First Word -

Reply Wed 4 Dec, 2013 04:58 pm

See, I told ya, I told ya, you didn't believe me, but there you go.....

See how they even friggen looked like cigarettes? Sold to children in Australia WT? Complete with the red tips as if alight! Only in Australia.

Can you find the chocolate ones? Wink
Reply Wed 4 Dec, 2013 04:59 pm

Sturgis just got the selected answer Wink

0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Dec, 2013 05:18 pm
There were several candy cigarettes, some quite real looking. Previous mention of Chesterfields makes me wonder if some person accidentally grabbed a box of these realistically packaged chocolate cigarettes.
and there were these

Must stop talking about chocolate or I'll have a sugar rush.

Back later...
Reply Wed 4 Dec, 2013 05:20 pm

Not sure which one is worse, our fags or your Chesterfields!!

Thanks Sturgis for finding them, twas interested.

LUCKY STAR WT? Wink lols. Sure they didn't make them in China? Wink

Reply Wed 4 Dec, 2013 08:33 pm

I've been procrastinating all day to avoid doing paperwork. It's freezing here, 7 degrees believe it or not - who said it was summer? - and all I want to do is curl up with a book. But I keep sitting at the computer, telling myself that I am about to start doing the paperwork right after I answer this thread, then this one, then maybe one more. Then I think of something else I have to do - I just put in a load of washing - and come back here and procrastinate some more. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. If I just check the emails and print them out, that should be enough for one day, shouldn't it?
Reply Wed 4 Dec, 2013 11:28 pm

I did that myself this morning, then got in the car, came to the shop and well had to do the paperwork and answer emails, and phones, and ,...... here I am Wink Procrastinating well no, I have to go now I have an open inspection a bit later.

But I GET YOU !~~ 19 here, a lot better than 7 poor thing but still frig it's December what is going on?

Reply Thu 5 Dec, 2013 02:47 am

Well bless him, he has his phone now re-connected with the new network BUT not the Internet, another 3-5 working days, crossing fingers for him it is 3.

He changed it because, he could not dial 000 for some reason ( ambulance ) and off course, he needs to be able to do that.

He sounded AWESOME and bright but still is having trouble walking he said, and he said I could write this so I am.. He's the BOSS.

Do I follow that with PFTTTTT?


Watch out, in less than a week our Eagle will fly around here, yet again ...

Reply Thu 5 Dec, 2013 04:20 am

The UK is being hit by a bad storm - mainly in Scotland at the moment, but we are such a small country that it will affect all us to some extent.


Poor Scotland - 142 mph in one place, I believe. All train services cancelled. People being told to evacuate their homes! The wind by itself is bad enough, but tidal surges are expected this evening, down the entire eastern coast - even the Thames Floor Barriers have been closed, that's serious!


We had a bad storm down here a few weeks ago - pretty serious damage in places - but we don't expect to be hit badly today. Fingers crossed!

What is happening to the weather worldwide?

Reply Thu 5 Dec, 2013 04:22 am

Hurrah for Dutchy returning soon! Best news I've heard all week! Laughing

Sturgis - love your Oriental magic carpet - can't we just borrow it for a day or two? Pretty please!!!
Reply Thu 5 Dec, 2013 04:25 am

Yes please Smile

I miss my sunshine, that being Dutchy!!!! Little shirt... x

WHAT? I've called you worse Dutchy, like ratbag, Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Dec, 2013 06:29 am
That storm damage looks nasty. I hope it doesn't come near you.
Definitely something wrong with the weather, it got up to about 9 degrees here today, there was snow about 10km from here. And they call this summer.

I managed to procrastinate almost the whole day away today, very proud of myself. I think we are all entitled to a day like that now and then, and anyway it was far too cold to do anything. Well that's my excuse.

I heard on the news tonight that the bloke who lit our last bushfire has had most of the charges dropped. His committal hearing has been going on since Monday, and today the magistrate dismissed the major charges. All he has to face now is a charge of lighting a fire without a permit, and leaving a fire unattended. And they say they are going to be coming down hard on people who are responsible for starting bushfires. What a joke.
Daisy Ryder
Reply Thu 5 Dec, 2013 10:05 am
Sheesh Von, that storm is nasty looking.
I joined a new club ... It's called PETA.
People eating tasty animals. Lol.
Speaking of bush fires ... Two friends of mine were driving from
Encinitas California up to Northern Humbolt county ca. The one friend kept tossing his cigarettes out the window (illegal in the dry state of Ca.).
The other friend mentioned the dangers of his actions to which the smoker replied, "oh please, just a concerned myth". When they reached their destination, they
turned on the t.v. On the news channel, there were reports of a string of fires. All along the road of their recent travels. It's funny because no one got hurt
and nothing was seriously damged. But, in the words of Smokey the bear "Only you can prevent forest fires".
Okay Foundy, what is pinching?
I have to come all the way over here to ask you ... Lol. (;
Reply Thu 5 Dec, 2013 10:38 am
The storm ought to have lost its bite by the time it gets down here. It is hitting Scotland and the North of England at the moment - there have been driving gales of 80mph across Scotland and up to 142mph on mountains in Inverness-shire. 142mph is almost unheard of in the UK!


Coastal areas down the entire East coast of England are at risk of tidal surges. People living along the east coast, and some parts of the North-West coast, have been urged to take immediate action to prepare for flooding tonight and into the early hours of Friday. In some regions, sea levels could be higher than those during the devastating floods of 1953, the last time that we declared a national emergency.


The Environment Agency has issued 26 severe flood warnings, its highest category, meaning that lives are at risk. Severe flood warnings are in place across Kent, Norfolk and Suffolk! Fortunately, we live inland, so floods ought not to affect us. Just a bit windy at the moment!


Strange weather indeed! So far this winter we've had milder than usual temperatures - put the central heating on a whole month later than we normally do. And the trees are holding their leaves longer this year - our garden looks like it does in autumn, with piles of freshly fallen leaves everywhere! Going to be a lot more down by the time this day has ended.


Wow - disgusting that the old chap who caused your bushfire has had most of the charges against him dropped. After what you told us in your post about the danger of bushfires, I thought he must surely get some sort of severe punishment. And they call that coming down hard on people who start bushfires - I agree, that really is a joke! All too familiar story here - people commit crimes, they are caught, taken to court, and given a slap on the wrist, a few hours community service and that's that. Free to do it all over again!

Procrastination ought to be my middle name! I do drag my feet (in more ways than one! Smile) about doing certain things. My physio should be done daily - no excuses - but oh, how hard it is to get changed into the right clothes and get started! I need somebody to jab me with a cattle prod! My biggest excuse for procrastinating is A2K - always one more thread to read, one more game to play, one more ............... you get the picture! Which reminds me - physio time - oops, can't put it off any longer!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Dec, 2013 05:14 pm
I missed THIS!!!

Wow, I should watch the news more often. That looks horrific, my "sister" is in Scotland and I don't recall seeing anything on Facebook then again haven't had much time to venture over there of late.

There is always a problem living by the sea or in the hills, either storms or fires and both are bad, animals, people, homes, so very sad. Over the years the weather for sure has changed dramatically, sometimes I think we are in Darwin, with the rains and it hailed the other day and it's December, just weird.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Dec, 2013 05:40 pm
9 degrees, sheez.. I know what you mean cherrie, it's very strange for December...

Wink I did reply to this I know I did, didn't I? Where I laughed and said I procrastinated to for a bit, myself, probably previous page Smile

Didn't you say that the guy was old? Makes me think that the Judge, took mercy based on age, which isn't really good enough.

Anyone that starts a fire deliberately or non-deliberately with out care, in my opinion is an idiot, pure and simple and there is absolutely NOTHING funny about it..... But then, good people don't find these things amusing at all. Like I said, animals are also part of the wilderness that get caught up in those fires, as well as people, the elderly who fear but won't leave their homes. Quite discusting.. But that's my take and I don't intend to discuss that again in depth, no point, I've said how I feel, much like you Cherrie.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Dec, 2013 05:46 pm
@Daisy Ryder,
Ms Daisy, Sunshine,

Sounds as if you are the wrong thread, this is not the licence plate game... Wink

Sad, too really I mean we do eat animals but then animals eat animals, it's called survival providing that is what we do it for I guess.....

Pinching? I believe that Sturgis got it right ! Wink Remember, I am an Aussie, we use all sorts of different words, apparently yet, Sturgis guessed it, OMG, I swear he is a Warlock after all !!!!!

OK Ms Daisy, you were last so you are first !!! FIRST

Mmm 3 questions I feel like asking 3 questions and then the other can ask 3 questions of the person above, sounds like fun yes? Wink

1. Miss Daisy how on earth did your Mother decide to come up with the name Sunshine for you, did she ever tell you?

2. How many tattoos do you have Smile

3. What's your all time favourite meal?

Daisy Ryder
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 08:34 am
I know you're an Aussie with a language of your own... Just wanted to be clear on the definition of your word pinching.
... I don't think I'm in the wrong thread? If I am ... well, I have some lingo of my own i'll keep to myself. I thought i was invited? My girlish ways are difficult for most to relate, so ive been keeping quiet... survival and what not. Oh, you know what's not funny? That a-hole who started all the fires was never caught.
To answer your questions ... I explained a while back how my name came to be. No, it's not my birth name but it is my legal name. The name the government has filed for me. I have one tattoo ... That is, I can't count them, they have all become one. All time favorite meal? I don't think I could answer that without being a smart ass ... I like food. I suddenly have a craving for oysters and beer. 
Foundy, you are a very empowered, independent woman and I admire that. 
Take care.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 02:34 pm
@Daisy Ryder,
Soooo, pinching - ok.. Well I said as a joke pinch this thread and take it to your Forum.. So I guess it was just tongue in cheek, thieving, taking something that is not yours, just a word... what word would you use?

I joined a new club ... It's called PETA.
People eating tasty animals. Lol.

You were invited, by me, here. Got it wrong. I was referring to the above, P E T A 4 letters, make a sentence and you did, that's the Licence Plate Game, hence why I said wrong thread, think you got me wrong there Daisy Wink

Very true Daisy(Sunshine), I'm glad you wrote that, see how words can be read wrong? I thought you found it amusing that the guys lit fires, not deliberately but certainly without any care and knowledge it could happen.. THANKS for clearing that up!!

Ah.... Yes, you changed it to Sunshine legally for $400, went back. Sorry, I don't know why, I thought for sure that I had read that your Mother named you that from birth some where how bizarre.

Can you add lobster to those oysters and change the beer to chardonnay ? Wink

Independent, gawd, without drink and this is serious, I went to the loo last night over dinner at friends. Wore flat shoes. Lordy, the toilet floor was up-raised un-be-known to me so as I went to take my next step in, the shoe stopped right there, I went down on my knee (shhhh it's not funny) sounds like a song or something, and anyways my nose went smash into the wall, knee went smash onto the ground.. Dunno how I am walking this morning.. Ouch!!!
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 03:00 pm

You forgot to ask me three questions Wink

Excepting that won't work because then I will answer you and have to ask you three more.

I hate it when I do that, stuff up !! Wink

Thanks for the compliment Daisy as well.

I am just me... What you see is what you get, real!
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 03:54 pm

Apparently I have fallen in love.

...with a cat.
Saw a picture and wanted the critter immediately.

Some cats just have that instant appeal.

What you see is what you get, real!

And now thanks to Foundy, I must have a 1970s flashback, brought to us in living color from an episode of Soul Train and featuring The Dramatics

Sounds painful falling down on your knee that way. So many homes have those built in stumblers. Reminds me of 2 notables...no, make that 3.

First was my grandmother's bathroom. Up a 3 inch step, in the middle of the night it was easy to forget.
Second was the apartment on West 46th, where the bathroom was up a giant step of a foot high from the bedroom. Reasoning was to do with it being over the boiler room and the tiles would get too hot if there wasn't a spacing. (at least that was the story).
Then there was the place on Lyman. Strange house surrounded by green, even the house was green and I have to say, it smelled green. Yup, green has a smell of its own. You stepped down into the bathroom. Nothing like stepping down with a hard sink, tub and toilet to cushion you if you fell.

Oh wait. There's a fourth place. In a hotel where I was in a temporary room in the summer of 1979. Another crazy bath where first you stepped up about 6 or 7 inches and then there was another step up to the 'amenities' (water usage fixtures). I got out of that room rather fast when it turned out the air conditioning was not working in there. It was a nice trade, ended in a room with a nice view, a working a.c. and of all things, a sauna. Being completely intoxicated one afternoon, I shut the a.c. off and tried out the sauna. Mind you this was summer time in Arkansas where the temperatures and humidity create a natural sauna much of the time. Somehow I survived.

Anyway, mention of your falling to your knee...again, I say OUCH!...reminded me of an old tune (apparently from 1958).
In this one we are given a 45r.p.m. record and hear The Heartbeats melodizing Down On My Knees. It has not a thing to do with bathroom falls, or falls in general. Just came to mind.

Now that that is out of the way, on to other things.
Wet, rainy day, temperature dropped a little during the day, down to 45 at the moment. Heat has been good so it's not bothersome other than it being a very dreary day. Yesterday morning there was a heavy dense fog which had visibility so limited, the building just 3 blocks from hear was missing. It did clear eventually. The middle states are dealing with snow and record lows (below zero Fahrenheit in a number of places). That is probably going to drift east by next week some time. Not sure if I'm looking forward to it or not.

Okay, sort of running out of anything more to say for now, so until later...

(think I'll go see what was transcribing during the interlude in this thread since last I visited)

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