I just don’t understand drinking and driving

Reply Wed 28 Dec, 2011 01:32 am
firefly wrote:
I had never heard of these Designated Driver Services before.
This sounds like a great idea to help keep people from driving drunk.
They'll get both you and your car home.

National Directory of Designated Driver Services
When You REALLY Need to Get a Ride

Here’s a situation. You have driven somewhere and gotten drunk. You know you should not drive.
You could take the bus or a cab. However, that leaves your car behind. You need your car in the morning.

What to do? Risk it?


In many cities across America, there are ’designated driver’ services available.
These companies will actually get both you and your car home safely.
The biggest challenge is knowing if they are available in your area.
OK, lemme get this straight:
if u subscribe to the service,
do thay check u to make sure that u r drunk enuf
to justify their effort n inconvenience?

If u r able to walk a straight line
or to touch your nose with your finger,
will thay refuse u assistance n leave u to your own devices ??

What is the minimum ` Blood Alcohol Concentration level
that thay will accept, before thay will permit u to use their delivery services??
Reply Wed 28 Dec, 2011 11:19 am
do thay check u to make sure that u r drunk enuf
to justify their effort n inconvenience?

If you checked out any of the services, David, you'd find you don't have to be drunk to use them. They'll transport you for any reason. And they charge for the service--that's what justifies "their effort n inconvenience".

What's unique about these services is that they'll transport both you and your car home. Some people who might have had too much to drink might be reluctant to take a cab home and leave their car somewhere, so they very foolishly, and recklessly, get into their cars and drive. A service like this helps to get around that sort of problem.

I read recently that the average drunk driver drives drunk 87 times before they get arrested for DUI. How they get that figure I don't know, but I do know that often people drive drunk many times without getting caught or getting in an accident, and that encourages them to repeat the behavior, because I've known the people who do such things. Generally these are people who habitually drink excessively, and that takes precedence over any consideration of the potential risks involved. And I suspect that's the case for most of the people who do eventually wind up with a DUI arrest, or who get themselves involved in a DUI accident.

And now there is an increase in the number of people driving under the influence of drugs--particularly prescription drugs that are being abused--which just increases the menace of impaired drivers.

I'm all for anything that will help to cut down on drunk driving--or impaired driving from any substance. If people can't forgo drinking, or drugging, alternatives like these Designated Driver Services make a lot of sense. But people have to be responsible enough to seek them out in advance.
Reply Wed 28 Dec, 2011 09:55 pm
DAVID wrote:
do thay check u to make sure that u r drunk enuf
to justify their effort n inconvenience?
firefly wrote:
If you checked out any of the services, David,
you'd find you don't have to be drunk to use them.
Aawww, u cawt me, Firefly; I did not check them out.
Alcohol does not mean much to me.

firefly wrote:
They'll transport you for any reason. And they charge for the service--that's what
justifies "their effort n inconvenience".
O, I thawt that some of them were free.
I must have read that rong.
I was afraid thay 'd make us drink too much to use their service.

firefly wrote:
What's unique about these services is that they'll transport both you and your car home. Some people who might have had too much to drink might be reluctant to take a cab home and leave their car somewhere, so they very foolishly, and recklessly, get into their cars and drive. A service like this helps to get around that sort of problem.
Yeah, I had that come up with an ex-girlfriend of mine, named Jane.
She drank a lot at a social event. I offered to drive her home,
but she said that she'd need her car the next day.
She was very drunk, but she took her chances.
She had about a 5 to 10 minute drive home.
My best arguments failed. She got home OK.

firefly wrote:
I read recently that the average drunk driver drives drunk 87 times before they get arrested for DUI. How they get that figure I don't know, but I do know that often people drive drunk many times without getting caught or getting in an accident, and that encourages them to repeat the behavior, because I've known the people who do such things. Generally these are people who habitually drink excessively, and that takes precedence over any consideration of the potential risks involved. And I suspect that's the case for most of the people who do eventually wind up with a DUI arrest, or who get themselves involved in a DUI accident.
I had that problem with my ex-girlfriend, Maralyn, who lived with me.
She had drunk most of a pint of 161 proof rum and sought to go driving.
I did my imitation of Gov. George Wallace blocking the door.
Maralyn got mad. Said something about calling the police.
I said that as her host, I invited her to DO it n showed her the fone.
I explained how she coud tell them that she was going to put her
4 year old daughter next to her into her car, after drinking most of
a pint of 161 proof rum, with an expired license & registration,
no insurance and with me, blocking the door. She decided against it, for some reason.

firefly wrote:
And now there is an increase in the number of people driving under the influence of drugs--particularly prescription drugs that are being abused--which just increases the menace of impaired drivers.

I'm all for anything that will help to cut down on drunk driving--or impaired driving from any substance. If people can't forgo drinking, or drugging, alternatives like these Designated Driver Services make a lot of sense. But people have to be responsible enough to seek them out in advance.
I 've been hit in the rear quite a few times
in recent years, decades n centuries, especially at this time of year.

Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 04:36 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
I 've been hit in the rear quite a few times
in recent years, decades n centuries, especially at this time of year.

Maybe that's why someone took a photograph of it.
Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 10:14 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
I 've been hit in the rear quite a few times
in recent years, decades n centuries, especially at this time of year.
izzythepush wrote:

Maybe that's why someone took a photograph of it.
Its really an ugly sight; no kidding. When I saw it in hotel mirrors,
I grossed myself out for half an hour (but its OK, when its covered up).

The last time that I got rear-ended was a few days ago,
while I was helping out my friend, Don, n his family
who were going to Florida to celebrated his father's 1OOth Birthday Party.

He was moving some of his guns & ammunition to Florida,
in bulky, heavy boxes. I was his wife 's relief driver. Don can't drive.
In Virginia, we were rear-ended. I was pleased in the fact
that I had been relieved from driving only about 10 minutes b4, so I was a passenger.

I demanded that the woman who hit us show us her license n registration.
She refused and she called the police.
When police arrived, he gave her a summons! Humorous!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 10:37 am
Once someone's stupidity affects someone else's health or life, I pretty much lose even that degree of sympathy.

Might that reasoning extend to those who provided material support for the war criminals, took active part in the war crimes against the people of SE Asia during the 1960s and on, Beth?
Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 10:49 am
Once someone's stupidity affects someone else's health or life, I pretty much lose even that degree of sympathy.
JTT wrote:
Might that reasoning extend to those who provided material support for the war criminals, took active part in the war crimes against the people of SE Asia during the 1960s and on, Beth?
(Did u just get out of jail??)
Please define your terms, J., if that is not too logical for u.
To which "war crimes" do u refer,
according to what authority??
Please cite the operative language.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 11:06 am


". . . I was helping out my friend, Don, n his family
who were going to Florida to celebrated his father's 1OOth Birthday Party."

Shud have been:
I was helping out my friend, Don, n his family
who were going to Florida to celebrate his father's 1OOth Birthday.

Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 11:25 am
The great grammarian, OmSigKnowNothing, once more gets himself caught in a dilemma, the depths of which he almost certainly can't grasp.

When police arrived, he gave her a summons!

Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 11:54 am
I just saw that JTT had posted here and I am wondering how drinking and driving tied into the US being the evil empire.

I am sure JTT had found a way.
Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 05:51 pm
BillRM wrote:
I just saw that JTT had posted here and I am wondering how drinking and driving
tied into the US being the evil empire.

I am sure JTT had found a way.
Does JTT always drink b4 driving??
or b4 posting??
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 05:56 pm
JTT wrote:
The great grammarian, OmSigKnowNothing, once more gets himself caught in a dilemma,
the depths of which he almost certainly can't grasp.

When police arrived, he gave her a summons!
He DID; we were pleased n fraught with laffter! It was humorous!

She coud have left the scene
without calling police, and just showing her paperwork.

Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 06:42 pm
The great grammarian, OmSigKnowNothing, once more gets himself caught in a dilemma, the depths of which he almost certainly can't grasp.

Change the 'almost certainly' to a 'certainly'.
Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 06:51 pm
Who knows what evil is "certain"
lurking in the mind of JT&T ??
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2011 03:51 am
BillRM wrote:

I just saw that JTT had posted here and I am wondering how drinking and driving tied into the US being the evil empire.

I am sure JTT had found a way.

It's got nothing to do with viewing child porn either, but that hasn't stopped you sticking your oar in.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2011 11:16 am

Let 's resolve not to drink n drive in the New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Everyone!!!

I hope that u will each get the firearms of your personal choice in 2012!!!
and good leather holsters!

Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2011 11:18 am
This is another great idea to reduce drunken driving on New Year's Eve--and it's free. It's a shame it's not more widely available.
Tipsy Tow Program To Help Eliminate Drunk Driving
By Kellee Azar
December 30, 2011

SIOUX FALLS, SD - Most people ring in the New Year by celebrating with family and friends at holiday parties. But sometimes those parties can lead to drinking and driving. Now a program is making sure you and your car arrive home safely.

The Tipsy Tow program is provided by AAA and it's being offered to help keep the community safe over the New Year's weekend.

Most people ring in the New Year with get togethers and popping champagne. But it's also a time when people are more likely to drive while intoxicated.

This year, Sioux Falls police will be ramping up patrols to keep the community safe and send a clear message.

"Well, New Year's Eve has always been one of our bigger attention times. We want to go out and get the message out that we don't want drinking and driving, be it drunk or impaired," Sioux Falls Police Lt. Jerome Miller said.

Last year, New Year's Eve was a big night for arrests.

"It's been pretty consistent over the years between nine and 12 people arrested every year between December 31st and Jan 1st. I suppose those are the lucky people because they are here to be arrested but it's really a lousy way to start out your year," Miller said.

In order to keep the community safe, AAA is offering their Tipsy Tow program in five cities across KELOLAND.

"If you have had too much to drink and you know you shouldn't be behind the wheel of the car and don't have a plan B, call us. We can be your plan B. We will take you, your vehicle and one other person home. No questions asked," AAA South Dakota Mark Madeja said.

To utilize this program, you don't need to be an AAA member and it won't cost you a dime.

"This is a public service. It's free and open to the public. We will call one of our service providers and just like towing your car home, we will take you and one other person home," Madeja said.

Madeja made it clear this is not a program to get you in trouble. It's there as a back-up plan and to keep as many people safe as possible.

"We will get you your car and one other person home safely no questions asked," Madeja said.

If you would like to utilize to Tipsy Tow program this New Year's weekend, it is available in Sioux Falls, Mitchell, Rapid City, Yankton and Aberdeen.

If you would like more information call 1(800) 222-4357 and ask for Tipsy Tow.

I would imagine that anyone with AAA coverage or auto insurance with towing coverage could also have their car, and themselves, transported to their home any night of the year they don't want to drive drunk.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2011 11:23 am
Drunk Driving Reaches Epidemic Proportions
29 December 2011
Sheriff Kerry Lee

New Year’s Eve is the most dangerous time to be driving. Drunk driving is a real problem in many areas of the country, and many people die every year because of it.

On a day like New Year’s Eve, too many people do not plan ahead and they get in their vehicle to drive after a long night of celebrating the start of a new year. The result is that on that night, there are unusually more drunk drivers on the road, putting everyone at risk.

We know drunk driving is a problem, but do we really know how big of a problem it is? These statistics from various sources help put the entire problem into perspective. Too many people are killed, or their lives ruined, because of this epidemic:

■Accidents related to drunk driving take place every 45 minutes in the U.S.
■This year, 10,839 people will die in drunk-driving crashes — one every 50 minutes.
■One in three people will be involved in an alcohol-related crash in their lifetime.
■Beer is the drink of choice in most cases of heavy drinking, binge drinking, drunk driving and underage drinking.
■Drunk driving costs each adult in this country almost $500 per year.
Remember, have fun but also have a designated driver. Sheriff Kerry Lee and staff of the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office wishes everyone a safe and happy new year.
Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2011 11:29 am
That’s good for people to read Firefly, the police will be out in full force tonight. If someone does get caught and wake up the next morning in a cell with a hangover they should consider themselves lucky a DUI is all they got.
Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2011 11:30 am
Let 's resolve not to drink n drive in the New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Everyone!!!

Thumbs up to that, David.

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