First Word -

Reply Tue 7 Jan, 2014 11:58 pm

As the night turns into another day, the temperatures aren't changing, I swear it has been 9 degrees for at least 8 hours. Warming in the future followed by, you guessed it, more cold. Hmm, must be winter again.

Still managing this new mattress, took a measuring tape and found out it stands 30 inches from the floor Shocked Considering I am barely 5 foot 5 in bare feet this is almost comical; however, it is quite comfortable so I plan on keeping it, even if they do allow me to test sleep it for 21 days.

It's almost 1 in the morning, and I figure it may be time to get some sleep, so until later, hope all are well and staying happy.

Back later...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Jan, 2014 01:09 am
Dutchy wrote:


Hi all, eyesight has sufficiently improved to have a go at the threads. Boring and frustrated not being able to do anything. Just watched the TV news about the big freeze hitting the US and UK, just awesome. Pleased our weather is so much milder. No doubt Sturgis is affected in New York and dear Vonny in the UK, hope you both pull through ok. Cardiologist feels I have a virus of the heart hence I'm so short of breath. Need to take it easy and see 3 Cardiologists on 21st January again. Keep fingers crossed.

Waves from downunder.

Dutchy, why do they want to wait two weeks before they check you out? You could have inflammation in the sac surrounding the heart. It can be painful, uncomfortable and why do you have to wait. The fluids could cause additional trauma to your heart and lungs. Do I have to come down under to kick a few docs butts? I hope you have oxygen and a professional checking you everyday. Virus of the heart is not good. Make sure somebody raises hell!

I can bring my red hair and Irish attitude if you and the wife need help.
Reply Wed 8 Jan, 2014 02:30 am
Glitterbag thanks for your interest. We're managing ok, being fitted with a radio heart monitor so my Cardiologist can keep an eye on me. They are working on my case, hopefully they can work out a solution. For the time being have to take it easy, have no option because of my condition.
Reply Wed 8 Jan, 2014 03:29 am
Soooo Australia has had the hottest days in 2013? Gawd I am waiting for the 10 days of 45... That did happen, I remember it well.

Speaking of which ....WITCH...I am feeling for you Sturgis and Von, this weather you are both having, not nice at all... Not even 10 blankets can help sometimes more so what's outside that you can't go out into... And, Sturgis...Warlock!!!! HOT TEA with lemon, a touch of sugar... AND a huge smile cause I is smiling at you.

Von how is it now over there? I know you've been worried about the gardens, the roof, and people homeless and animals... I wonder too how Izzie is? Must write to her.

Hi Glitter Smile Irish huh, knew we had something in common, that be my generation Smile

Danny Boy... I mean Boss... You are so lucky to live where you do, I am so pleased how close you are to the Hospital. For those that have to call and wait, well that is frightening and my heart goes out to those...

ME? Gawd 8pm Roast lamb, stuffed capsicum with rice, herbs, mince and brussel sprouts ALMOST re-heated had to come here first : )What a long day!!!

Feel like a group HUG. You know the ones where they mean something?

Leave it to you lot to send it though via a niceeee picture who's first? Smile

Reply Wed 8 Jan, 2014 04:18 am
Group hugs, Foundy? Your wish is our command ...



Sturgis - your city is like a giant refrigerator at the moment - poor you! We've been getting images on television here - gosh, your temperatures have plummeted to a new low! Don't go out unless absolutely essential - you'll freeze! Staying in bed sounds a good option - even if it is quite a long way off the ground. Our bed is 2'6" off the ground too - perhaps it's the new average height for beds? As long as it's comfortable, and as long as you don't fall off it! The Victorians had the right idea - why don't you buy a bedside stool?


Dutchy - you're a brave man - so hard to stay cheerful and focused when you have so many medical problems. But you sound good - and your doctors seem to have everything well under control. Must be a comfort to know your heart is being monitored by your Cardiologist. Do try to take it easy though - no running in marathons for the time being Laughing


UK rain - hurrah, it's stopped! For today anyway. More due tonight. We still have flooding, but the majority of the flood warnings were lifted today. There are going to be a lot of people in temporary accommodation for some time to come - not easy to dry out flooded properties.


Glitterbag - you seem to know a lot about heart problems? Not from personal experience, I hope. Good to see you over here - love your new avatar - beautiful dogs.


Cherrie - don't be a stranger - how are things at your end? Did you have the same earth tremors as Foundy and Dutchy?


0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Jan, 2014 07:07 am

Just got home from rescuing some people stranded out in the bush. They drove through a creek and got stuck. When we got there they had quite a large fire going - it is pretty cold - but seemed rather surprised when we said we couldn't leave until the fire was out. Seriously, why don't people understand that you can't just leave a fire burning in the bush in the summer, it might not be hot, but it's still windy, and everything is so dry out there. It doesn't take much to start a bushfire. Sigh.

No Vonny, I didn't feel the earthquake that Foundy and Dutchy had. They are about 1000km from me. We did have a 5.4 one here about 18 months ago though. That was pretty scary, the strongest one I've ever felt. Things fell off shelves, and it seemed to go forever.

Anyway it's after midnight so I must go to bed. Goodnight.
Reply Wed 8 Jan, 2014 02:45 pm
Good morning Cherrie, brave woman staying awake after midnight as well as rescuing people:)

I bet they were smokers. No seriously, 1) because how else would they light the fire, well I know you can rub two sticks together but ... and 2) If they are that stupid (sorry), they probably throw cigarette butts out the window as well... People can be so selfish in their thoughts, or just don't think....

5.4 that's what I said to David, well at least it's not over 5.. That would be scary...


Thanks for the Group hugs here is one back for you, adorable....!!!



Wouldn't this be nice, served, breakfast in -bed Smile


0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Jan, 2014 03:10 pm

Wow, Australia is huge - hard to get one's head round the enormous distances there. England is only about 629 kilometres in length, 1,000 if you add on Scotland.

Not surprised you were so cross with the people you'd rescued from the bush - even in this country, we are taught basic country lore - not to leave fires burning unattended and to extinguish cigarettes before discarding them - basic common sense really. In a country like yours, where fire has wreaked such devastation, you'd think everyone would take especial care not to be the cause of more death and destruction.

Reply Wed 8 Jan, 2014 06:05 pm

Oh Foundy I would jump at the opportunity to serve you breakfast in bed. Smile Just tell me when, you'll be treated like a Queen including a full body massage!

That goes for the other witches too, I'm very obliging. Wink

I haven't ignored your Group Hug Foundy, it was most enjoyable, unfortunately I can't post a picture under my current computer set up.

Weather incredibly here, slowly working up to 41 degrees by the end of the week. May go to the beach and do a bit of bird watching and see if I can spot Foundy. LOL

Waves from downunder.
Reply Wed 8 Jan, 2014 11:13 pm

Slowly it has warmed and as day has turned to night I figure tomorrow should be even warmer. Bone chilling cold which seems to cut through everything but hasn't managed to upset my static sleeping pattern. Ice is formed in the Hudson causing minor problems for boats and swimmers. Swimmers? Probably. There are polar bear clubs which love diving into icy water. Weirdos!

Not a lot going on here right now, strange humming sound in the background and it's not me reacting to periodic spasms of pain. Might be related to the horror show at what once was a hospital and is now becoming a huge oversize luxury highrise condominium building for the likes of the traitorous Rosie O'Donnell. Saw one of the cranes for the building project the other afternoon and it nauseated me.
I'll eventually calm down over this travesty.

Or not.

Reading all the above posts I see quite a lot going on, and am rather irritated over those idiots that cherie helped out. How could anybody possibly think that it would be okay to leave a place with a fire still not extinguished? Reminds me of a man I knew back in the 70s who would leave his house with a candle or 2 or even more still burning. They would be even more dangerous as he had them sitting only on a plate or saucer on top of a piece of wood furniture. Would go by and through the glass in his door I would see them. Frightening to say the least.

Thankfully no earthquakes around here...at least not recently. There are constant scares being put up for us, telling about the various fault lines running through the city. Seismic activity does occur regularly, just very minor though which is fine by me. Earthquakes do not rank high, in fact anywhere on my list of things I want to deal with. The last one was a while back now and several miles to the south (D.C. area?) it was a little tremor here, felt as if a large truck might have slammed into the front of the building but nothing more. I know in areas just outside the city there was more of an impact, which is logical since NYC is set on bedrock (not the Bedrock of Flintstones fame) and places in Jersey and such are on softer ground.

Vonny, I hope that you aren't being hit with floods. They are (to me) interesting sights to behold, but the power of them scares the bejeezus out of me. I don't even like the waves at the beach which are in general much less forceful.

Foundy, you and Dutchy and the Australian crew need to get together for a massive group hug. Something like this here:

or this:

Maybe this:
or even this:


Someone stop me with all these hug photos...

Anywhos I am getting groggy so it must be time to sleep. Hope all are doing well, and staying out of trouble. (remember I am an honorary warlock so I can keep an eye and an ear on troublemakers...and then seek help from the witches in casting the necessary spells to clean things up as my sorcery skills are lacking)

Back later, Dutchy is in charge until further notice.
(why? 'cause I says so)
Reply Thu 9 Jan, 2014 03:46 am

Bigsy is the fourth little ginger boy, I know you remember "everything" thank you xx

WAIT he could be the first too given a bit older? How I miss that little shirt, tough boy, knew the streets, targeted..... sigh.

And KOALAS bahahaha well thanks bro... I've actually held one apart from their sharp claws, soo cute, Cherrie have you ever? I think you are the only other Aussie lass .... Smile

PENGINS bless ...............Been down the road ,30 minute trip, seen them, amazing little things... What do you have over there I know stupid question I'm tired, it's 810 and I haven't eaten and just finished 14 hrs shift... Pray tell please.

WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW, IS LOVE SWEET LOVE, IT'S THE ONYL THING........................................Smile Awesome Sturgis thank you Smile

LOLS you always make me laugh.. Why is that I mean not you, the Polar Bear cubs loving ice, WT? I mean...................Weirdos Smile

Ah the rich dorks that like to build and make more money, I should not call them that, I can't think tonight, they have a right it's their money, idea, investment, dream and prob worked for it.... It will calm down but I imagine also they stop at a certain time SO YOU CAN SLEEP did you HEAR me ...........Or Not.

FUNNY Sturgis, I was irritated to.. It makes no sense, it's like all they thought of was themselves, no care in the world for anyone, I'm glad you thought the same, (or animals) for that matter.


Our darling WARLOCK...........I'm not sure if that gives you authority to appoint Dutchy I must consult with the Witches.

Reply Fri 10 Jan, 2014 03:59 pm

Rain, followed by more rain although when I say more I do mean more. Word is that tomorrow will be quite um, uh, er, damp. Much warmer though approaching 60 which is almost a relief after the cold. I said almost. When it changes this much this fast it is seldom enjoyable for more than a few minutes and can lead to illness for many who can't figure how to dress.

Weekend is upon us, and the next round in the eliminations is taking place in football. The rough and tumble American version not the version where people dance around a field hitting a ball with their heads. (someday I might get used to seeing that on the screen)

Until then there is hockey and the Penguins are doing well even if the Rangers are being questionable this season.
Um, yes Foundy there's a hockey team known as the Penguins. The Pittsburgh Penguins. Great team.

Suddenly quiet here. Not sure why. Always a little spooky when it gets this quiet and there hasn't been or isn't a heavy ongoing snowfall.

So, for now, going to go tend to a few things. Hoping all are well, keeping out of trouble and hopefully someone is about to win the lottery.

Back later...
Reply Fri 10 Jan, 2014 04:11 pm

You must have posted this at the same time there Dutchy because I MISSED THE POST!! Smile

Well, erm, NO.. But, thanks for the offer, the breakfast can be delivered to the door and that's it!!!!!!!!!!! Smile

That's ok.... We all felt your group hug YAY.. Do you know I completely forgot that was what the last gist of First Word was, and re-started the hug thread LOLS. Oh well see? I'm organising the hugs everywhere : )



0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Jan, 2014 04:15 pm

Is that where you are from? I've read that name that many times over the years, not that I know much about the place, ooh I've seen it though on Google map:)

Lols. Soccer. Could never work out why anyone would invent a game using your head.. Oh wait, it makes sense if you really think about it.

FOOTBALL - Yeah, na, no thanks... Pftttttttttttttttttttttt but please enjoy.


I'm doing too many capitals this morning. When weather changes like that it is extremely difficult to work out what to wear and to be cautious and careful not to catch a cold..

Sending you a hot meal.. A decent one, you know? One that has vegetables in it not just meat and potatoes Smile



I wonder if that could be our new name (((GANG))) reminds me of bang and guns and stuff now, maybe not. Or, gangster, or prankster, or something.
Reply Fri 10 Jan, 2014 06:19 pm
Morning breakfast boy here. Foundy you're a piker for thinking I'll drop it off at the front door, Dutchy is determined to break down your shackles and resistane. Laughing Pfttttttttt

Vonny, how about you, would you like breakfast served by a 'hot' guy or are you like Foundy, all talk and no action? Laughing Witches I'm about to put you under a spell and anything is likely to happen. Wink

The Boss
Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 01:50 am

OMG seriously, 2 witches against 1 warlock and he thinks he can out spell us!

0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 04:01 am

I get breakfast served by a hot guy every morning, Dutchy - I'm married to him! http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/eating/peanut-butter.gif

And Foundy's fiancee might have something to say about you breaking down her shackles! http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/angry/smashing-laptop-with-bat.gif

BEHAVE young man - Witches United are a lot more powerful than a couple of warlocks - just remember who's thread this is - FOUNDY'S - and she has the power !!!

I wouldn't get on her wrong side, she has her gang behind her - white witchcraft is powerful magic!! http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/angry/angry-mob.gif

Foundy - watch out ... your shackles might be coming under attack - Dutchy's going to hammer down your door - hope you've prepared a nice dish of curry for him http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/rolling.gif

(Love these crazy emoticons - don't know where I first discovered them - they do express things pretty well, don't you think!) http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/happy/girl-happy-dance-smiley-emoticon.gif

Sturgis - what weather do you have today? America seems to be having extremes - cold, heat, even drought in California? Huge country, so I expect it's to be expected to some degree. Here we actually have a DRY day - with SUN! Won't last long though - more flood alerts are being posted for tomorrow - wow, so lucky not to be in an area that floods when so much of the South-East is under water. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/rage/steamboat-troll-rage-smiley-emoticon.gif

Hi Glitterbag and Cherrie - hope your throat is quite better now, Glitterbag. And hope you've not come across any more fire-ignorant crazy folks, Cherrie - that must make you wild! http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/fighting/bash-head.gif

Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 04:13 am


This used to be ONE OF MY FAVOURITES on well the other "place" LAUGHING OUT LOUD


I love that I can select the answer whenever, what ever, Smile

Those others are well awesome.. Don't know where you got them from either, last night I changed 10 times showing D some new clothes, one was a hot pink dress Wink Just saying Smile
Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 04:40 am

What better than trying out dresses - lovely way of passing the time. Bet David enjoyed it as much as you did! http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/happy/cloud-nine-smiley-emoticon.gif I bet you were on Cloud 9!

Hot pink dress - just right to go out dancing - http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/funny/2/big-dancing-banana-smiley-emoticon.gif

Nothing so delightful for me, I'm afraid, waiting in with bated breath for our plumber! Not the floods - just a domestic crisis - turn on the kitchen taps and the cold tap plays a drum solo all by itself!

To make matters worse, the stopcock in the loft has jammed - hey ho, I foresee big plumbing bills looming ahead - and that's not witchcraft, it's the cost of plumbers in the UK these days!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 04:56 am
Good Lord witches, you are pretty well bunkered down, how to penetrate your defences.? LOL

Won't be trying anything over the next week or so, a heat wave is forecast with every day being into the 40's, that is well over 100 degrees your way Sturgis. Airconditioner will keep it nicely at 24 degrees, so indoor is the place to be. Spare a thought for the people in Onslow ( West Australia) where it was 50 degrees today. Now that is hot!

My boss prepared me a lovely Lobster (we say Crayfish here) dinner with beautiful salads tonight. Sunday special! A bit of a sad day today as we have a bereavement in the family.

Loved your emoticons Vonny, very cute.

Waves from downunder.

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