That's the reason why I keep repeating the fact that we are constrained by our genes and environment. Beyond those constraints, we can do almost anything.
Our five senses are limited when compared to other animal life; that's a constraint we cannot overcome, but humans can make instruments to improve them. Humans invent things; it proves we have limitations to our genes, but we can overcome some of them through development instruments that we can use.
Once we are given life, the span between birth and death, our environment is the constraint. Even here, some can migrate from their place of birth, and many of those constraints are expanded.
We are born into the environment that makes a difference in our culture, language, politics, economy, family, friends, and other potentials for what one person can accomplish. It impacts our perceptions.
Yes, we are limited by language, culture, race, ethnicity, education, and the politics under which we live, but those limitations are what we are provided from the environment in which we are born and raised.
Since humans (*homo sapiens) originated from Africa, our ability at migration have been extensive on this planet even by foot travel.
Where's the predetermination?
What in your life was predetermined other than your gene and your environment?