English to say the least.

Off hand anyone who use such wording is likely to had been drunk themselves at the time.

Found Soul, quite correctly, told BillRM he was "idiotic".

He may be pathetic, izzythepush, but he's also idiotic. And he just keeps proving how idiotic he is.

Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 02:17 pm
But, like many of the creeps who find a haven in the internet, he feels safe in using his anonymity as a tool of abuse and harassment to express all of the hostility he keeps bottled up in real life. And, in his case, that includes a great deal of hostility, and resentment, and animosity, toward women.

An interesting statement as you are the only one Firefly here that seems to fear to reveal any IDing information of any kind.

With all the informations I had release over the years concerning myself it would hardly be a hard task to get my real world name if someone wish hard enough to do so.

don't have to tell anyone the details of my life, or educational background, or accomplishments

You surely do not but given that almost all of us here to one degree or another had share such informations as a matter of course and it must take a real effort not in the normal course of matter to do so, the question come to mind why are you making such an effort.

What are you hiding that if released that you seems to fear could use to discredit your positions?

Come on most of us unlike you do not stoop so low to used such informations as a weapon.

Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 02:26 pm
Firefly is any oppressive dictators wet dream of a high level bureaucrat...

I have to agree with you however I do need to be a little careful as anytime I mumble an anti bureaucrat comment concerning some bureacrat in the news my wife remind me that she was a bureaucrat herself.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 02:28 pm
What are you hiding that if released that you seems to fear could use to discredit your positions?

Meaning you feel you don't have enough personal info to discredit my positions on that basis. And you are stuck having to deal with my logic, and, reasoning, and facts, and my ability to integrate information and present it clearly and articulately. Awww...poor baby.

God, are you obessive, and tedious, and tiresome...yawn...
Z ...ZZZZ...Z...
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 02:31 pm
BillRM wrote:
With all the informations I had release over the years concerning myself it would hardly be a hard task to get my real world name if someone wish hard enough to do so.

Nobody would, it's a bit like finding out who farted in a lift.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 02:35 pm
Hawkeye she is falling back on cartoons!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It must be similar to seeing an enemy army breaking and running away in panic.

She have nothing let.........................but cartoons.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 03:09 pm
She have nothing let.........................but cartoons.

Since your ability to correctly comprehend English seems so limited, judging by the fact my written statements don't get through to you, I'm hoping you can understand simple pictures.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 04:22 pm
Is that why you like Fire-Fly? She's a strong woman....

Now as far as Firefly and being attractive to the lady you got to be kidding me as the only point she share with my wife is a strong personality and a fairly high intellect.
No, I am not kidding and you just confirmed it.

decades never to allow anyone the power to destroy my happiness and peace of mind that a marriage license grant another person.
She didn't have the power, the Law did. But, I often wonder why men feel that they should be able to just walk out of a marriage scott free, never have to pay a cent, that's why the law is in place. And the resentment and anger, hatred of women only to eventually feel so lonely, that they realise they have to have a woman again in their life.

You are describing your "now" wife as not a perfect match either.

Second we both have strong personalities and getting a long term and stable relationship going was not a simple task for us.
Was not and will not.

view men as a class as sexual predators who are either rapists or would be rapists who lust is barely held in check by the fear of an all powerful state.
No Bill, from what I've read, just you and one other.

Worst perhaps she also seems to view most women as defenseless victims or would be victims of men who are not full adults as far as being free to use their own judgments in relationships and needing the protection of the state and it laws not only to protected them from the evil men but from their own child like judgments.
Then you have a major problem. Because I participated in alot of those replies and I stand by FF in most of what she stated.

Before you married the second time Bill, before you got involved with this woman seriously, did you sleep around? I mean, I don't know what you look like, where you live, if the possibility was even there, or did you view porn over and over? Women are used, by men like you who get pissed of with the ex Mrs and for a period of time hate women. All they are after is the quick dip when all the women are after is a relationship.. That's what is evil... for the defenseless women who are totally in-secure from being burnt as a teenager over and over into their early 20's by "boys" just wanting to see if they can score and promising the World. Now remember, I am talking general and remember I have been dealing with listening to this for 6 years over and over and over by various women/girls from mainly America......

And I say FF as a Lawyer I believe, for years would have heard herself so many stories from women or her colleagues ventures in the field..

Your assumption that it is because of her up-bringing I think would be totally wrong.

My assumption of you being pissed at your ex wife and the law, would be totally correct.

Why? Because of your words... The reason you too so long the second time, had nothing to do with wanting to "find" someone to spend the rest of your life with, and not settle.. Money comes into it again doesn't it Bill.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 04:24 pm
No izzy I am in love with your charming self and am looking forward to leaving my wife and having a long and loving relationship with you in merry old england.

At least I would far prefer an gay relationship with you then any type of relationship with Firefly.

The mere thought of this makes me sick.

(Not against gays, but the fact that YOU are throwing it out there at Izzy)
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 04:34 pm


Coffee cup is smiling?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2012 05:23 pm
It's the sort of thing a fifteen year old would say when asked about the girl he secretly fancies. It's what he's like.
0 Replies

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