Well my recall was floating on IDK, a raft made of logs. A few of us sounds like fun yes? And then came Pamela Finger, yep poor child and her Father was a teacher, looked like you Sturgis!!!

But grey... And poor love got picked on so yep, I was her friend. But, not THAT close sheez... As she fell off into the water and I reached out for her and she PULLED me under, then climbed on ME to get to the surface to live.... Whilst I am down there somewhere, fighting to get her off me ,get OFF me... Phew, she climbed back up and I became free.
Try that for where is the water
CAMP fires .... What the? Oh Sturgis, you haven't lived until you've lived rough. The beauty of a camp fire, well except the food off course, then again, when we were young, we camped by a river and we cooked fish... Now that was awesome.... I would do that again.
Obama is your Cousin?
Not sure what is happening.. .But I don't like it. I just watched our SBS news, world wide and they are talking "everywhere" Japan has so much snow people have died, or been injured 20,000 without power, 1700's was the last time the water levels apparently were like they were in England, Poland has problems, Aussieland has it's highest hot weather and it's here in Adelaide... I can see where this Earth is heading, as predicted ONE day, under water and on fire.
Sigh, at least I won't be here.
STURGIS, this is sad news, so sorry... Shaking all the time or most would be horrible... I just deal with an "injury" can't complain... Though I could tonight so this is my last post... But, I understand, shirt most here would understand, you go to these people and they just do test after test after test and your prodded and stuff and can they do much? IDK... Use your MIND, it's powerful... And, what you know , in looking after yourself but please don't prolong something if it's giving you grief either... Sometimes you have to be prodded lord sometimes I have foot and mouth decease ... But have a think over the next few weeks. We love you and don't want you to go through this...
NAH actually I have chandeliers in both homes, I'm selling one, too hard, tenants , gardens , maintenance, owe the banks, just get rid of it, start again with Mr D... much better idea... But, I twas not hanging, though I would, that would be me to try

Have no idea? It's doing it again tonight, referring down my leg... I THINK that because I got a man flu

Always happens, if sick, the injuries play up, sorry I didn't have any thing exciting to say as to why
Looked GOOD:) Gotta say Dutchy, Anna looked awesome

SHE DID... Younger even.. It was wonderful to spend an hour with you darling. I just wish I lived near all of you, I truly do.
Just keep letting them work it out... and stop making Anna make you food because you don't like "that" food... What was her name? Stacy? The Nurse? Nice and she's single
Ok Red couldn't be replaced what bird can?
But now introducing VIOLET who swings and HARRY well he's such a larrikin I think...
Already, checking out the other birds
Just trying to show the violet under the lemon, really pretty .
Lastly, shorn Rawaii hehe, sleeping
DINNER time late 7.15pm... and relax and early nightttt