First Word -

Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 12:16 pm

The hot air has returned...at least for a day or so. Ugh!
I suppose turning the a.c. on would be a novel idea (therefore I'll wait as long as possible before getting to it). Besides it's supposed to be cooler the next few days so why rush up the electric?

I tend towards firm pillows and if there isn't a firm enough one I've been known to just use the mattress directly without any pillow. Got some earlier this year which are very firm, got 4 of them. They are quite dense and a lot heavier than the usual pillow which is fine by me. Soft pillows tend to irritate me.

You mAy also want to change how you sleep. Often my arm or some other body part will be achy in the a.m. if my sleep position has been off. Not to mention an aging mattress can cause distress to the entire body. So get an extra firm mattress. Sometimes it's best to just use a table, counter top or the floor.

Hope whatever it is, you get it figured soon.

You're abandoning your golden locks? NO!!!!!!! You need to stay all blonde. It's a requirement (not sure why).

Not a lot to say at present, have been doing decent, nothing new to report, hoping all of you are well.

Back later...

Reply Tue 10 Jun, 2014 02:37 am

Date, tomorrow night with Ms Anna,.

Hot air is what a lot of people I know seem to IDK do? Wink I'm envious I love warm weather. So did it get cooler? Kinda a bit late with replying.

OK I worked out the Pillow sort off. It has to be 4 inches and a bit hard. No pun intended. Seems the one I thought was good for me isn't at all.

So you are right, it had to be firm.. Go figger STURGIS WAS RIGHT NOOOO.

Sometimes it's best to just use a table, counter top or the floor.


I think the Mattress needs turning over as well actually, why is it all so hard when all you want is a good night sleep feeling fantastic when you wake up?

Nup, blonde as but brown underneath so it's awesome, well I think so. A witch has to change her looks or else everyone will know who she Is Wink


Something must be happening in your lives, I know I haven't been around but I have a reason it's called EOFY - accounts.

Reply Thu 19 Jun, 2014 02:49 am

This must be a good day for birthdays, my new baby grandson was born this afternoon. His name is Isaac, and I don't know too many other details at this stage. I will be going down to Melbourne tomorrow to visit them. My daughter is exhausted, I got the phone call about 3.30 this morning to say she had gone to the hospital, so it's been a long day for her.
Reply Thu 19 Jun, 2014 03:41 pm

Oh wow! Welcome to the World little Isaac, love the name.. I remember visiting my sister-in-law on their first born.. He had a wad of black hair, I watched my brother give him, his first bath, just after he popped out. I wasn't meant to be there at that time, apparently you wait until the baby has well and truly been born, but I decided to be there, when it was happening. Never forget that sight, just beautiful... He's a tall 25 year old blonde thing now, not sure how that happens Smile

Hope you have a safe trip, I can just see your beaming smile there Cherrie, let us know more when you get back home.

Hi ha all...
Reply Sat 21 Jun, 2014 03:16 pm
It is a lovely name for a baby - congratulations to all concerned! Smile
Reply Sat 21 Jun, 2014 07:17 pm
I'm happy for you all, Cherrie.

You and I don't know each other well, but I don't ever remember not agreeing with you. Which is irrelevant re the birth - just a way to talk.

Be well and happy, dear Isaac.
Sending finger clutches..
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Jun, 2014 01:50 am
Thank you Foundy, Vonny and Osso.

I went down and saw them yesterday, I decided not to go on Friday as my daughter was exhausted and I knew there were going to be other people there, and thought it might all be a bit too much.

He is just beautiful, so tiny and perfect. He weighed 7lb 1oz - funny that we've had the metric system in Australia for about 35 years now, but baby weights are still done in pounds and ounces. He has a lot of blond hair, did I mention that he is beautiful? Smile

It's not like that in the delivery room now Foundy, she had three sisters and her brothers girlfriend in there with her. Not something I would have done myself but it made her feel better, so whatever works is fine.

My daughter who lost her baby was there, and she was fine, we were all a bit worried that it might be upsetting for her, but she coped really well, thank god.
Reply Sun 22 Jun, 2014 02:42 am
It's not like that in the delivery room now Foundy, she had three sisters and her brothers girlfriend in there with her. Not something I would have done myself but it made her feel better, so whatever works is fine.

For real? OMG how awesome just quietly I wouldn't have done that either Wink But, talk about celebration and let's do this together.

7lbs, perfect little blonde boy so excited for you, truly am .. Keep sharing if you will.

My daughter who lost her baby was there, and she was fine, we were all a bit worried that it might be upsetting for her, but she coped really well, thank god.

No you were "hugely" worried Smile I remember your posts in this regard. She knows she will do this again and this experience would have been beautiful for her and now she is an Aunty in waiting...

Ah Cherrie, congrats again x
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Jun, 2014 12:01 pm

Sweet and wonderful and congratulations all around Cherrie on the birth of little Isaac (apparently they decided against naming him Sturgis). Sounds to be a delight and you must be over the moon in happiness with this addition to your family.

No news to report here as the city seems to have gone very quiet...at least in this neighborhood. Probably shouldn't say that, as it usually invites loud parties to follow.

Weather is holding decent, supposed to go into a warming trend during the week, hope it doesn't bring humidity along with it, but, whatever it is, well that's what it is and to be honest, I'm just glad to be around for it.

To calm those worried about my dietary, last night I ate a delicious pastrami and provolone sandwich on pumpernickel bread which I ate along with a cup of black coffee.

Then I went to bed and slept straight through for just over 6 hours at which time I woke up and got on to the day. Having an Italian rotisserie chicken (purchased pre-cooked from the local market) and some potatoes and lima beans for dinner tonight.

Hope all are doing well and staying out of trouble the Boss would want it that way.

Back later...
Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 01:08 am
Thank you Sturgis.
It was of course a difficult choice between between Isaac and Sturgis. My daughter ended up having to toss a coin, and as it turned out Isaac was the winner. Ah well, maybe next time. Very Happy

It's very cold here, rainy and horribly windy. We're expecting snow tonight. We only get it about every five years or so, but that's often enough.
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 04:46 pm
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 04:49 pm
OMG the weather? Saturday we are going to the races and it will be 12 and windy.. We lost a few bamboo blinds around here let alone things scattered around the yard... Looks calm outside "so far" today Smile

To calm those worried about my dietary, last night I ate a delicious pastrami and provolone sandwich on pumpernickel bread which I ate along with a cup of black coffee.
Well the chicken and lima beans sound "ok" pumpernickel bread sounds 'ok" where was the lettuce/cucumber? Wink

Von hope your new little venture is going perfect I am sure you are missed.

End of Financial Year for me, audits, paperwork shuffles, confusion and then no cheques even though I've been through this before and promised to be sent a new cheque book in time, nup, so a trip to the bank for manual cheques before I can pay landlords. Didn't upset me much Smile

Starting a new Agency next week, it may be First Word and only First Word for me for a while Smile


Funny, I'm still drinking out of "The Boss" Coffee Cup that was in my cupboard, daily..... Smile
Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2014 11:11 pm

I woke up this morning and for the first time for ages it was a blue sky, sunshine and no wind. Yeah, that lasted till about 10.00, then it all went downhill again. Gale force winds, black clouds and freezing. No rain so far today though.
Have fun at the races tomorrow Foundy, make sure you rug up. Smile

I was just talking to my daughter, Isaac slept from 11.30 last night till 6.30 this morning - not too bad for 8 days old. Hopefully it's the start of a trend and not just a one-off.
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 02:53 pm

It's worse when it's 6.30am and you are up and a smoker Wink So far little wind, fingers crossed as it's going to be 14 over here today and apparently windy.

Will be looking out for a sign Dutchy, which horse to back. Strange one day at the races I was downstairs and watching the horses being walked. My rabbit had just passed away and one horse stopped, looked at me and went on.

I went upstairs and told D to bet on it.. Number 13, "Goodnight Josh" I found out. Rabbit's name was Jet. Darn thing won... Don't doubt I am a witch Wink

Thanks Cherrie, should be a lovely day "inside" with friends, nice food a glass or two, so need a day off as well.

I hope bubs keeps sleeping this way, you never, ever know Smile But if Isaac was staying over yours you'd get up and not care right? Wink

Dreamt of my time in America, briefly last night how weird. Maybe I am coming over in the near future.............


0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 07:50 pm
Haven't been posting lately, but I was in a great mood this morning. I've wanted to replace some furniture in the family room. Very excited about what I was able to pull together. So picked the fabrics, paid 35% up front, signed the papers and went home with a giddy furniture glow.

That lasted for about an hour and a half. mr. GB noticed a 'check instrument light' indicating a problem with something, so he drove over to the dealer to make an appt. So, I'm at home cheerfully looking at paint colors, totally lost in this miasma of joy regarding a redecorating project, when MGB arrives in foul temper. So I trot outside to discover that part of the front bumper is slightly tilted in a direction it shouldn't be, he claims he didn't do it, figures its me, and since just a month ago I knocked the side view mirror off the passenger side, I can see why he thinks it's me.

That means I immediately was snapped out of the new furniture buzz and right into the "ahh sh&t" mode. I think my bones temporarily became rubbery so naturally I went upstairs and went to sleep. I still feel very defeated, I know it's silly because no one died, no one is sick and the car can be repaired, I am just kicking myself.

I've reupholstered and refinished this furniture so many times, it's just flat silly. My son and his wife want the swivel rocker (re-upholestered 4 times) the sofa is shot, it's on life support and I'm probably going to have the end tables stripped and stained in a pecan shade, we will see. I repurpose the wooden pieces when I can, have had most of my furniture for 40 years, plus still have the things that were passed down by family members, so mustering up the nerve to buy all new soft goods is a big deal for me.

Okay, I got all the crybaby stuff out of my system, I'll stop whining and get on with it.

Sorry to be the buzz kill today, I'm sorry it's getting cold on Aussie land, so I won't talk about the weather here. But Sturgis, bite that bullet and turn on the air. You will heal faster if you're comfortable. I know, I know how awful the electric bills are but your health is priceless.

Now Sophie has been staring at me and whining so I have to wrap up, she thinks I'm supposed to watch her and gets annoyed when I read the paper or use the iPad.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 03:26 pm
Oh dear God, did I depress the entire group????
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2014 03:40 pm

Oh dear God, did I depress the entire group????

Well Von has been a tad busy, I've been away, can't make excuses for Sturgis but I'm betting he will reply but you know, being a man he takes longer to do so, typical Wink Cherrie well she didn't reply to mine so she must be busy as well but that line above did make ME laugh, nearly spat my coffee out Smile

My ex was like that with "my" car, not his, "mine". I used to say to him "It's not your car so don't worry about it". What is it with men and cars? Get your groove back into the designing it made you feel awesome, don't let a little dent get in your way.

What colours did you pick?

Hello everyone ...
Hello BOSS - Saw your son at the airport day before yesterday, still can't believe that, 1 in a million chances of running into Dutchy's son who doesn't even live in Adelaide...who I only met once but recognised immediately and who instantly reminded me that I haven't rung Anna in a while and must do..

Von - ya must have a quick line here to write Smile
Cherrie - let's not talk weather it will depress me Smile
Osso's gone a-wall.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Jul, 2014 04:36 am


Hey Sturgis, sending LOVE and asking others here to jump on board.

FW would not be the same without your honesty, warmth, love and being.

We as Izzie would say "iz" here and waiting, waiting. AND holding your hand.....

0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Jul, 2014 01:47 am

I hope things are going well for you Sturgis, and that you are recovering nicely.

I miss reading your posts, you rarely fail to make me laugh - or at the very least smile Smile

Please know that you are missed, and come back when you can.
Reply Mon 14 Jul, 2014 03:49 am
I miss reading your posts, you rarely fail to make me laugh - or at the very least smile Smile

Ain't that fact Smile

Sturgis you were there every step of the way when you "felt" I needed someone... Now we are here for you as we WANT you to know we are there ..

Hurry up already I and Von and other's are feeling sick with worry as we don't know how to find out how you are going..............

Kisses ... sort of , yuck, you'd say Smile

How are you Cherrie?

Thank you for your love .

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