Well, that's how old I feel
We again, also are experiencing weird weather I mean, sheez it's summer, it's December and it's cold!! But two days ago it was HOT!
I shall not swear.. NO I won't.. I am a lady.. No smartazz comments please
DUTCHY!!!!!!!!!! It's gottttta be like today or tomorrow, 10 days surely is now up...
Ok, I am working too hard

Nothing wrong with an Internet Pet such a virtual consideration of admiration in anticipation (who writes like that? ) Remember I am a Gemini there are two of me

But, it's a cutie for sure as the one above is

Didn't you have a ginger cat once Sturgis? And, a black one?
I understand, and I commend you for that decision, it must be hard loving the little critters so much but have to make a management decision for the right reasons, when it can feel wrong.
Strays seem to find me, I swear the seek me out...
How did you go with your legal matters, did you succeed? I hope so, I hate people "thinking" they have the upper hand, 9 out of 10 times they don't as the person whom they are up against, has cards being held for the right moment, sometimes I love legal battles, been through a few and as you know, in my profession I have to be a step ahead or research in the event of any problems occurring.. Means my brain is active though, that's always a good thing.
LMAO no Sturgis Warlocks do not stop breathing, so you are safe then huh x

I don't know the wiggle of the nose was quite funny, the Mother-In-Law often made me laugh and the little girl can't remember her name, oh yes I do, Tabitha a real Witch's name for a cat these days, was, well cute
They wish you a Merry Christmas, they wish you a Merry Christmas, they wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Obviously, I am in my silly mood today, can you tell?
Everyone bar (3) always (3) is a-wall but I guess, there are reasons, so I hope all is well!!!