First Word -

Reply Mon 24 Feb, 2014 04:07 pm

How sad that your daughter lost her baby - she must be desperately unhappy and feeling pretty lost at the present time. Let's hope there is no serious reason behind the miscarriage, and that her next pregnancy will go full term and be a happy and healthy one.

But how wonderful that your other daughter received good results from the Downs Syndrome test. You must have been on tenterhooks wondering if the news was good or bad. So glad that it was happy news.

You must be exhausted mentally and physically yourself - you've been through an emotional wringer lately, what with the bush fires, tiredness, then the sad news and joyous news from your girls. I hope things get easier for you.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Feb, 2014 08:42 pm
Foundy and Vonnie
Thank you both for your words. I'm an emotional yoyo at the moment - up and down. Smile Sad Smile Sad Sad Smile Sad
My daughter is strong and has a wonderful partner, they will get through this together, and will try again in a few months - all being well.

It was a long wait for the test results for my other daughter. It can be done with an amniocentesis test but that is very invasive and carries a risk of causing a miscarriage, but there is now a blood test available. The problem with that is that it is new in Australia and we don't have testing facilities here yet, so the blood sample has to sent to the US. So it was about 6 weeks between being told she was in the high risk group and getting the final results. Very stressful.

And of course she's very conflicted too, happy and relieved that her baby is alright, but devastated for her sister. It will all take time.

Anyway, enough about that.

Vonny - how are you feeling now? Hopefully all recovered from your surgery.
I saw somewhere on another thread that you are finally getting some sunshine over there. Being able to get outside without being blown away must be a relief, and a bit of sun always makes everything a bit better.

Foundy - you have a shop to run as well as a real estate agency? How do you manage that? Op shopping - love it. My daughter once got a hand bag for about $3 , turned out to be a designer label, I can't remember which one now, but she sold it on ebay for $230. Not a bad profit.

Reply Mon 24 Feb, 2014 09:26 pm
I'm starting to fade, this is early for me, but the new antibiotics are not solving the problem. Yes I have another possible bronchitis situation, I've got to convince my doc to check my esphosagas again, I've been inadvertently exposed to mold and I think I may have a re-occurrence of the esphosagas fungus. Hope they can figure our a way to determine what's wrong without another invasive procedure. All I want it to do is to stop coughing. The sooner the better. I'm having a little pity party for myself.
Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2014 03:34 pm

You put two sad faces together, instead of more happy ones Smile

I don't know why these things happen Cherrie but I do think that they happen for a reason, wrong timing? To build more strength together as one? You can bet ya on the last one. Their "togetherness" this wonderful partner will be even more wonderful through this and their love will be stronger as a result.

This will be tough on your daughter (until) she finds out that there were no real reason behind this sad event, well I hope not.. But, tough as she goes through the pregnancy and has the little one.

I am sure you will all continue to support your daughters and they will get through this together with that.

I can't tell you how I would feel if I was you, I just feel horrid for you.

I took some more photos yesterday will get a couple up later Smile

I'm it... But I love it Cherrie. Property Manager, Sales Agent, Buyers Agent, Trust Account Manager, Account Manager, Make-over Artist, Marketer and then the shop Smile 3 years ago I left a Franchise, Professionals that I owned in Glenelg, with 15 staff. I'd had enough, leading Agent with all these wannabees that didn't produce results let alone service that I expected and wanted.. I seem to do different things with whatever job I take on. No one seems to be able to follow. In any event. I decided to take the debt and do it myself, that way I can do it all my way Smile

The Shop was born from that. With Sales or Rentals, I do free accessory make-overs so that the property (especially if vacant) looks lived in, so that the photos come out with colour and style. A picture tells a thousand words right? So as I got busier I ran out of accessories, so I opened a Real Estate Shop of Make-overs and more.

I've been an OP SHOP fan since I can remember, Harry Who I've picked a few of those up, the bag bargain sounds awesome, way to go. These days they "look" for labels but even then they don't go much over $19.99 for something.

Soooo, now the shop has new stock, as in "new accessories, candles, vases etc, clothes, shoes, jewellery, cushions, but the clothes bring people into the shop as they hang outside .

Kinda awesome sitting in a shop doing work and talking to people, no longer having to wear suits LOLS well as a shop owner I can wear what I like. And, comments made "what a great idea", good marketing.

If I spent more time there the rent would be paid just from the shop. If I moved somewhere where there was traffic, I would never be able to cope.


I still OP shop and if it doesn't look right, I sell it Wink
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2014 03:39 pm


My Mother has been going through something simular. They told her it was a bad case of Asthma.. IDK.. Where were you inadvertently exposed to mould?

Go to another Doctor. You should not have to convince any doctor anything, we know our bodies and they work for us or so it would seem, yet they tend to think that they are God sometimes.

Sorry you are not feeling well. NO WONDER you tried to tell us not to write about any illnesses hehe. Ya didn't want to be reminded Smile We be thinking of you.

It's all good, you will work it out as you are not the type to sit back and let someone not do something to find the answer.

STRUGIS for frig sake what did you eat last night? Haven't heard from you for a while and worried if you want the truth. I did read on a thread where you were suggesting you weren't the best again. I know you are going through on-going problems as well, which I truly wish we could solve for you. (HUGS)

VON - ya been asked twice now how you are getting on from your op.

No, not OP shop, well you can tell us that too Smile

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2014 03:46 pm
Wow - you don't sound too well. Bronchitis again? That must be so painful and upsetting.

Pity party? Why not. We all need one at times - and a warm hug, albeit a virtual one, just to say someone cares.

I hope the doctor can get to the bottom of it without the invasive procedure you fear. Horrid to have a cough that goes on and on.

Get well soon, glitterbag, and do try to rest and relax until you manage to have it examined and, hopefully, cured. How long have you been on the antibiotics - ought they to have worked by now?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2014 03:58 pm
Not surprised you have such conflicting feelings of joy and sorrow. But I'm sure the daughter who lost her baby will recover with her loving partner and family there to comfort and support her - and you can all feel happy and blessed that her sister is to be delivered of a child without the genetic illness that was feared.

A stressful time for you all, but it's getting better now. Relax and enjoy the future - things are going to be just fine, think positive thoughts from now on - no negative thoughts allowed! Laughing

I'm very pleased with the results of my operation. And the bout of illness that followed because of my bad reaction to antibiotics is just about over now - a whole week has gone by since I was taken to A&E - gosh, time does go fast. Still a bit dizzy now and then, but getting better.

Yes, Sturgis, where are you. Ages since you made an appearance - don't worry us like this. Hurry back - you're missed.

And Danny - well, what can I say. We miss you and want you to get well - soon. Lots of love to you and Anna.

Foundy - rock on girl - you're doing well. More when I can - meantime, don't work so hard!!!
Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2014 06:41 pm

Well that is what he just wrote to me OUR DUTCHY Smile

"Dr's say they are on top of the bug"... But Danny still has a couple of other things to get through which they are working on..

"I've only had family but I'm up for visitors"

So I guess FS will be visiting this Friday (day after tomorrow) Smile

Will give my love an hugs an stuff ....

Short email but the witch doesn't have to fly around the room she can get some rest phewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ....

0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Feb, 2014 10:53 am
Oops, adding word(s)

I found First Word again recently, but somehow lost track again, maybe I'd failed to thumb it up. Anyway, I need to do a batch of reading!

Foundy, I don't know which place I like more - thank you so much for the pictures. I'm jealous in many ways but very happy for you both. The shop is great, and such a good name for it.

And don't get me started on sicilian food. My new attempts at gelato making are of the sicilian variety (use cornstarch or arrowroot instead of eggs); I love and crave arancini, used to make them all the time when I had access to good arborio rice, would eat one and freeze the rest for other times. I didn't deep fry mine, but baked them, probably not as wonderful but still good. They're also called Suppli al Telefono, as the mozzarella stuffing will form telephone line like strings if your Suppli are nice and hot..
Plus I have this dream of someday getting to Sicily, which I've read vast amounts about.

Leaves with a link: http://www.icecreamnation.org/2011/08/sicilian-gelato/
Heh, I'm the last poster commenting on there..
Reply Wed 26 Feb, 2014 03:43 pm


In Swedish

Why you should make ice cream!

HAHA. Smile

That ice-cream looks to die for but I don't know if I have the patience or time to make that sort of stuff, let alone arancini and do you know how many I have eaten in the last month whilst the mistro's (however you spell it) experiment in preparation ? Ahh. I hear that Sicily is an awesome place to visit, have seen some photo's D's partner has been there.

The name of my business derived from myself and a partner, well she was meant to be but she tried to cook the books , plus lazy and wanted champagne with the girls instead of anyone working so I kicked her to the curb. Shame I have to live with the name, lucky the beginning I like Smile Thanks Smile Re-arranged it all the other day, looks more inviting now...

We be getting older, we just want to survive in our golden years so don't be jealous we are working over time Smile

Heh, I'm the last poster commenting on there..

Great to see you here.

hehe NO you are not Wink
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Feb, 2014 07:32 pm
This inspires me to show some photos, but first I have to get my new printer going. (Vonny knows about my poor approach to having to twiddle with computer stuff).

Reply Wed 26 Feb, 2014 08:47 pm
This is an anything thread, seriously sometimes we even put photos of hot looking guys on here Wink

Look forward to it.
Reply Fri 28 Feb, 2014 04:49 pm
Posted on Yabber re our BOSS!!!! Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Mar, 2014 05:33 am

Lovely to see you across here, Ossobuco. I hope this is the first of many visits to our little oasis of (relative) calm.


Hopefully we'll get to see some of your delicious recipes soon - every time you've written of food you've cooked, eaten or desired, you've made my mouth water. Perhaps you'll share some of them with us.


You have a lot of strings to your bow - as an artist of some merit, you will be a welcome addition to Foundy's great and very diverse thread.


Sturgis - missing you lots! I hope your legs aren't causing you too much pain and discomfort. Here's a red bedroom for you to recover in! Get well soon, dear Sturgis.


Glitterbag and Cherrie - hoping your throat is okay now Glitterbag, and that both of your daughters are doing well now, Cherrie.


Foundy - a little bird tells me you're driving a splendid new car - lucky you! Photo please! Here's a 'bug' that would suit me! Laughing Laughing Laughing


Danny Danny Danny - I'm sure you manage to keep up to date with the goings-on of your witches - we're lost without you, dear boss! Get strong for us!


0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Mar, 2014 02:04 pm

Been here, been browsing, just not been posting. Keeping track here and there of what is happening and waiting to post when I felt the urge. Sent FS an e-mail which as she kindly stated, didn't really say much as far as what was going on with me. Strange how I do that, must be those years of trying to get out of various scrapes when I was growing up. Tell 'em everything and yet say nothing.

Serious side, was in a weird place and couldn't figure it out. Then the other day it registered that there had been a solid year of these blasted 3 times weekly wound care things. Must have been playing in the back of my mind somewheres and when that combined with more bitter cold and some snow in the forecast I think I must have snapped. Got so strange I was even tempted to be kind to my next door neighbor. (don't worry, I got past that notion real fast when he started playing with his garbage again. Did I ever mention that he takes a folding chair out in the hallway and sits there while 'reorganizing' his trash? He is a walking advertisement against legalizing pot!)

Sleeping in segments. Yeah segments. Some are 10 hours and some are 2 hours. Yeah, I mean per night/24 hours. It's due to pain med. which does the trick on the pain but leaves me wired and so awake it gets on my nerves. Then I allow the pain to build, start to hum and eventually drift off to sleep...I'll do anything to avoid listening to me hum! Laughing
See the doctor again this upcoming Thursday, don't expect any trouble.

As I indicated, I've been following along, checking on postings once or twice a day, so aware of what is happening with the bunch of you and the wonderful improvementation of Danny. Rather than respond to each item separate, I'll keep it short and just say I'm glad we are all still around and good to see osso dropping back in here. The more the merrier.

As for me...

Back later...
Reply Sat 1 Mar, 2014 11:59 pm
Sturgis, I have to admit that nagging health problems can make you depressed and out of sorts. In the last 8 years or so, I've had a lot of trouble with sinus infections/bronchitis/even a fungal infection in my esophagus. I get tired of complaining about complaining. But, it still beats the 10 years of CFS. I don't want to be a buzz kill, but ailments suck. Getting a cold is inconvenient for 4 to 7 days, but having to report to a wound care center sucks big time. I'm not sure what I'm trying to say, but I do know it's wonderful to have a couple of good days, but wow that sounds so needy, I think I'm just get tired, it's 12:45AM, I should go to bed.

I apologize Sturgis, it's maddening heading out for dr. Appt, and more dr. Appts. I recognize how these things limit your freedom and recreation. I enjoy checking in on A2K to see how everyone is doing, we've all been concerned about Dutchy, and a lot of us enjoy the silly threads. It's good to have a place to share and enjoy, and I have to thank Dutchy for pointing me to first word.

Again, sorry for the Debbie downer tonight. I'll get some sleep and hopefully return as a human being in the afternoon. Goodnight everyone, GB
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2014 02:40 am

Sent FS an e-mail which as she kindly stated, didn't really say much as far as what was going on with me. Strange how I do that

ERHERM... At least I didn't brow beat you with questions of WHAT ARE YOU EATING:)

Then the other day it registered that there had been a solid year of these blasted 3 times weekly wound care things.

I know it's frustrating for all of you. Three times a week Sturgis with no end in site, must be more than frustrating.

I always think that we have to continue regardless to look at the positives. I always believe there is one in a negative.

We all have something that sometimes is so hard to take that we live with day in and day out, year after year. I told Von via a PM just this morning that I nearly cried myself to sleep last night. I don't think I have ever said that here ever. The pain was a shocker and I have no idea what has sturgised it up?


I think that our body will only heal as much as it's able to, based on our immune system.. Or injuries how they were dealt with at the time.

BUT, we are able to have fun times right? Think of some things that have happened this past year and that goes for anyone. What made you smile?

New stuff, grandkids, nieces, things.

I think when ever down think of the happy things.

Laugher is the best medicine so how about we try that Smile

It may start like erm this ..

But between us "especially Von's wit" as noted above, will end as this.


I have a feeling that all witches at present look like this.


And I think that we all should do this Wink




Returned for a quick message on Yabber Smile

Then there is me but the put a B instead of a W?


Given the Boss is still around lurking, searching, sleeping, smiling, it's time to do that too................

Sturgis / Glitter, I think it's time to get answers not just attended to, change Dr's, seek answers...

Von you have been soooooooo quiet since your own surgery, I commend you but, with the flu as well, I feel sorry for you... But, here you are, being there ...


Sturgis PM / Email me I need ta google and find some answers for you .

Much love.

Oh and to DA BOSS TOO ... Smile

Oh and to The FW clan. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2014 01:30 pm
(well it is here at least)

Another night, another dollar, another song, another...

oh wait, I wasn't supposed to be creating song lyrics. My bad.

Weather is an unknown...still. As ehBeth indicated in snowless Boston thread, there was expectations of a small dusting of snow and they got a bit more. Here the amounts have fluctuated from a couple of inches to at least a foot...or good grief, more! However I believe in waiting until it is coming down before even believing the weather loons got it right on any front. I know midday Friday it felt like a storm was coming but by yesterday it didn't seem that way and today, well, today I can't say. It's been overcast and gloomy for the most part but a bit above freezing so maybe it won't develop into anything.

glitter, don't worry about me heading out the door for wound care. Because this thing started at a point where I was unable to get a shoe on (that's another part of it) the doctor managed to get me the ease of home visits. Mind you this isn't a lot of fun either as I need to stay put on those days until the nurse has arrived. Usually that is early afternoon but there have been a few morning visits and a few rather late visits. Still, it gets the wounds tended to and gives me some freedom through the day as I can focus on some home matters, whereas if going to a clinic or office, I'd be stuck there with a 5 year old issue of Popular Mechanics or an issue of Time Magazine with President Truman on the cover. (why are the mags in those places always so old?)

Foundy, stop fretting. A little pain can lead to gain (not sure how that works though) The medical side is doing the best they can at present. Problems are twofold as the circulatory will cause the extreme swelling and wounds of its own, the solution being compression stockings, or in my case these tubigrip things which while getting my circulation somewhat improved also created moisture through sweat which softens the skin tissue and makes it susceptible to bleeding and the places where the veins are most likely to burst through are given a hand at doing so. Sort of a win-win situation with a mild loss in the 3rd column. Or the popular three steps forward, two steps back, which is still a forward of one step which is where the positive enters into it.

Glad you recalled those old math lessons too! Saying there is always a positive in a negative reminded me of how two negative integers add up to a positive integer. (and they were sure I wasn't paying attention back then)

Was very good to see the message in from Danny. He's got a bit of a trek in front of him, as does Anna; however, I firmly believe he will handle this well as is his general nature. The positive which he radiates every time he is around here goes wherever he is and spreads about. It can't be helped.

On the food front...since someone here (who shall remain nameless) wants to know, I have been eating some good and proper food and some food that I should not eat so much of. However, I have been eating so that will be what I hold up as the good side. For tonight, I am supposed to scarf down a shepherd's pie which a kindly friend made and brought over. Just need to reheat the thing. That shouldn't be too hard to figure for me...let's see 700 degrees for 3 hours... or was it microwave on high until I smell smoke?

Got some licorice in as well so that'll tend to the sweet tooth along with a few cups of coffee. No, I won't be consuming all this while watching the Oscars. I don't intend to watch the Oscars, I can't remember the last time I saw that show. With all these channels, and varied reading materials, and the Internet, I should be able to keep entertained in some way other than listening to actors and the such read annoying prepared speeches.

Other than that, things are going along, it's March which means baseball season will soon be underway and the hockey season will finally conclude. It was a heartbreaker last night as the Penguins fell to the Blackhawks. The game was televised live out of Chicago where it was bitterly cold and snowing. Felt bad for the fans watching as the rink was set up on the football field, and it was outdoors. The players might be cold but at least they are moving around, the fans are stuck in the stands with no protection against the elements, there was an image of one man half covered in snow. Looked both nice and scary at the same time.

Okay, I'm done for now.

Back later...
Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2014 02:34 pm

That pretty much describes several of us on FW at the moment! GB - do take care of that vulnerable throat. Foundy - crying in pain? That just isn't you - do go and see a doctor if this continues. Sturgis - we worry about you when we don't hear from you - then worry about you when we do. Loads of love and licquorice, plus plentiful ice cream, and damn the consequences. Seen any nice policemen lately? Laughing Cherrie - how about you? Carrying the burdens of loving motherhood and caring for the wellbeing of your offspring is natural - but do have some 'me' time too. Danny - always miss you when you aren't here, but knowing you'll be back eventually does cheer us up lots! Osso, do return - often - lovely to see you post. RH - not a lot from you on Moose Cave or music threads lately - hope you are okay?

Hugs to you all.
Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2014 02:36 pm
I see I posted on page 5 - haven't managed to read the 5000+ posts yet, though.

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