First Word -

Reply Mon 25 Nov, 2013 09:14 am

Hi Vonny, the Boss is still around but have a number of issues to deal with since I'm home. Firstly I'm dealing with the Hospital which have lost my walking frame as I left them last Friday. They did lent me another one but have the audacity to charge me $6.00 per week after loosing MY frame!

Secondly I'm in the process of changing ISP's. My current one is useless as my telephone isn't working half the time, very inconvenient for me as Doctors and Nurses need to be in contact with me regularly!

Thirdly my son and wife flew over from Port Lincoln over the weekend and are with us for a couple of days. Still very tired after my hospital stay so I'm having early nights.

Fourthly lots of other events to deal with on the computer as my wife is computer illiterate and won't touch the thing. Smile Amongst other things ordering special Dutch treats on line from an Importing business in Melbourne. As Foundy knows I love my Dutch food especially my Croquettes and Salted Herrings. Smile

Fifthly I have daily visits from the Nurses from the Hospital which takes up a bit of my time. However I'm not complaining as I feel well within myself albeit a little tired when walking to much.

Cheers to the crew from downunder.

Reply Mon 25 Nov, 2013 10:24 am

My pumpkin's disappeared! I posted a HUGE picture of a Halloween pumpkin on my last thread and 98% of it has totally vanished! Mmm ... wonder if it will be back next time I take a look ... strange things have been happening around here lately! Rolling Eyes

Great to know you are still here - you sound even busier than me at the moment! Doubt if either of us could beat Foundy though - she is like WonderWoman - on the go most of 24/7! Laughing

Hey, bad news about the hospital losing your walking frame - that's bad enough in itself, but to charge you $6.00 a week for hiring another one - wow, that really is a cheek. Hope you tell them what to do with their bill!!! Mr. Green

Not good to hear about your ISP and the fact that your telephone is only working occasionally - that is really bad. As you say, you need to be in contact with medical professionals day and night, and don't want a breakdown of service at a critical time. I hope that gets sorted out very quickly - it's a serious matter when your health depends on it. Twisted Evil

Lovely to hear that your son and his wife are with you - that must be a wonderful treat for you. Bet it lifted your spirits massively - bet you can't wait to return the visit to his home at Christmas. That'll be great fun. And you won't be so tired by then - all the hospitalisation of late must have taken its toll on you - you're bound to be tired at the present time. Smile

Computers are still a bit of a mystery as far as my husband is concerned. He can google stuff like music sites - as I've mentioned before, his passion is really early Blues music - but that is about all he ever does on the desktop. E-mails are a total mystery to him. At least Anna was willing to help you when you couldn't see to type properly - I can't see my other half doing that - he'd get bored after about thirty seconds! Crying or Very sad

Dutch food is a total mystery to me - but I love any kind of fish or shellfish - lobster is one of my top favourites, but it's gone up in price over the past couple of years. Oh - I guess, like most people, I know Dutch cheeses - but only the well-known ones like Edam and Gouda, I bet there are dozens more! Cool

It's good that you are walking at all - probably doing better than me! You'll get stronger and stronger - don't worry - you've had setback after setback, but you'll beat them all - love to see you this time next year, I bet you'll have come on in leaps and bounds by then. Marathon man 2014! Laughing

See you later, dear Dutchy, glad to see you - off to do my physio now - ugh!!! Twisted Evil
Reply Mon 25 Nov, 2013 03:42 pm

The pumpkin IS STILL THERE hehe.

Ah Dutchy, but you won't pay the $6 will you, you better not, they need to buy you a NEW one... Do your magic, write a letter of complaint you have a witness, Anna.

Good luck with your Physio Von, I remember all to well some years ago , ouch!! What are you cooking this week? Photos too Smile

Wishing everyone a fantastic day, night, morning, what ever it is on your side of the World... Not sure where to start today.

I may start with .................Egg and tomato on toast Smile
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Nov, 2013 10:15 pm

Oh dear Vonny, I simply must get you a crate of butternut squash on the double. That is the only way to help you realize the stunning beauty, the delectable taste, the wonders of the butternut squash. Nothing at all like a pumpkin, and really not suitable for carving weird looking faces into...although I suppose it could be done.
(and yes I am aware that those folks in Australia and apparently New Zeal Land refer to it as the butternut pumpkin. Since it is orange inside and has seeds, I guess that makes some sense)

Butternut squash


and of course butternut squash posing in the guise of french fries, somewhat healthier for the weight conscious than the white potato, equally as delicious, and a new flavor to tantalize and charm your tasters.
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Cut butternut squash in half first, and then peel it and remove all seeds. Then, slice it up into french fry like shapes. Just make sure the slices aren’t too thick, as this will prevent them from getting crispy. Spray a backing sheet with non-stick cooking spray. Then, take a large bowl, throw in the french fries and toss with some non-stick cooking spray, until all fries are evenly coated. Then, so the same thing with the kosher salt. Make sure all your fries are well coated with the salt. Now, spread out your fries evenly on the baking sheet. Make sure no fries are on top of each other as this would prevent even cooking. Place in oven and bake for about 40 -45 minutes, flipping the fries over once, halfway through. Fries are done when the edges start to turn golden brown and the fries are looking good and crispy. Enjoy!
PS…served with ketchup, these babies are SOOOOOOO good!!!

butternut squash soup...a must for any home

2 tablespoons butter
1 onion, chopped
1 tablespoon fresh rosemary (1 teaspoon dried)
1 medium butternut squash, peeled and chopped
6 cups chicken stock
1 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon white pepper
Instructions for preparing:

Melt butter in pan
Add the chopped onion and rosemary and cook for 5 minutes or until soft.
Add chopped squash, chicken stock, heavy cream, salt, white pepper.
Add little bit of hot sauce if you want, or some other hot spice flavoring
Reduce heat and cover. Simmer for approximately 45 minutes – or until squash is tender.
Use blender to puree the hot soup.
Garnish with toasted pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds or better yet, butternut squash seeds.


Note, you can vary the recipes with butternut squash, use cheeses of different sorts...melted or grated, use garlic, hot peppers, sweet peppers. The blendings are countless.

I would speak of acorn squash; however, it's not my bag to cheat and that would be what it'd feel like if I formed a relationship with acorn squash on my plate. (I guess this will solidify and erase any doubt that I am slightly bonkers for butternut squash. Very Happy )

Now, what else is happening...
Um, Dutchy, they OWE you a walking thingamajig. They managed to misplace yours, therefore they should replace it. Charging you? Outrageous! Don't they know who you are and that you have several people on your side? If they don't cooperate we might need to send Dolly in there to educate them proper.

Regarding the busy schedule with little time to your internetting, it's understood and as long as you are home and in good spirits...um, I said in good spirits, not consuming Drunk Drunk Drunk good spirits, but if you're doctors agree to it, then go for it. Wink

Your phone line woes are what at least in part have led me to staying with both land line and cellular. (yeah, there's also the part where I enjoy having an extra gadget handy and in hospital stays it has been helpful and saved me from shelling out dollars to use a less than friendly hospital phone. (why are they always set up so hard to reach from the bed?)
Good news that your son and daughter-in-law came by for a visit. It can wear you, yet, I figure it's worth it just to have time with them in person.

Can't say as I know much about croquettes, they make me think of that lawn game croquet which I must admit was enjoyable the few times I was forced to play. I must learn about croquettes.

By the way Vonny, your pumpkin is still visible. Maybe Prince Charles had something to do with it and it just won't appear to people in the U.K.

Rather tired, been a long day, starting with an early call where I for some reason answered the phone and immediately hung up. Not intentionally, just hit the wrong button.

Foundy, hope you aren't overdoing things and getting too tired. A tired witch could be dangerous. Who knows where your broom would go flying to. Or is it one of those modern brooms which has autopilot?

Instead of rambling, it's time to take a look around here, and then pop off to slumberville.
Be good, be happy, be well everybody.

Back later.
Reply Tue 26 Nov, 2013 02:42 pm

My pumpkin picture is back! I can't blame poor old Charles, Sturgis, he's too busy learning to be our future King to have much time for smashing pumpkins! Laughing

But - and this is where 'Eureka' comes into the equation - I've discovered that butternut squash is on sale in our supermarkets! How did I ever miss it! Don't answer that - my excuse is that I've only been back in the kitchen for three weeks, after a very long absence - catching up though! I've made a note of your butternut squash soup recipe, and the one for french fries - both sound delicious - and have already found another for pearl barley, butternut squash and sage risotto - mmm, looking forward to trying them all out soonest. Cool


Foundy - In reply to your question, yes, I've been cooking up a storm! Tried fourteen different recipes in the past three weeks, two of them twice, and all have been successful - hurrah! F is a very happy bunny!


Photos? Of the food? Yikes - hard enough for me to hobble round the kitchen upright without clutching a camera in my hand! Rolling Eyes That reminds me of our electrician - he has hundreds of photographs of food on his mobile - every time he eats out in a different place, he captures images of the meal he's been served!!! Question


Dutchy - how goes it, dear friend? Any luck with the hospital re the walking frame? I'm absolutely shocked that they should be so petty about something like that - hope you don't intend to pay it! Twisted Evil You should tell them to buy some like this -


I hope, too, that your son and daughter-in-law's visit is going very well. Don't overdo things - you need to build your strength up for Christmas! Laughing
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 03:11 am
OMG are you kidding me?

You are giving out recipes WHOO HOO Smile

We just call it Butternut pumpkin and I am betting Von is too, you call it friggen Squash why didn't that click to me? We have this little yellow things Von will find them if I don't before I come back that are actually called SQUASH! Can't stand them as there is no taste Smile

PS…served with ketchup, these babies are SOOOOOOO good!!!

Yessum................................Mc Donalds think so too Wink

Idea, said this before, add prawns raw and coconut milk to that pumpkin soup receipe you will be shocked Smile Coriander on tip please Razz

As for good spirits ? I consume them adore them, in moderation... No time to post pictures but be ware, work is getting done I will, I will in a day or so be ware.

Foundy, hope you aren't overdoing things and getting too tired. A tired witch could be dangerous. Who knows where your broom would go flying to. Or is it one of those modern brooms which has autopilot?

THINK we are all tired Sad No dangerous until tomorrow promise Smile My broom might just fly into a wall tonight, it's not autopilot that's in the work shop..


You said " I would never leave here I will be here " where are you? Kinda miss smiling at your humor and adding to it.

AND, Cherrie , Glitter, get back here ... well when you are ready...

Von,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you are next.

DUTCHY, when ever you are not here I know you are tired, SLEEP AND GET SOME REST.x

We miss you.

Sturgis GO YOU full of life today , thank you, blessing, get betting better. x
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 03:15 am
LOLS told you I saw it Smile

Ah go girl.. Keep cooking up a storm.. But one day I want a photo well I'm not demanding or nothing no I am not, that auto changed I said nu thing?

GO SPELL first time ever must be the witch in me.

RISSOTO I no like very much but fired rice yes, plan with something awesome yes, shirt it's 745pm I need to eat been a longgggggggggggg day.

SeeyOU in the morning, YES I dId that deliberately Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 05:29 am

Bet you wish you could sleep for 24 hours Foundy! Busy busy busy lady these days! Not too busy to post on your thread though - so that's always nice. But do as Sturgis says - park the broomstick whilst you are drowsy - you don't want any nasty accidents Laughing Oooerr ... just realised, your avatar ....... yikes!!!


Squash and pumpkins are different over here - squash are slimmer and shapelier, and pumpkin are very round - the latter are often on sale near Halloween, but not the rest of the year, as far as I am aware - but hey - I keep getting these foodie related things wrong, so who know! Going to buy a squash today, just to do a test run tomorrow. See how it goes. Rolling Eyes


Dutchy - missing you! But I guess you are tired, what with being in hospital then all the hassles you've had since you came out. Rest - recuperate - and get back to us a soon as you can. We miss you. Laughing

Cherrie and glitterbag - missing the two of you as well, don't be strangers - enjoying your posts - and Dutchy enjoys seeing his mates on First Word! Does him the power of good! Very Happy

Sturgis - any more good ideas for recipes? My RED slow-cooker is very busy nowadays - love it! The combi microwave still scares me - I'm a total wuss! But I've used a couple of the programmes on it now - guess I'll get used to it! One day!


How are your legs? Has the redness reduced and the pain lessened at all? I hope so. We worry about you.

Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 06:29 am

Sorry I haven't popped in for a while but, like Foundy, I have also been really busy.
I'm familiar with all those pumpkins you posted except for the Gem squash. I've never heard of that one before. And it's definitely butternut pumpkin here - not squash. Bit surprised that you only have pumpkins in the shops at Halloween, here they are available all the time. A roast wouldn't be right without it.

Having a day off tomorrow, so I hope to get some more work done outside, though it's supposed to rain - again - in the afternoon, so I'll have to see how that goes. Then I have to go and do the shopping. I didn't even get there last week, so the fridge is a bit bare at the moment. Hate shopping!
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 10:40 am

I am totally confused about squash and pumpkin - not something I gave much thought to until Sturgis mentioned them! I don't think we have pumpkins in the shops except at Halloween, but I wouldn't swear to it. Squash we do have - bought an organic one today!

I only started cooking again recently, after years away from my kitchen, so I'm having to re-learn everything from scratch! Things have changed drastically in the last decade or so - everything in the kitchen seems to be bossing me around! The washing machine has a little screen that tells me my wash is ending, the microwave yells at me to shut the door, electronic timers beep at me relentlessly - bit of a madhouse nowadays!

Hard on you having to work so hard in the garden to get it cleared - I can't get over the idea of you needing to do that because of concerns that you might get bushfires. I hope, sincerely, that nothing like that happens this year. Must be a nightmare when you hear of fires starting anywhere in the vicinity of your home. Poor you! But I guess it has a lot of compensations - Australia sounds a very lovely place, and I envy you your climate.

Shopping - yes, it is a bit of an ordeal. All the shops here are totally into Christmas - decorations, trees, gifts and foodstuffs - all geared to the festive season. Puts me off! Sick of Christmas carols already!

Shopping for me, of course, is like everything else - done on four wheels! I have enough trouble getting up and down crowded aisles for the months of the year that the stores aren't teeming with Christmas shoppers, but when it gets to December - yikes, it is horrendous! I have to inch my way round them - terrified that I'll squash someone's grandmama under my mobility scooter. Even more terrified that someone's grandmama will squash me and my scooter under one they've borrowed from a shopmobility loan centre - don't know if you have them in Australia, but anyone with a disability, or walking problems of any kind at all, can hire a scooter for a day's shopping - strewth, some of them are lethal - crazy old ladies with gritted teeth and a mad look in their eyes, whizzing round the stores doing Christmas shopping - enough to give anyone the heebie-jeebies!
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 02:41 pm

We learn something new everyday!! Let alone laugh, loved that picture Von, truly that would be me whilst flying - texting Smile


This is the best I can do, what our "squash" looks like.. The yellow vegetable the green off course is zucchini.

No, no, no, I can do better than that Smile


And, I still don't like them but :-


When I am rich one day, I am getting a proper desk/chair that work for me, so my arms work better as well. VENT for the day.


Most bizarre weather in Australia hey Cherrie, 37 one day, 22 the next, not that I mind and I bet though we end up with in the 40's 10 days straight in January or February...... Sad


After an open inspection yesterday morning, in this heat, I took a wee break to visit a few Good will style stores, some I had never been in, found some magical little things to add to the Christmas Table , tiny light coloured wooden bowls, tiny, different dressings? Butter knives 12 of them, with pearl handles, well they will still cut through meat:) , various unusual bottles that I intend to put water and rosemary stems, or candles in, it was fun, though hot why didn't I do it today?

AHHH - Working is a must, guess what ? I SOLD ONE Yay!!! 10 to go... And, have now someone working once a week for me, helping with what ever I need, filing, folding post, photocopying, organizing, putting together Property Management files ready for new tenants, all time consuming so glad, to have some help...

CUTCHY (Did you laugh?) Smile How are you feeling, you haven't been around I know a lot is going on as well as you need lots of rest, hope you slept like a log........

STURGIS - Tell us you are still feeling better each day?

GLITTER - DAISY- BILL - SPADES - Now there is a name I wonder if we will ever see again Von?

Trying to decide on a white or green Christmas tree, very confused on that note.

Hope you get to do your shopping today Cherrie no point having a fridge if there is nothing in it. Reminds me as a youth, my neighbour rang a random number and pretended he was from a TV show, shhhh that's what kids do, he then asked at the end, is your fridge running? The lady said "yes" , he replied "then you better go catch it" and hung up.. GIGGLES as a kid that was funny I always wondered if she cursed or laughed...

0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 03:26 pm
I don't like wax on floors. Then again that is better than wet marble floors.
No, I did not take a tumble so there is no story of being rescued once more by a handsome beefy middle age Irish cop Mad .

Slow day, long day. Awoke at 2 a.m. and now almost 14 hours later I am still awake. Seems worse than it is. The fact is I ate dinner last night then decided to rest a few minutes. That became 3 hours, woke up noted the time, turned the nightstand light off and fell asleep again. Until 2, at which time I was literally shaken awake. As I came to my leg was twitching and doing it's bend and flex very rapidly. It's one of many symptoms which can go with restless leg syndrome. This can be caused by many things and it seems to choose among others persons on dialysis and persons with circulatory difficulties. ARGH! Hmmm, I wonder if Argh is somehow related to Argon.

Speaking of Argon. DOMENICK! It was necessary since his pronunciation or Oregon (the State) tends towards 'Argon'. It's the deep Brooklyn accent which does it. It was equally necessary as the right lower, commonly known as my 'starter wound' has been acting up and playing volcano so Dom is quite in need right now.

Okay, I'm better. (still have the volcano pain and ooze, but other than that...)

Gee, so I am responsible for bringing up pumpkins and squash? Coming from a witch I find that hard to believe since I know you often capture people and hid them in giant pumpkins. Or am I thinking of the fairy godfather turning the pumpkin into a stagecoach for that woman who wore a pair of glass slippers?

Most squash can be very good and tasty. The trick is knowing how to prepare each type and how to cook it just the right amount of time. I can like zucchini or it can make me want to scream. It's all about the preparation. Don't like it, or any vegetable overcooked. Keep them as close to their natural state (raw) as possible. Eat them merely washed and uncooked when allowable.

Was talking with a friend the other night, he keeps getting eggplant parmagiana, so I asked how he is with stuffed eggplant. He claimed to have never had it. I was shocked. Horrified. Who hasn't had stuffed, baked eggplant? A simple dish to prepare and nutritious and delicious all at the same time without the need for chocolate or licorice. (yeah, you can have plenty of those while the dinner is cooking Smile ) Mind you this is the purple or globe eggplant, not some other type (of which I have no familiarity).

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Should be a nightmare as the weather in many places has been bad. Snow in some, wind, heavy rains. Last minute travelers are being delayed at airports across the country. They really should just take the train or the bus. Much more reliable in bad weather. Around here, there is discussion that the parade may be a little held back as the wind may still be kicking up in which case the balloons could be grounded. That would be rare as I think they said it only happened once before. I guess I'll know more tomorrow.

Just got a replacement microwave oven. It is scary to look at and much larger than I expected it to be. Yes I measured the space for it, and checked the dimensions of the unit first. Still, it's actually larger than the one it replaced. Beyond that it seems very nice, has done a good job so far. It should come in handy as I try reheating various things again, the reheat on top of the stove doesn't always go well.

As is usual, a local radio station has been tormenting everybody with Christmas tunes since the first of November. True annoyance.

Anyway, have to tend to things.

Back later.

Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2013 02:59 pm

That's the first word I saw when I opened this page hehe... Hey, ever done this to a mate/partner? Have to say I have Wink


WAX ON WAX OFF - I don't either, how the do you get that off well enough that you don't slip? Then you also could pretend, just a little, so the Irish Cop comes to your rescue but then again, no, you can't, because that would be lying and that's the word in the dictionary I detest the most.. Well there is one more but I can't say that one.

Shaking leg syndrome.. That's what I call it. Sturgis I actually get that from time to time, granted I am a smoker and under pressure I smoke more than I should and it could be circulation the Doctors told me to stop 25 years ago, but I find when I am soooo tired, I do it rarely but I do, there was a time I was doing it on-going for a week I think.. I feel for you with that, do the nurses marrrage (I really wrote that I mean't massage ) haha.

OK try more sleep young man and you may feel ever better, I wish there were quick cures for things, I guess even me, as we get older things take longer, such a pain.

David, being a Chef for a Greek Restaurant knows all about Eggplants http://greekfood.about.com/od/eggplant/r/moussaka.htm

I can't believe photo bucket doesn't have any pictures the one above is eweee no sauce where is the sauce ? He makes an awesome eggplant lasagne too with white sauce and cheese OMG you have to attempt that VON fiddly but not hard...





Use that microwave Smile

Speaking of which / witch / with a microwave morning Von Wink

Dutchy, feeling better ? Sad I HOPE SO xx

MORNING ALL - What brings your day?
Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2013 03:55 pm

That's what we call eggplant - aubergine! I had to think hard when I saw eggplants mentioned!


or did Foundy mention eggplants? Strewth, my brain is frazzled - I have visions of someone doing the hokey-cokey, chasing a mouse-driven pumpkin, and falling over a glass slipper that belongs to Domenick! The restless legs syndrome sounds nasty - but I kept thinking of 'you put your left leg in, left leg out, left leg in and you shake it all about' - errr those are some of the hokey-cokey lyrics - as follows ....

I made a meal using SQUASH today. And, guess what? It was lovely - totally delicious. I don't know about eating it raw - tasted it, and just wasn't sure - but after several hours in the slow cooker, with all the herbs and spices, and the other vegetables, it really did taste yummy. Used harissa paste for the first time today too - that was super too! It was an organic squash, and quite large - I cut it into bitesized chunks - will definitely use it again.

New microwave! Don't tell me you bought a red one? I'd be soooooo jealous. My all singing, all dancing, all sorts of combi microwave is silver - sigh, I'd have loved one to match my red slow cooker, but I guess they don't come in that colour yet - one day perhaps! I've only used it on two settings so far - on the jacket potato programme (best I've ever tasted, honestly!), and the microwave function to heat up some microwavable beans - been too busy using the slow cooker to do much else. But I shall get round to it eventually - early days!

Zuccini - just seen it - ouch, I call them courgettes! I must get an American cookbook, then I'll know what you're talking about - actually I have heard these names before, just not familiar with them!

Oh, happy Thanksgiving, everybody, and for yesterday, happy Hanukkah - and for those of us who don't have either of them - happy November 27/28th!

Not enough time to reply to everything and all - Dutchy where are you? First Word isn't the same without you! Do let us know how you are and what's going on in your life - have your son and daughter-in-law gone home - how are you feeling now - did you get your phone problem sorted - what's happened about the walker/hospital - and lots more ........... we need you here! Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2013 04:07 pm

Visit - racing now, have to do a million and one things before bedtime - play with Megan, reply to a letter (snail mail kind), etc etc etc

Lucky lucky you - D being a chef - oh so many gorgeous meals he must cook. I must pick his brains sometime for menu suggestions - Greek food is delicious.

How's Rawaii now - little darling - is he behaving like a little gentleman yet? Bless him, he's so cute - must be really hard to tell him off.

Megan has a boyfriend - first pal she's made since Harvey died. He is three months old - ah bless! He's a little Boxer pup and he absolutely adores her - follows her everywhere! She actually played with him a couple of times - good for her, she's nearly eleven, so great to see she still has a playful streak in her. Harvey was the only dog she ever played with - great that the wee pup likes her lots. He actually runs to see her - ignores all the other dogs!

As I told Sturgis, I made a meal with squash today - really first rate. Will definitely use it again. Made a sort of chilli/gumbo - don't ask me to explain, I just used what ingredients I had and hit the jackpot - it was lovely.

Enough of the food, making myself hungry just thinking of all the delicious flavours - must get a larger spice rack - have dozens of jars of different herbs and spices rattling round in a drawer now. Any suggestions as to what I can use meantime!

Physio - I do it every day - and always will - do you still do any?

Lots more to ask and to say, but dashing now - TTFN
Reply Sat 30 Nov, 2013 12:28 am

Be back, tomorrow.

Just want you all to know Danny is OK, he has changed his telephone company so, internet is down until that changes over up to 10 working days, been 3 Smile


Love that name ... Needed a second First Word, that is all.
Reply Sat 30 Nov, 2013 05:34 am
I was wondering where Dutchy was. At least that will give him time to catch up on all his crossword books.

The weather, as you said is just ridiculous. 30 tomorrow, then 34 on Monday, then dropping down during the week to 17 on Thursday and Friday. It's even supposed to snow up on the Alps towards the end of the week. I'm not complaining, we don't tend to have bushfires when it's cold. Smile

I didn't get much done outside the other day, it was raining - big surprise. But I did get the shopping done, so it's all good.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Nov, 2013 05:50 am

I am really curious as to why you haven't cooked for so long. Obviously you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I have all these scenarios in my head. Did you have a cook? Did you live somewhere where meals were provided? Were you in jail? Shocked It's none of my business, I'm just being a sticky-nose.

Mobility scooters - yes we have them here, but I don't know about hiring them at shopping centres, though I wouldn't be surprised. You should become one of the people who whizz around and expect everyone else to get out of their way, it would add a bit of excitement to a shopping trip. Laughing I am constantly having to dodge them, or step backwards to let them get past.
Reply Sat 30 Nov, 2013 01:31 pm
LAUGHTER! Laughing

Oh cherrie - you've made my day! This would be my perfect opportunity to fabricate some wild fantasy about my mysterious past - just think of all the wonderful dramas I could concoct! Twisted Evil My tortured history - (slaps hand to fevered forehead) - my evil stepmother, wicked grandmother - being flung into a foreign jail ........... ( falls to the ground weeping) ....... schlepping around the fields in bare feet, picking cotton!!! Rolling Eyes

But nothing so exciting or dramatic, alas. I fear I will have to PM you and tell you my boring little tale - it's been on First Word before, so I shan't rehearse it now Rolling Eyes (and yes, it DOES help to be quite mad here on First Word!) Laughing Laughing Laughing

Reply Sat 30 Nov, 2013 02:28 pm

Were you in jail?
What a sense of humor or not? hehe.

Oh Von, here was your chance of make believe, lordy there is so much of that over the Internet I was looking forward to reading it from you Smile

MAD - Reminds me of hats for some reason...

I spoke with Danny last night, off course one of the questions was " What's happening on A2K?" Wink IDK (dunno) not much? Well that's was all I could state, after all where have I been on here of late? Here, there, no just here Wink Well a little there Smile

Snow at Christmas in Australia, that's happened before Cherrie, I don't think I've ever seen it in person but I'm not sure if I'd be happy with that either, I'm not one for the cold, especially as you get older NO I DIDN'T SAY I WAS OLD!!! Arthritis and the likes plays up in the cold, I have enough trouble in the warm weather with my injuries..

So 33 here today over-cast will rain some ? Have to bring in all the cushions off the chairs .. Put up our little gazebo looks great, waiting for the chairs and table now, but also put cushions on existing out door settings a few solar lights , bamboo fencing, all cheap and looks awesome .

PHOTOS? Off course Smile No but seriously, I will be using them for my website to show how you can do "cheap" makeovers to help someone out there Wink

HOUSES - A few houses to attend to open inspections today, tomorrow is just as bad, roll on Tuesday... maybe I'll get a bit more of a break then.

STURGIS - How the bloooo y h l r u? Wink See I didn't swear, they made a commercial with that saying for travelling to QLD I think always sticks out in my mind when I wonder how someone is ..

MORNING everyone was in the mood for lots of first words Wink

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