First Word -

Reply Mon 17 Feb, 2014 04:11 pm

Ok, so I have to start with, HARRY & VIOLET. Such babies. Seems they like this game I've started. One loose twig, gently touching their beaks, or back of their head (preparing them for the Human touch), and then Harry jumps on board and goes for a spin around the cage, up and down on the stick, Violet joins him... Goodness me, all animals (babies) likes to play....


I wish they could find a way to stop these darn leg ulcers of yours and shaking leg syndrome. I know there is one that is a beauty, it can only be frustrating to know that it is healing yay but then to start all over again.. I feel I need to google or something.. There has to be an answer.. So much you are going through, I am deeply sorry and think of you often.

I'm pleased that you are just saying "annoying" tough man you Smile

Danny boy... always liked his food. And, good company. He's fighting and confusing the Doctors it's a big fight and I pray every day for him and I hope the antibiotics actually kick in and prove the Medical Industry wrong, in my thoughts Dutchy!!! Putting it out there for you as a Witch!!!!


Yep, and thank you. Positive thread this one Smile

Soooo CHERRIE not good at all.. You are a beautiful person to do this, volunteer and help those in need through such a tough time. The people would feel devastated and all help eases that pain. You should be Proud.

GLITTER great to see you... Danny would be nothing more than over the moon that some of his mates are still writing on First Word.. Those he bought across eh Wink

VON - It's always hard to recover from anything and you have to take it easy, sorry things haven't been smooth sailing since you came out of Hospital but it will get better and I can't wait for you to finally say "yay" all good now.

Such a beautiful place, even under water I see the beauty, I hope the rains slow down and cease soon for you all...

And, I again, hope the same for you Sturgis... Gonna Google there's gotta be something else you can try .

Much Love.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Feb, 2014 07:17 pm
Hey Sturgis, I have a complete nutty suggestion for restless leg. In our local paper, they ran a medical column hosted by Dr. Gott. He has retired and the column is no longer as interesting. There is no proof that this works, but people would write in about restless leg and he would pass along this story his readers had mentioned. The remedy, don't laugh, is placing a bar of soap under the sheets. This makes as much sense as putting a bar of soap in a paper bag, swinging it over your head and screaming like a chicken. He passed that tip in numerous columns, his comment was always "people claim it helps" so he didn't poo poo the notion, just said it wasn't something doctors were taught to prescribe.

I never figured out exactly where the soap was supposed to be, under the bottom sheet or just between the sheets......and as crazy as it sounds, it doesn't involve buying a potion from a holistic practitioner. Dr. Gott never recommended any particular brand of soap, and I'm just guessing the soap was not wrapped. I acknowledge I sound like a crazy lady, I've never tried the soap under the sheet thing. I only experienced restless leg once, but it was due to medication that was supposed to prevent migraines. Restless leg sucks like a Hoover.

I hope you get some much deserved relief from all those ills.
Reply Wed 19 Feb, 2014 02:40 pm
Very quiet in First Word at the moment. Hope everybody is okay - where are you all?
Reply Wed 19 Feb, 2014 02:58 pm

[/IS THAT BETTER? Wink size]
Reply Wed 19 Feb, 2014 03:02 pm
Noisier Laughing Laughing
Reply Wed 19 Feb, 2014 03:17 pm
Reply Wed 19 Feb, 2014 03:50 pm
Brat!!! Laughing Laughing Laughing
Reply Wed 19 Feb, 2014 03:58 pm
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Feb, 2014 03:59 pm

I spent yesterday morning in the A&E of my local hospital. Long story, but to cut it short, I had a bad reaction to antibiotics after my operation last week, phoned a doctor for advice, and was misdiagnosed - not his fault, he wanted to take me into hospital then, but I refused. He told me to stop one of my BP meds, and when I did - wow, I ended up with a BP of 212 over 140 - something in that area or above. Passing out ... blah blah blah ... quite nasty - but a few hours in hospital being tested for everything under the sun seemed to sort things out - at least enough until I see my own doctor, hopefully when I have my stitches removed tomorrow.

I've had an ECG, multiple blood tests, blood glucose tests, and my blood pressure taken countless times. A thorough examination from a doctor. So I ought to last until tomorrow. Sore but still breathing!

Reply Wed 19 Feb, 2014 04:19 pm

Sorry to hear this Von.

I am glad that you had all the tests in the World done and that you ended up back there.. But, I wonder sometimes if people check enough. What's important is that you are seeing your OWN Doctor.

Wishing you the best and healing and I hope you are worrying to much.

Get some sleep please let us know how you feel in the morning ...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Feb, 2014 04:23 pm
You poor thing, that must have been very frightening. I hope you are feeling a bit better now. At least it sounds like they were very thorough and checked everything they possibly could. Take it easy, and hopefully everything will be ok.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Feb, 2014 04:28 pm
Wow, Vonny, I hope you have a BP cuff. Check your pressure while you are getting back to normal. Sometimes my BP gets elevated when I'm in pain or dealing with an infection. But your numbers need to come down, (I don't know why I think that has to be pointed out, everybody here is sharper than I am, sometimes I can't help myself). I think we need to swear off ailments for the next 3 months, too many folks dealing with health issues. So, now we all have to agree to be as healthy as horses. Are we all in agreement? Great!!!
Reply Thu 20 Feb, 2014 11:03 am

Once Danny is safely back with us - and with so many prayers and so much love being directed towards him, and his huge willpower, it may not be too far off in the future - I'm sure we can swear off ailments on this thread. Meantime - get well soon Danny, we know how hard you are fighting!

As for me - thanks for enquiring Foundy, cherrie and glitterbag - all okay now. I sincerely hope that will be an end to my medical tales of woe! BP back to normal now and no more fainting spells, so I can quit with the Victorian maiden swoons and get back to normal. Which reminds me - how is your throat now glittebag, how are your legs Sturgis, have you recovered from smoke inhalation cherrie, and hey, Foundy, how are your shoulders now?

Hey ho, perhaps we do talk about health rather a lot, but good to have a thread where we can cover anything - floods anybody!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Feb, 2014 02:48 pm

The beauty of this thread Glitter, is that, we feel like family here. We can be open and share our pain, no matter whether it's in the heart or in the body or both.

It's one of the things I love about FW... Because we can be there for those that are having difficulties and lift them up, encourage, talk or just vent..

I too have a health problem as all know but nothing compared to most.

You all are "highly" important to me, I wouldn't want any of you to not write how you are feeling of sharing and there is a genuine concern for each here, like family Smile

But, I get ya.. Positive thinking. It is truly amazing our brain and how it works, the more we believe the more what we believe in happens. So, I am with you there, to "believe we are as healthy as horses" Well they are magnificent creatures though I'd love to run like the wind like they do Smile

Pain is tough... The tough have to believe to get through it and I think that is what we all are, quite a tough bunch Smile It's not a negative thing to talk, it's a positive thing.

So lovely that you all dropped in to wish Von well, that's the spirit of caring...

Von, so, so pleased you are back to where you should be.. Keep healing sweet.

But I do want to know, what did the Doctors look like? And, ambulance guys? Any hunks? Wink

Sturgis - what did you eat last night? haha.

Cherrie we have cooler weather here, frig almost winter what is going on? That has eased your volunteer work yes?

Dearest Danny, we always going to talk about you because you think you are the Boss, and us witches keep telling you there are too many of us and nothing Sturgis can do either to change that... Love is with you from all of us and more... x


Have to go to a Court case for Property Management one of the biggest blunders I've done in years. I put this family with new born babies into a home. Their record showed they would be able to afford it and always paid on time, except their last place I didn't check. How could I? It was at his Mothers. Well appears that could now have been for a reason. They moved in, in December, paid their two weeks rent in advance and that's it, poof never to find another cent there after, even though they tried to make arrangements didn't follow through, had Centrelink ring me with an offer, didn't follow through now I have to evict a family with babies.

Not ON my own.. Not, sure what the guy is like, there will be a Sheriff there and a locksmith. I believe they will obtain the notice on Monday, and then I have to give them access (change of locks) for two days to remove their stuff.

I'm just lucky my landlord "who I bought the house on behalf of" as a Buyers Agent has stated it's not my fault. He too made the decision to accept them, move on and upwards. He's referred another Buyer onto me and gave me a glowing testimonial.. I feel blessed and sick at the same time if that makes sense.

Then I have to go Goodwill Shopping, your fav Von, anyone else shop at OP shops? OMG I love them. D, needs small bowls .. His new business is going so well and it's not even been a week yet, already ran out of plates as well..


How is the weather everywhere? Apart from Aussie Land Wink

Reply Sat 22 Feb, 2014 03:02 pm

It really has been beautiful here today. Such a difference to see blue skies and sunshine after what is officially the wettest winter since records began. Not long until springtime, hurrah!


Op shops? Now that the libraries have tighter budgets, I really need Op shops to supply my constant search for books. Amazing what wonderful bargains are up for grabs - gardening manuals, recipe books, all the splendidly crafted, rather expensive, manuals that I want - and for a pittance. Wonderful value.


How did it go in Court? Must have been rather an ordeal for you. Then you have the eviction next week - not an easy job, but one that must be done. I hope a visit to the Op shops for bowls turned out to be a success.


Sturgis - haven't heard from you or seen you for a few days. I do hope your legs aren't giving you problems at the present time? Poor Sturgis, do you get any relief when the weather improves or does it flare up at any time of the year, without reason? Here's some virtual liquorice for you - enjoy!


Cherrie - how are you now after your hectic period of helping to prevent bush fires? You must be exhausted - such strenuous and frightening work. Are they still burning anywhere? Hopefully you'll have had rain now, and everything been damped down.

Glitterbag - great to see so much of you here and on the various threads. See, I haven't mentioned my operation once today! Laughing
Reply Sat 22 Feb, 2014 03:49 pm

That' awesome news there Von... It's been so hellish for you all over there, blue skies and sunshine, must be magical to look at, at present...

OMG - You really want to know what happened?

OK - Razz - Firstly, I certainly left in time BUT, 10 minutes into the journey I got held up in a traffic jam. There was no turn offs, 2k a minute for 20 minutes and anxiety set in, I don't have anxiety, at least I don't think that I do. Eventually, as the clock was ticking, I did what any business person would do, slowly drove over the middle island and turned around and off I went, in the other direction, turning eventually right and finding my way back down the hill from the other side of the neighbourhood until I could eventually get on track.

Very naughty "Officer I had to" , " I also did it safely and didn't you see the guy before me do it? "

Approaching the city, looking at the time, looking at the petrol gage I mean I had no time to stop, seeing just (1) cigarette left I didn't have time to stop, I started dialing the Tribunal, " please, answer, please"... Driving, driving whoo hoo no red lights, staying at the allocated speed, not going over, being good.... No answer... 5 times later.. No answer.

15 minutes late I am trying to put my shoes on, get a ticket, put it in my car, get up the lift, to the 4th floor I arrived. Phew.. "Hi, I'm from and I am sorry to be late but I tried to call for the past 15 minutes".. "Fill out a form". Ok, cold woman.

Then, "excuse me, you are on at 12".. Ok, 15 minutes. Then "excuse me, no 12.30pm, go get a coffee"..Ok, phew well coffee and a packet of cigarettes I'm still stressed, sounds perfect.

Gets to 12.30pm... " Firstly, I am sorry mam, we received an email from the tenant, she only got her notice today".. "Yes, Sir, I got mine 2 days ago and I am sorry for being late, traffic jam and I tried to call".. "Yes, I called you". "Yes at the time I was trying to call through... The end.. No worries.

So, Ms Tenant was telephoned and she was sworn in. How do you do that over a phone?

Long story short, she claimed that her Husband and her were separating, that as a result, they cut her Centerlink, ( we know she has $2k from them now) radrada and wanted to pay $100 extra a week to catch up, on............$2400 how many weeks is that 24?

The Judge granted it ... (BUT) he said to me, sometimes it's best to let them fail.. I got it. We have $1800 in bond ie) security, she is to pay $800 by Monday, equals the $2400 owed and each $800 she pays, equals the $2400 owed less $200 so if we "do" have to evict, my Landlord actually has the full rent... Smile Very clever.

And, so, I spoke to the Landlord, he thought so too, very clever and thanked me for the 2hr ordeal for being there for them and working through everything..

Phew.. That means the referral that they gave me, will still be happening ....


So then visited D's new Café/Bar had a coffee 5th for the day, no food imagine what I was running on Smile And, headed back this way of the woods, thereafter.

Did you enjoy reading my book? HEHE.


OMG - Yesterday (must still be high on all that coffee) we spent a mere $56 and obtained 12 dinner plates, around 10 glass old fashioned small bowls, 4 English Antique plates and an glass with bronze feet (ashtray) .. We enjoyed the 10 minute mad rush.. Now D has what he needs (for now) Smile

Plus I got the English plates off course and the ashtray.

Glad you asked? Wink

So you are feeling better Von?

You've asked about everyone else so I don't need to Smile
Reply Sat 22 Feb, 2014 09:42 pm
When you asked about hunky ambulance attendants it reminded me of something that happened to me many years ago. I lived in a small townhouse with my son who was about 4 at that time. It had been a punishing winter, many ice storms and generally dreadful weather. Sometime in mid-March, the crappy weather lifted we had a glorious spring like day, it was sunny, warm and a lovely warm breeze wafted around, it was heaven. I had just gotten home from work, opened all the windows and when I opened the sliding glass door my neighbors were sitting out on chaise lounges. We talked a little, laughing (we were all pretty young with toddlers), it was enjoyable until I got an uncomfortable tight feeling around my waist. I decided to head back in the house but the tightness was creeping up until my entire torso was incredibly cramped and painful. I tried to get comfortable, but sitting didn't help, lying on the bed was worse so I tried lying on the floor.

None of this was helping, I was afraid I might pass out so I called my four year old over and asked him to go next door and tell Mr. Dale, mommy needed some help. He was 4, so it was important to appear calm and I could hear him humming and singing as he headed down the stairs to get the neighbors. As I was lying on the floor wondering if I was having a heart attack suddenly Dale ran into the bedroom and ran right over me. I didn't realize what was happening, but I was hyperventilating, and my hands were feeling numb and the fingers were drawing inward sort of claw like and my arms were also curling. Dale, my neighbor, was a county police detective, and after he recovered from running over me, he tried to help, but the first question he asked was, are you doing that on purpose with your hands? It struck me funny, I don't know why.

In the meantime, his wife Kathy had called 911 and she kept Eric occupied showing his toys to her. She called my Mom to pick up Eric, while Dale supervised the whole ambulance experience. They were great neighbors. So ok, I've been carted out of the house and placed in an ambulance. The young EMT was far from hunky, but he looked so frightened and as we sped off to the ER, he checked my vitals, asked about the pain, then asked if anything had upset me that day, I said no, then said well, just this pain, he smiled then immediately regretted it, he looked so worried I felt a little bad for him. I don't know why I thought of this, but I said " I hope I'm wearing clean underwear", he started to giggle, stopped, then assured me that no one will check my underwear. I was still in a ton of pain, but I amused myself.

It turned out I had gall stones, and a raging gall bladder infection. It was resolved with surgery, but it took nine days for the hospital to figure out what the problem was, then another 7 days for the old style surgery and recovery time. Spending time in the hospital is dreadful and humorous, really not a place for sick people. I could write a book about all the crap that goes on in hospitals, well at least when I've been a patient.

Sorry for the long boring story, but every so often I wonder if that EMT thought I was serious about my undies, and would tell the story about the ghost white young woman in terrible pain who was only concerned about clean undies.
Reply Sun 23 Feb, 2014 03:48 pm

That's a great story Glitter. I felt like I was there. For your hands to curl up like that, you would have gone through a shirt load of pain. Gallstones are not funny they are huge, my Father had them out as well, about the only time I know of when we went to Hospital let alone a Doctor. He's one of those people that don't believe in them.

I think I would be worried about nickers too Wink

Me? I have a fear of needles YET, I am able to give Kia her injection 6.30am and 6.30pm daily. Which is kinda strange...

STURGIS HOW ARE YOU? Come on, long enough get over here and let us feel calmer. Hopefully.

VON - all healing well?

CHERRIE - Enjoying the cooler weather, so weird isn't it.

DUCTHY - WE love you

OSSO Smile

Well thought it better to answer your question here, as not to hi-jack that thread ..

This is a horrible shot of the "shop" deliberately, as that is how cluttered it WAS much better now but I have new stock, new clothes as well so I have to sort that out better.. I purchased another table as well to put outside, as well as a clothes rack and I have two large clothes rack high up outside poll to poll, so people going past can see.

It's quite amusing as people are curious it's like WT? As you know I am a Real Estate Agent. BUT, I also make over houses with accessories as part of my service, FREE. As such I decided to own a shop and work from the shop. So there are display items as well as items for sale that are new and I branched out with recycled goods so clothes/shoes/jewellery became part of it, then antiques. It's a real mixture as I said it does NOT look so cluttered anymore hehe. Will take more shots.

David's just opened a Sicilian Café / Bar. So it's open early hours of the morning, lunch and then Friday nights so far, as a Bar. I love it, it looks fantastic. Though more hours for the poor man.

Here also are some pictures Smile

They are located in the City of Adelaide. So they intend to market to the businesses as well, take-away coffees and take-away arancini balls rice with fillings) and salads, or sausages with salad and chick pea chips with lemon. Smile





Reply Mon 24 Feb, 2014 01:00 am

I am being pulled in two directions at the moment, and don't know whether to laugh or cry, so am doing both.
My two oldest daughters were/are pregnant. One had a miscarriage last week, she was in hospital from Tuesday till Friday and still has to have more tests to see what went wrong. So that's the sad one. My other daughter just rang me to say that she got the results of a Downs Syndrome test - she was in the high risk group - and it's all clear. So happy and relieved. I had convinced myself that it was going to be bad news - we've had a fair bit of it lately - so I'm still trying to take it in.
I feel so sad for one daughter and so happy for the other one.
Reply Mon 24 Feb, 2014 01:55 am

Hey Cherrie.

As a Mother this is devastating because you so want nothing but happiness for your children...

I am SO sorry for her / your loss. This is hard.

I'm glad that she is having tests so that she can eliminate any future concerns or problems and know then it's "ok".

You'll do all the right things, be there for both, thank you so much for sharing with us, bought a little tear to my eyes.

Thinking of you and BIG ((( HUGS )))

If you feel up to it, we'd love to know the test results.

And, we are here for you, if you want to VENT do it, just go for it...


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