@Nick Ashley,
ADORED it as a kid...and our ornaments had a VERY long shelf life!!!
The tinsel and stuff had to be renewed sometimes...but I loved bringing out the ornaments (and fairy lights) and decorating what was, for years, a real tree.
I don't give a damn, now...but if other people enjoy their trees, I am very happy to enjoy them too.
If I have people over at Christmas, I have a nice little cane tree...painted gold....about two feet high...and a few ornaments that the cats haven't raided because they thought they made nice toys....but otherwise I don't bother.
One year, there was a thing in the shops for really big, fake trees, with (is it carbon fibre?) lights...you know the very small fibres where the light shines out of the very end....intermingled with the fake pine needles.
They coruscated wildly in a rainbow of colours.
Since I live a few stories up overlooking a major intersection of two major highways, I thought it would be fun to have such a monstrosity in my window for people to look at while stuck at the lights.
I thought the tasteless and children could ooh and aaah, and the critical could have a fabulous time looking down their noses. A true win win!!
Unfortunately, when I went back to buy one, they had all gone, and I have never seen them again.
I do enjoy giving lovely tree ornaments as small christmas gifts to those who treasure such things. And I am among those who love to go and see those mad streets where everybody is busy destroying the planet with outregeous displays of Christmas lights...I guess deep down I am a tasteless and a child.
We have a whole village in the hills which does the lights thing....we tried to go up and look a few years ago, but the car broke down, and, after several harrowing adventures, we managed to talk the tow truck man to drive us into the Lobethal garage (there were an illegal number of us) and we jumped in front of a bus full of elderly, retired, Greek nuns and hijacked them to take us back to the city. So we saw, like, two houses. But the Greek nuns were fun cos we got them singing christmas carols in English.
There is also a brewery site which does a great display for the kids....it was flooded a few years back
I have been the victim of sundry admin staff through my working years with truly HORRENDOUS taste in christmas ornaments.....these horrors would be distributed through the place...and were ritually binned whan said admin person left.
Imagine the collective horror when she considered coming back!!!
But re your obvious lack of gruntlement re the clothes and decoration thing....to be fair, it is easier to like a colour than know all about margins!!!
(Unless one is colour blind).
But I DO get the christmas bah humbug thing!