Oh dear Vonny, I simply must get you a crate of butternut squash on the double. That is the only way to help you realize the stunning beauty, the delectable taste, the wonders of the butternut squash. Nothing at all like a pumpkin, and really not suitable for carving weird looking faces into...although I suppose it could be done.
(and yes I am aware that those folks in Australia and apparently New Zeal Land refer to it as the butternut pumpkin. Since it is orange inside and has seeds, I guess that makes some sense)
Butternut squash
and of course butternut squash posing in the guise of french fries, somewhat healthier for the weight conscious than the white potato, equally as delicious, and a new flavor to tantalize and charm your tasters.
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Cut butternut squash in half first, and then peel it and remove all seeds. Then, slice it up into french fry like shapes. Just make sure the slices aren’t too thick, as this will prevent them from getting crispy. Spray a backing sheet with non-stick cooking spray. Then, take a large bowl, throw in the french fries and toss with some non-stick cooking spray, until all fries are evenly coated. Then, so the same thing with the kosher salt. Make sure all your fries are well coated with the salt. Now, spread out your fries evenly on the baking sheet. Make sure no fries are on top of each other as this would prevent even cooking. Place in oven and bake for about 40 -45 minutes, flipping the fries over once, halfway through. Fries are done when the edges start to turn golden brown and the fries are looking good and crispy. Enjoy!
PS…served with ketchup, these babies are SOOOOOOO good!!!
butternut squash soup...a must for any home
2 tablespoons butter
1 onion, chopped
1 tablespoon fresh rosemary (1 teaspoon dried)
1 medium butternut squash, peeled and chopped
6 cups chicken stock
1 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon white pepper
Instructions for preparing:
Melt butter in pan
Add the chopped onion and rosemary and cook for 5 minutes or until soft.
Add chopped squash, chicken stock, heavy cream, salt, white pepper.
Add little bit of hot sauce if you want, or some other hot spice flavoring
Reduce heat and cover. Simmer for approximately 45 minutes – or until squash is tender.
Use blender to puree the hot soup.
Garnish with toasted pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds or better yet, butternut squash seeds.
Note, you can vary the recipes with butternut squash, use cheeses of different sorts...melted or grated, use garlic, hot peppers, sweet peppers. The blendings are countless.
I would speak of acorn squash; however, it's not my bag to cheat and that would be what it'd feel like if I formed a relationship with acorn squash on my plate. (I guess this will solidify and erase any doubt that I am slightly bonkers for butternut squash.

Now, what else is happening...
Um, Dutchy, they OWE you a walking thingamajig. They managed to misplace yours, therefore they should replace it. Charging you? Outrageous! Don't they know who you are and that you have several people on your side? If they don't cooperate we might need to send Dolly in there to educate them proper.
Regarding the busy schedule with little time to your internetting, it's understood and as long as you are home and in good spirits...um, I said in good spirits, not consuming

good spirits, but if you're doctors agree to it, then go for it.
Your phone line woes are what at least in part have led me to staying with both land line and cellular. (yeah, there's also the part where I enjoy having an extra gadget handy and in hospital stays it has been helpful and saved me from shelling out dollars to use a less than friendly hospital phone. (why are they always set up so hard to reach from the bed?)
Good news that your son and daughter-in-law came by for a visit. It can wear you, yet, I figure it's worth it just to have time with them in person.
Can't say as I know much about croquettes, they make me think of that lawn game croquet which I must admit was enjoyable the few times I was forced to play. I must learn about croquettes.
By the way Vonny, your pumpkin is still visible. Maybe Prince Charles had something to do with it and it just won't appear to people in the U.K.
Rather tired, been a long day, starting with an early call where I for some reason answered the phone and immediately hung up. Not intentionally, just hit the wrong button.
Foundy, hope you aren't overdoing things and getting too tired. A tired witch could be dangerous. Who knows where your broom would go flying to. Or is it one of those modern brooms which has autopilot?
Instead of rambling, it's time to take a look around here, and then pop off to slumberville.
Be good, be happy, be well everybody.
Back later.