America Moves to Criminalize Cell Phones While Driving

Reply Wed 14 Dec, 2011 02:08 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

- slower MPH doesn't waste gasoline, it saves gasoline. Study up on the internal combustion engine some, mkay?

Did you not take any physics at all??? If you go from 45mph, slow to 20mph for a few hundred yards, and then speed back up to 45mph your energy use will be greatly less efficient than if you had maintained the 45mph speed. Most of the energy will be spent making heat in the brake pads..and will cause them to ware down.

Like I said - you don't hit your brake pads, Hawk. You just take your foot off of the accelerator and let your engine tension and friction do the job. That is, if you know how to drive, that's what you would do.

The amount of gasoline you are talking about her is negligible, a pittance. But you like to bitch about every little thing, so it's not surprising.

Just as the news focuses on what is wrong with the world and not on what is right I focus on things that need fixing. This is how we make the world better for our kids. If you have a problem with that then sue me.

Your plan to make the world better for our kids is to abolish school zones that you find inconvenient? Or to keep talking on your cel phone while driving, even though it's been proven to be a major distraction for drivers?

Bullshit. You want the world to cater to YOU and what YOU want. I don't think you give two shits about 'the kids.'

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Reply Wed 14 Dec, 2011 02:15 pm
Enforcement of the laws is virtually non-existent unless there is an accident.

At temporary situation to be sure.
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Reply Wed 14 Dec, 2011 02:27 pm
realjohnboy wrote:
On the other hand, the number could be low because the driver was killed or because the driver responsible didn't disclose texting or talking on the phone when the accident occurred.

a good accident reconstructionist can pull the details from a car's blackbox to compare with cell carrier records to let you know if the mobile was in use. not a big deal as long as the cars involved aren't too old
Reply Wed 14 Dec, 2011 02:42 pm
True. The 3,000 deaths or (pick a number) injuries is one thing or two. I was thinking of the number of, say, minor accidents that occur because of a distracted driver. Hawkeye wants us to consider the cost in drivers' time and gas money of having to slow down in a school zone. I was attempting to compare that to the cost in time and money (as well as the cost of sending a policeman to the scene of a fender bender). Not just for the drivers involved but also for those of us navigating through the area who are delayed.
In Virginia, if you hit the car in front of you, you will most likely get charged with following too closely. You are unlikely to also get ticketed with using a texting or cell phone.
Reply Wed 14 Dec, 2011 03:19 pm
. Hawkeye wants us to consider the cost in drivers' time and gas money of having to slow down in a school zone
A particular school zone where the slowing down has no positive effect and significant negative. "reasonable" is determined by comparing cost to benefit.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Dec, 2011 04:33 pm
They actually confiscate your cell phone and get a record of your calls from your service provider.

And to firefly - if you are charged with vehicular manslaughter or other related charges, you can go to jail. I don't know personally anyone who has been charged with distracted driving, but the laws where I live are pretty rigid and the consequences serious.

If some idiot is texting/talking on his cell, playing with his GPS, reading a map, or fiddling with his radio and he kills someone or renders them paralyzed, he deserves to do jail time. He needs to have his license revoked and his car impounded. Everyone is now well aware of the dangers of being distracted while driving, and you do it at your own peril. The hazard to others is just too high.
Reply Wed 14 Dec, 2011 04:41 pm
I don't know personally anyone who has been charged with distracted driving, but the laws where I live are pretty rigid and the consequences serious.

Here holding a cell phone while driving, and texting while driving, are traffic infractions--you can be fined, possibly have points added to your driver's license, etc. but they are not criminal actions.

And to firefly - if you are charged with vehicular manslaughter or other related charges, you can go to jail

That's true here too, Mame.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Dec, 2011 04:51 pm
Mame Wrote:
If some idiot is texting/talking on his cell, playing with his GPS, reading a map, or fiddling with his radio and he kills someone or renders them paralyzed, he deserves to do jail time. He needs to have his license revoked and his car impounded.

I agree with this 100%
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Reply Thu 15 Dec, 2011 03:36 pm
This reads like a Saturday Night Live skit. Sadly it does not appear to be...

8 other things the government should ban

Editor's note: Henry Alford writes for Vanity Fair and The New York Times. He is the author of the upcoming "Would It Kill You To Stop Doing That? A Modern Guide to Manners."
(CNN) -- On Tuesday, citing safety concerns, the National Transportation Safety Board called for a ban on all cell phone use by drivers. It's the most far-reaching recommendation of its kind to date, and it extends to wireless headsets.
What will the fallout of the ban be? It's likely to cut down on sightings of drivers who appear to be having spirited conversations with their car's leather interior. But mightn't it also lead to other similar bans? So here's a speculative look at eight of the more questionable and dangerous activities that federal law might see fit to clamp down on.
Skiing or snowboarding while listening to an iPod. In the same way that a preoccupied driver is a menace on the road, so, too, is a hearing-deprived skier or snowboarder a terror on the slopes. When an athlete cuts off a source of outside stimuli thusly, he deprives himself of a valuable auditory cue: bloodcurdling screams. When people near him scream out "Runaway ski!" he thinks they're simply singing along. A federal ban of iPods on the slopes would be easy to institute; its violators would be subject to lift-ticket revocation and reduced hot cocoa.
Applying eyeliner while riding public transportation. Not only are the practitioners of this activity in danger of impairing their vision, but they are causing undue levels of stress to the people who can't stop watching them. These public users of beauty products prove yet again that the word "wand," particularly in close proximity to the word "mascara," can be as destructive as it is magic. A federal statute, perhaps called the Maybelline Clause, would bring relief to millions of commuters.

Lighting an oven by means other than a pilot light. Though very difficult to enforce without surveillance cameras, a policing of kitchen stove-lighting mechanisms would save many lives, not to mention eyebrows. Who among us has not turned our stove's gas on, only to find that the pilot light has blown out, whereupon we wander off to find matches, thus allowing gas to seep into the kitchen? An overhaul of this fraught activity could result in far fewer instances of fire or explosion. And many more evenings where people send out for pizza.
Peering over the balcony of a skyscraper. Ah, the view, the view. The view is ... dangerous. It's a human impulse to get closer to something you're looking at -- even if that something is the Chicago skyline. Modern man has been very creative when it comes to keeping pigeons off of balconies -- witness the shards of glass embedded in concrete, witness plastic owls -- so it's easy to imagine the government taking a similarly original tack when it comes to repelling humans from peering over precipices. Am I talking touch-activated sprinklers that gush lukewarm strawberry soda onto overly curious sightseers? Yes, I'm talking touch-activated sprinklers that gush lukewarm strawberry soda onto overly curious sightseers.
Sticking your head out the roof of a fast-moving limo. Largely the province of prom-goers and bachelor-partiers, this dangerous activity is of no service to anyone. It is interesting only to its participants, much like televised fishing. The practice could be easily curbed through a sliding scale of fees, based on duration of head-out-of-window exposure and level of inebriation; but it might be easier for limo companies simply to buy some glue.
Thanking the doctor who performed open-heart surgery on you by sending her an e-mail that reads, simply, "thx." This unseemly activity is, admittedly, not dangerous, except in the way it devalues human discourse and causes at least one member of a profession necessary to our survival on the planet to question his life's purpose. A "thx" ban could be enforced either through the creation of a Big Brother-like scanning system or a complaints bureau. Violators would be forced to type what they had previously neglected to type -- "thank you very much" -- 5,000 times a day for two weeks.
Using a paper shredder or fax machine while wearing a necktie. The male equivalent to the eyeliner-on-a-moving-vehicle scenario, this imperiling activity is seen daily in offices nationwide. Yet no one talks about it. That we live in a country whose restaurants regularly bear informational posters about the Heimlich maneuver only underscores the casual disregard we have for potential necktie-related mayhem. Offenders of this ban might be forced to wear their tattered neckties to work, or to do volunteer work at a local Kinko's.
Calling someone "honey" if you are not Southern or a waitress. Instant or feigned intimacy is too much for some people to bear, and may result in friction or even violence. The issuing of a DYHM (Don't you honey ME!) ticket might do much to cool the fires of sudden or false ardor. Repeat offenders would be sent to work at large, nameless corporations, or be required to move to Tupelo.

Reply Thu 15 Dec, 2011 04:13 pm
Don't be ridiculous! That was funny.
Reply Thu 15 Dec, 2011 04:15 pm
If it didn't have the CNN link, I'd have thought it was a Cracked article.
Reply Thu 15 Dec, 2011 04:35 pm
RexDraconis111 wrote:

If it didn't have the CNN link, I'd have thought it was a Cracked article.

Maybe it was intended by the author to be that but the CNN editors misunderstood? Confused
Reply Thu 15 Dec, 2011 05:52 pm
It's definitely written tongue-in-cheek. I think your sense of humour is different from ours.
Reply Thu 15 Dec, 2011 06:34 pm
Mame wrote:

It's definitely written tongue-in-cheek. I think your sense of humour is different from ours.

CNN does not normally run a humor section, and it is not clear that this is intended to be humor.
Reply Thu 15 Dec, 2011 06:52 pm

CNN does not normally run a humor section, and it is not clear that this is intended to be humor.

Not clear to who--you? You intended to take that article seriously? Rolling Eyes You have absolutely no sense of humor if you cannot clearly recognize that is an intentionally humorous satirical piece.

CNN didn't report it as news, it is a guest article written by someone known for writing humerous works. He's even won a Thurber prize.
Henry Alford has written for the New York Times, and Vanity Fair for over a decade. He has also written for the New Yorker. It is entirely possible that you have heard him on National Public Radio.

He is the author of a humor collection, Municipal Bondage, and of an account of his attempts to become a working actor, Big Kiss, which won a Thurber Prize. His last book was How to Live: A Search for Wisdom from Old People (While They are Still on This Earth), which was named a Best Book of the Year by Publishers Weekly. In January, 2012, Twelve Books will publish his book about manners, Would It Kill You To Stop Doing That?

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Reply Fri 16 Dec, 2011 10:05 am
Re: RexDraconis111 (Post 4825960)
RexDraconis111 wrote:

If it didn't have the CNN link, I'd have thought it was a Cracked article.

Maybe it was intended by the author to be that but the CNN editors misunderstood? Confused

There's a humor site called Cracked.com that usually runs articles with an element of satire, such as this one, for the purpose of humor. That's what I meant by that.
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