Wed 28 Jan, 2004 01:06 pm
I'm tired
I'm sleepy
i wanna go home
In my role as Mr. Authority Figure, I grant you permission to leave.
Happy now?
Glad I could help.
Now, get back to work.
Me too, onyxelle! Hmm, I think I'll get some hot chocolate, that should perk me up for a while.
As an employer I have never once asked an employee to elaborate on "stomach problems". 3 trips to can and you're outta there!
Friendly reminder.
Remember, at home your children are waiting and Mommies are not supposed to get tired.
Oh Noddy, I know i know...i swear though, this is the first time in 5 years of mommying that I've been tired. I swear!!!
I save 10 cents at the grocery store by using the bags under my eyes to carry home my groceries.