Harrumph! That man up there talked me into doing it!
He caught me at a weak moment (or at least a weaker one than usual) and he used his wiles and stuff and he cajoled and cozened and, and, and waaaaaaaaaah.......just watch him is my advice......he looks like the innocent flow'r but is the serpent under't!
errrrrrrr innocent?
he don't look like no innocent to me
and you a professional in the field of people!
that's what happens when bunnies take themselves seriously
Hmmmm - you are right Bethie - only one cannot generally SEE him at all.....
ohhhhhhhhhhh i can see him. he's my twin.
and doesn't he sing beautifully as well
he does indeed - just like Lucifer doubtless did.......
At least I don't make those adjacent to me assure me of how brave I am to sing.
I sound like a horse's arse and am damn proud of it.
Lucifer - son of the mooning....falalala lala la laaaaaaaaaaa.....
I love the song! But the animations make my dizzy... woah, wild!
I love the song! But the animations make my dizzy... woah, wild!
Oops, I didn't love it that much!!! It's enough to say this once...
I want a cheezie!
errrrrrrr no i mean i want cheesy
Wow! the wascally wabbit can warble!!!
Well done!
THAT was no warble - 'twas a gargle!
The grotty grass-eater can gargle!
No - it doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well!
sing me a tune, li'l wabbit
and save your weaselly hide
(since the sound on my work 'puter is fubar, i can't listen to the harmonating hare, sadly...)
How much is that doggy in the window?
The one with the waggly tail -
How much is that doggy in the window?
I do hope that doggy's for sale.....
I don't want a kitten or a hamster,
I don't want a fishy that swims,
I just want a doggy that says: "Yess'r",
I'll make it fulfil all my whims!