Quote:His obsession with you is more pathetic than anything else.
And, what's even more pathetic is that he has an inability to stop himself, or control himself, from continuing to post his delusions, distortions, and fantasies about me. In real life, I'd slap him with a libel/slander suit so fast his head would spin.
But, like many of the creeps who find a haven in the internet, he feels safe in using his anonymity as a tool of abuse and harassment to express all of the hostility he keeps bottled up in real life. And, in his case, that includes a great deal of hostility, and resentment, and animosity, toward women.
I'm one of the few women who still bothers to respond to his posts on any regular basis. He's turned off most women, and quite a few men, so that they ignore most of his posts, including his posts in this thread. He actively baits people, including you and me, just to provoke a response so he won't be ignored. And I've gotten flack from others just for responding to him, because that's seen as feeding him, and they just want me to ignore him too, because they're not anxious to hear more. He is absolutely clueless about why he elicits the negative, often insulting, responses he gets when people do reply to him. He has no insight into himself, at all, and if he doesn't have it online, he doesn't have it in real life as well.
I do think BillRM is rather pathetic. He's constantly trying to impress us with all sorts of details about himself to show, and try to convince us, he really is intelligent and smart, rather than letting his posts, and his thinking, and his logic, and his reasoning, speak for themselves. Why? Because, from reading his posts, people often wind up thinking he's an idiot.
I don't have to tell anyone the details of my life, or educational background, or accomplishments--some of the things BillRM is dying to know about me--in order for them to conclude I am an intelligent, likely well educated, person--I think those aspects of me come across quite clearly in my posts because they are part of me. I don't have to try to impress anyone, and I don't try to impress anyone, with my intelligence, and I don't have to post details about my personal life, or education, or accomplishments, to try to prove my intelligence to anyone.
But BillRM, because he feels so inadequate about such things, particularly his intelligence, is constantly on the defensive. And that makes it impossible for him to admit when he's wrong, or his reasoning is illogical, or when he's been clearly outclassed in an argument. All of that is too threatening to his shaky sense of self esteem, and his fears about not being as smart as others. So, he continues to go on, and on, and on, in just about every thread, clinging obsessively to arguments that others have already shot down, mindlessly repeating the same things over and over, like a deranged parrot. I'm not only willing to admit it when I'm wrong, I'm happy to find out if I've been wrong, because that's the only way you learn something. BillRM not only shows an incapacity to learn, from the things others post, he also displays significant incapacity to even accurately comprehend what others post, judging by the fact he distorts a good deal of what other posters have said.
He's not going to convince me he's a bright guy, nor did I ever ask, or want him to convince me. His posts speak for themselves, just as everyone else's do. And some of the things he chooses to reveal about himself in his posts, don't paint a very flattering picture of the man in terms of his personality or character. And, when others react to such things, with disapproving, or negative, or insulting, remarks, he goes into a flurry of denials and rationalizations, with no awareness of why he gets such feedback.
On balance, I certainly do agree with you that BillRM is pathetic. But his constant defamatory personal assaults on me are also pernicious, not to mention a pain in the neck, and extremely boring to other posters as well. But this rather pathetic person just can't shut up.
As an example of just how pathetic he is, consider his recent interchange with Found Soul, in this thread, about the term "drink driving". He went on endlessly about it, as if he never heard the term "drink driving" before--although it has been used quite often, and quite appropriately, in this thread from posters who live in Australia and the U.K.
BillRM, who brutally mangles the English language, in post after often incoherent post he makes, and who seems unable to even use a spell-check, carried on with Found Soul about her use of "drink driving" and
her poor English. Talk about having chutzpah.
At one point, BillRM said this to Found Soul...
Quote:Someone down under wrote a book with drink driving in it title? it sure the hell is not American English to say the least.
Off hand anyone who use such wording is likely to had been drunk themselves at the time.
Found Soul, quite correctly, told BillRM he was "idiotic".
He may be pathetic, izzythepush, but he's also idiotic. And he just keeps proving how idiotic he is.