ADELAIDE (Sturgis)
Looks a wee bit dreary but the best photo I could find, we are known as the City of Churches as you can see, part of one of our beautiful Churches. Adelaide is a "small" City compared to the rest of Australia but I think that is why I call it home... A bit more like a Country Town as you escape North/West/East or South...
Sturgis, I am glad that your general health is good but worried as you are in a lot of pain and the redness has increased... What are the Nurses saying in this regard? You can't live on pain killers and have you tried heat bags? I KNOW I sound like a Mother

But concerned.
Ms Glitter, 20 months old did I read that right? I can't wait to be a Grandmother, though I doubt we will see the bubs that often by then, David's daughter is 15 and a half, a long way to go, but it will be lovely.. PS I am 3rd generation Irish, with a bit of Swedish and Spanish blood, off course an Aussie
I think the glitter on her eyes looks lovely

Von has helped you on A2k, bless Von. Dutchy was the one that helped me.. It's great that with one click people are there for you, I like that about A2K.. I read your post last night and smiled, your sense of humor, prison language made me lightly giggle but that was until I read it was 3am lols.. Then I was thinking GO TO SLEEP
Will definitely PM you in time about some silly thing or the other that I don't want to share here

Thanks for the offer.
The Eagle has landed

So pleased you are home, Anna always spoils you but I know you spoil her back too, such a beautiful couple you are, although she takes the micky out of me as much as you do, but that's to be expected after all she's lived with you TOO LONG

Spag Bol... No one does it better huh
Save some for the next door cat
Notice she is black? Yes, she. Watch it, I'm training her to be the Witches eyes
Cherrie, there is something about that song huh? It's going to play in my head all day now. My brother actually met meat loaf when he was a teenager. He had attended his concert and was leaving the grounds and Meatloaf called him over to the fence.. No apparent reason, started chatting and gave him an autograph.. Made my Brother's day back then, as it would
I LOVE Shepherd's pie. Dutchy it's a bit like spag bol, Sturgis it has mash potato on top

I'm a mashed potato freak though ....
Took me a while to work out how to up-load from photo bucket myself, we're happy to help if you need it anyone.... But ECHO.. Pictures of our animals we can never get enough of.. Unfortunately, as you know, Bigsy the cat and Ruby the cocker spaniel are no longer with us, both gone with the last 4 months but then there is little Rawaii.... We got, 4 months ago... still a little **** zu
Long day today but should be good, 5 open inspections of homes for sale.. Gotta sell one more today... We went to Mitre 10, garden shop and outdoor centre, and picked an awesomely cheap gazebo.. We were going to sand back and varnish our outdoor settings but we don't have time with work and all and it would have cost 1/2 this price so we can afford this, and so, I need the sale to add in some comfy furniture to fit...I'm gonna do it toooo!!
Thinking the 4 seater and the bar table with 4 stools. Have 11 all together here for Xmas, so that should do it ...
(disclaimer - I am not advertising Mitre 10) I know no one there, no one, I swear....
Warm weather coming up yay!~