@Fil Albuquerque,
1. no reason provided for a self-conscious system. Buffering is done all the time in computers and computers don't wonder about to be or not to be... Therefore the question remains: why conscience?
2. Science IS predicated on free will, on the free use of reason to observe and understand the world and derive hypotheses and test them further. Automatons cannot understand the world, they can't come up with hypotheses, they don't do research.
A scientist without free will is not a scientist, it is a machine saying what it's programmed to say, not what the observed facts were and what his imagination is capable of inventing in terms of explanation.
3. In what sense do ideas matter if they are predetermined? How do they matter? For what?
4. You're programmed hence you don't need to justify your behavior... That must be the basis of your belief in determinism then: it relieves you from any sense of responsibility. Must be swell....
5. Science does not explain, it describes stuff. Randomness actually describes a lot of behaviors, including that of any gas in any closed space. If you are looking for why this world exist and why it is partly random, look to religion.
6. LOL... "complicated and mechanically impossible" to have 2 systems of behaviour with the same substance. That's so funny. Do you ever think before you post?
Any substance will behave
very differently, depending on whether it is in solid, liquid or gaseous form...
If you throw a dice in a Las Vegas casino, it behaves randomly, for all we know (and you can fantacize that it doesn't, but you have no proof). If you insert that dice under the leg of a table in same casino to stabilize that table, it will behave quite predictably...
7. You haven't understood the argument about Darwinian systems, confused as you are. Look at it again: the domains to which such systems apply are very varied, beyond evolution. I am not talking of survival of the fittest species here, but of survival of the fittest idea.