Apparently is the hottest city on Earth? I'll be, or maybe I will move in the next 10 or so years to Queensland and retire there ...
The heatwave took its toll on a colony of flying foxes, with about 90 found dead on the ground in Adelaide's Botanic Park
That broke my heart

I saw on face book, a police officer stopped and gave a Koala which was literally just sitting at the bottom of a tree.. He soon after drinking a whole lot of water, scrambled to a safe spot within the tree.
Was found in that (stainless steel) watering can with next to no water on the bottom yet he was soaked, in 42 degrees heat. I think he gets why we are bringing him in as soon as it gets too warm in the mornings.
You know what Sturgis? I think fires are beautiful, the flames dance, candles can put you in a trance, or romance

I have no fear of fires, mind you I have not much fear of anything which can be very dangerous and has almost been a very dangerous thing within my life... I think at least twice I could have wound up dead but here I am.
Durocher? Well I suppose it kinda sounds a bit Dutch
At least it is not freezing, Von what is the weather now like over there?
Rehcorud... Imagine that as a word?
I think it will cool down after lunch, speaking of which witch is going out for lunch yay... Time out.
Hopefully, I gained an new listing last night and two new rentals... Always makes my weak , I mean week.. Have a huge super bill due in April, keep going Kel, keep going....
Ms Von it's not long, you will be fine, you know that ...
Well 2 days but next week I'm off TO MELBOURNE ...
Good morning (witches and warlocks) yes you all are or else you would not be part of this Coven ...............................................