First Word -

Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 05:12 am
Aren't they just adorable, she cracks me up.. Big time... I want to save all of them, use them, in every post Smile

Mr Dutchy.............Much love again to you and Mrs Dutchy... Very sad day, glad I got to speak to Ms Anna... Glad you enjoyed your dinner and I hope that Ms Anna has a good sleep a bit tired myself, so night xxx

With BIG HUGS TO BOTH OF YOU ...................................


A sister is a sister for life.
In youth she can be a lot of strife.
For the most part she is your friend.
Always until the end.
There may be differences, as well as different ideas
But with sisters there are no fears
As two often they become one
There is beauty always together in the sun
The starts shine sometimes in 3
It's to remind that as such, all are we.

Read that to Anna for me xxxxxxx
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Jan, 2014 05:20 am

It's starting to feel like summer here now, high 30's today, tomorrow will be 43 - that's 109.4 for you non-celcius people - and hovering around 40 for the rest of the week. Then a cool change on the weekend. Cool

Sturgis , I hope things are improving for you weather-wise. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be that cold. How do people even function? If I could send you some of our heat I would, we've got plenty to spare. Very Happy

Did you have a bit of retail therapy and hit the shops for the after-Christmas sales Foundy? There's nothing like a new lot of clothes to give you a boost.
I hope D enjoyed your fashion parade.

Vonny, I was truly shocked when you said how long England is. Shocked I knew it was just a little itty-bitty country, but I never realised it was quite that tiny. You could drive the whole length of the country in just a matter of hours. I suppose here we are used to the distances and don't really think about it that much.

Dutchy, I am sorry for your and Anna's loss.

Reply Mon 13 Jan, 2014 03:01 pm

Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing cherrie, this 40 plus degrees going on, I mean I felt so sluggish yesterday attempting to get all work done "without" air con until I got home Smile Though, I do feel like taking some time out and walking the beach and I am GOING to do that, I keep promising myself, good for the soul.... Tomorrow .. that's it ....

Actually, I hate crowds, people are everywhere trying to get a bargin, what I did do though Cherrie, is I went on E-Bay, got discounts and shopped on line, bought around 10 outfits that ended up being for the most part around $23 each, with one dress for $85 but an evening one in black, gorgeous looks more like $500 not that I care but I do like to be different, can't you tell? Wink Shopping on line allows me to buy clothes I like, everything in these shops no offence is crop tops, Chinese sizes, or just wrong fashion wise. Oh and I did go to Harvey Norman and bought for half price, a purple and stainless steel kettle, love it.... So I guess maybe I did Smile

D loved the dancing but it was about freedom, letting go, un-winding, just spur of the moment thing, feeling like a hippie in one breathe but also swirling like a little girl with her new clothes on, in another.. It's good to digress sometimes and be girly, I think....

What about you? Besides fighting fires, keeping cool, has the New Year bought you anything different so far?

HIYA ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply Mon 13 Jan, 2014 11:53 pm

Summer has turned on us with revenge, today was the hottest day so far, 45.1 Celcius or 114F in the US. Apart from some Country bush fires no fires near our Metropolitan area yet. However spare a thought for the residents of Perth, 52 homes destroyed with 1 fatality. Heartbreaking to see the families returning to their once homes with nothing left. The heat hasn't passed yet we still have several days to go! No wonder we are the driest State in the driest Continent of the world.

Waves from downunder.
Reply Tue 14 Jan, 2014 03:03 am

For dinner hurry up D I am starving.

OMG Dutchy and again tomorrow though it's cooled down heaps now by 20 or so I reckon so a nice night..

STRUGGLE struggle may be 24 inside but the animals, the birds, I gave them cold mince meat and kept the water flowing as best as I could, all came with their mouths open tonight and it wasn't for food it was OMG ...

That's how I got Mr Red... I won't forget what they have to go through..

Oh must be venting? LOLS
Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 03:23 am

Don't write, you don't call you don't write, you don't call Smile

That's all!!

My, my so hot 3rd day, too much to handle with having to work as well .......................................so I hope all is WELL!
Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 04:49 am

Phew - too hot for people or animals in Australia at the moment. Glad to hear you and Dutchy are coping. I hope Cherrie is okay too. There has been news of bushfires - I hope none are near any of you. Frightening!

How are your pets standing up to the heat? Over here you can buy little mats that you put in a refrigerator, then put in a dog's bed to cool it down. Red must be recalling his arrival in your garden - wasn't he seeking water in your watering can when you found him?

Stay cool, all of you.

Sturgis and Glitterbag - how are you faring? No worries about too much heat, I guess - are your temperatures still excessively low?

Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 05:06 am
Another 44 plus degrees today, cool change predicted by Saturday. Vonny many bushfires burning out of control, mainly inland, where farming properties have been destroyed including many cattle and sheep. In the olden days with no air conditioners we always used to sleep outside during those hot nights! Lots of older people spend all day in the big shopping centres which are beautifully cool, it saves them from running their air conditioners at home so saving on huge power bills.

Waves from downunder. The Boss Smile
Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 05:11 am
Wow - sounds bad for the people and properties inland - animals too! I do hope they soon get the fires under control.

Interesting to hear how people coped in the past - and how they cope now when temperatures soar. In this country, when temperatures are extremely low, you see more older people in libraries and tea rooms - grateful not to be running up heating bills.

Funny old world we live in!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 01:42 pm

Yeah it's another day and another day without that big hot orangey yellow thing in the sky showing itself. At least it isn't raining or snowing...for now. Much warmer than last week, up to a workable 39 at this moment but another round of cold expected to arrive soon. Well, it'll be what it is and looking at the excessive heat Durocher, Foundy and Cherie are being hit with and the fires I think I will accept this. Fires just scare me half out of my mind. Perhaps it's the random way they seem to move. Sure, aware am I that they follow a pattern but any breeze or light piece of paper can quickly burst them into another realm. Hope things cool and get a little bit of moisture over in Australia.

Who is Durocher? Oh sorry, that was supposed to be Dutchy and instead of changing the above I decided to let it stand. Says where my brain must be if I am thinking about Leo Durocher because that indicates that I can almost not stand waiting for the baseball season to start, and they haven't even gotten to Spring Training yet.

That's about it from here for now.

Back later...
Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 03:41 pm

Apparently is the hottest city on Earth? I'll be, or maybe I will move in the next 10 or so years to Queensland and retire there ...

The heatwave took its toll on a colony of flying foxes, with about 90 found dead on the ground in Adelaide's Botanic Park

That broke my heart Sad I saw on face book, a police officer stopped and gave a Koala which was literally just sitting at the bottom of a tree.. He soon after drinking a whole lot of water, scrambled to a safe spot within the tree.


Was found in that (stainless steel) watering can with next to no water on the bottom yet he was soaked, in 42 degrees heat. I think he gets why we are bringing him in as soon as it gets too warm in the mornings.


You know what Sturgis? I think fires are beautiful, the flames dance, candles can put you in a trance, or romance Smile I have no fear of fires, mind you I have not much fear of anything which can be very dangerous and has almost been a very dangerous thing within my life... I think at least twice I could have wound up dead but here I am.

Durocher? Well I suppose it kinda sounds a bit Dutch Wink

At least it is not freezing, Von what is the weather now like over there?

Rehcorud... Imagine that as a word?

I think it will cool down after lunch, speaking of which witch is going out for lunch yay... Time out.

Hopefully, I gained an new listing last night and two new rentals... Always makes my weak , I mean week.. Have a huge super bill due in April, keep going Kel, keep going....


Ms Von it's not long, you will be fine, you know that ...


Well 2 days but next week I'm off TO MELBOURNE ...

Good morning (witches and warlocks) yes you all are or else you would not be part of this Coven ...............................................

Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2014 03:28 am

Yes finally the wind changed and is bringing cool air from over the sea. I've just turned the air conditioner off as the temperature has dropped from 42.7 to a lovely 28 degrees. Inland the bush fires are still raging destroying homesteads and properties. Big fires in Cheerie's State too, don't know how close she is to them.

The heat brings the Koalas closer to the suburbia as they are thirsty and are looking for water. Anna found one on the front lawn this morning, when the neighbour turned the sprinkler on it went over there, soaked itself, literally showered, drank her belly full of water and casually wandered off up the road. Not shy at all, lovely to see.

Waves from downunder.
Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2014 03:33 pm

That is adorable, about the Koala... Dutchy I would have loved to have seen that.

So much cooler today AWESOME!! Thank goodness, way to hard working in all of that, poor David at one stage, the kitchen reached 50!!! I would have closed the restaurant but I guess you can't really can you ...

Little mischief is getting up to mischief this morning, grabbing everything in sight and making me chase him to obtain the said object from his mouth ....

Hopefully, the fires are no where near Cheerie..

Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2014 02:27 am

Well the little shirt either knew how to pull his cage entry up or ... the bottom of the cage was a tad big and maybe he worked out how to get out Sad BUT that is what he did, straight up there into that sky gawd darn it.

I've chaced him around 3 trees so far local... Having a ball he is.. He didn't fly away, away... and I am going out...

So I've left the lights on the cages open outside, I've bellowed so loud I probably will be hoarse ..... Here is hoping he is hearing me and says pfttttt I wanna come home ...

If not God bless little one, I save you lot and then you go, sometimes I wonder. I am not meant to save you but I do so I get you for a short time but a good time.

Darn Red get in your cage..................................
Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2014 07:03 am

Oh no! The little tinker! Sounds as if he's leading you a merry dance. He's obviously a bit of an adventurer - which is obviously how he found you in the first place. I do hope he has the good sense to make his way back to his cage before he gets into more trouble! Rolling Eyes
Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2014 03:19 pm

Gawd, he's staying close to home in the trees, squawking away. If he's smart he'll actually fly "into" the darn house !!! Well his which is sitting outside waiting patiently.. I could even walk up to the tree last night and this morning, different trees off course but sheez louise, just fly into that cage !!

He's enjoying himself I guess.
Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2014 03:37 pm
Fingers crossed he'll go 'home' to his cage when he gets hungry. As long as you can see him there is a good chance he'll return there. Is he in a tall tree? I've heard that he'd be easier to catch in darkness, at which time you could shine a torch into his eyes and throw a pillow case over his head - lots online about lost birds, and lots of suggestions for catching them.

Good luck!
Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2014 10:22 pm
It's quite amusing in a strange sort of way.

I still get to hear his chirps. He is going from the neighbours on one side, to the neighbours on the other side and this morning he was actually in our tree out the front. PFFTTT I put the cage up to him but he went higher and then flew off only to come back opposite at the neighbours a couple of hours later chirping away and looking down at me grrrrrrrrrrrr.

I've left both cages open one at the front one where he flew out.

I've scattered some apple nearby and left some food by the neighbours as well in a bowl.

He obviously likes me or else I would not have thought that he would hang around the house nearby. He's scoot full stop.

I've attached string as well to the cage doors just in case I can get the little shirt inside.

If he eats and sleeps hidden, as in I can't see him get into the cage I guess he's a free bird seeing as I tell the magpies off if they get smart with another bird and they look at me and leave the other bird alone, you never know your luck in a big city Smile

Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 02:54 pm

I can't see what more you can do - you seem to have thought of everything! He knows he has a good home with you if he so wants - and his cages are there, ready and waiting ... go home, little bird. A lot safer for you!

Reply Tue 21 Jan, 2014 10:45 pm
Hello all, it's freezing here, temps have dropped to 19 Fahrenheit and its snowing, so far 8 inches. Got our electric bill 3 days ago, December cost us 458 $ US. I have the heat shut of on the 3rd floor and 1st, hubby is freezing on middle floor but it's hot on the third even though the vents are shut tight. I can't figure out what we are doing wrong.

Hey Vonny, I haven't had any heart problems, but my husband, my dad and a bunch of friends have had numerous problems and for some reason my brain stores all that information. You don't want to play Trivial Pursuit with me, my head is stuffed with unimportant trivia. I don't know why it sticks, it just does. My weak spot is sports, something's stick and others just don't. I still don't recognize traveling in basket ball, downs in football....I'm a tad better with hockey and baseball......but hopefully I would never have to explain any sport to anyone.

Love you folks, love this thread. Still coughing but think I've beat the bronchitis. I am so surprised about people who get pissed off when I get sick. They seem to think its an excuse to cancel appointments.

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