First Word -

Reply Wed 20 Nov, 2013 03:40 pm

I do have a printer, but on the new laptop I didn't have Windows' Office or even Microsoft Works! But - thanks to a friend - problem solved. I've been given a disc with Microsoft Works 7 on it and uploaded it successfully, so I'm back in business - able to type out lists, letters, spreadsheets - the lot!


Christmas - OMG - this morning I spent two and a half hours writing out dozens and dozens of Christmas cards - who are all these people! Relatives we haven't seen since childhood - neighbours - old friends - current friends - I was going cross-eyed at the end of it all. Rolling Eyes Still, done now, for another year - hurrah!


Dutchy - big hurrahs all round - lovely to know he's getting better and better and better - won't be long 'til he's back here again - watch out Foundy, better look for a new mode of travel, Sturgis and Dutchy seem to be set on the new broomstick racing sport - they're going for gold at the next Olympics, I'm sure of it!


Poor little Rawaii - if he feels embarrassed about his cone, here's a way D can help him Laughing


Sturgis - where are you? We shouldn't have lent you that broomstick - now you will vanish even more regularly!

0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Nov, 2013 05:18 pm

Laugh if you will you resplendent witches; but, the final laugh will be on you two when Dutchy and myself master the art of broom flying and zip off leaving you both to tend to the household chores without our guidance. Laughing

Been here and there last few days, tending to some matters if importance and constantly putting off another which needs to be done by Friday morning when I see the doctor as her input will be needed on a particular form. Have the form already as a friend ran it off on their comp. printer and brought it by (along with a tasty meal which included meatloaf and a large portion of sweet potatoes as well as a huge hunk of chocolate cake with thick chocolate icing Very Happy ) so you see Vonny, you are way ahead of me, I don't even possess the printer. Keep thinking of getting another, just bothered not having done it yet. (it's on my list of things to get...including a router and a replacement microwave). Had the previous printer for more than 10 years, most times it sat idle and the ink would go dry.

Glad that Danny is on the mend, he should continue that way and speed it up some as Christmas/Birthday is around the corner for him and medical facilities are not good for those (done it myself).

Christmas as such doesn't phase me, I am more troubled by the annoying moving holidays such as Chanukah which has decided to arrive early this year. Early meaning next Thursday on Turkey Day (commonly called Thanksgiving Day). Well, technically it starts the night before at sundown.
I look forward to Chanukah as it means I can eat latkes without worry and of course the 8 nights of presents....
...whaddaya mean I'm supposed to be buying all those presents for everybody this year? Shocked

It's been a bit breezy for a few days and last night the cold pushed in a little more, guess winter is about to make its debut.

That is it for now, must get a few minutes rest and then see what the evening holds in store.

Trusting all are behaving well during Danny's sabbatical.

Back later
Reply Thu 21 Nov, 2013 12:50 am

Fire season is nearly here and I've just spent the day working outside cleaning up the backyard. I did a lot of weeding, cleaning up leaves and branches, and burning stuff. Still quite a lot to do to be prepared, including cleaning the gutters. I'm pretty exhausted, but it's the tiredness that comes from a good days work, so it's ok. Hopefully we wont have a bushfire this year, but I'm certainly not counting on it.

Just got a severe weather warning for thunderstorms, damaging winds and large hail, so it could be a fun night.
Reply Thu 21 Nov, 2013 10:07 am

Why are so many foods connnected to holidays? At Christmas we have turkey and all the trimming, Easter we get Simnel cake and Easter Eggs, then we have Pancake Tuesday and so on. I googled latkes and they sound the same as the knishes that featured on a thread the other day. Sound rather tasty.



Meatloaf sounds very American, but I'm sure we must have a version in England - just can't think what it's called.


Chocolate cake - that's a universal favourite - it crosses oceans and religions - what is there not to like about chocolate cake?

Gosh, I'm feeling hungry - all those photos of food are making me lick my lips!


Foundy and I might turn the tables on you and Dutchy and have the two of you slaving away in OUR kitchens - don't forget we have Cherrie and Glitterbag, plus Monica, on our team now!!! Ha - bet that's worried you!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Nov, 2013 10:32 am


A warning sign should be posted at the portals of this thread - if you aren't a bit wacky when you start posting here, you soon will be!


On the other hand - if you are a bit depressed, feel unwell, have a problem, or just feel like chilling out - well, there's usually someone here to listen, laugh with you, weep with you, or give you a virtual hug!


On a more serious note - yikes, bushfires sound pretty terrifying! We see some pretty awful images on television here - deep sympathy for all the poor people caught up in recent fires - tragic to lose homes, businesses, pets even ... Do you live in an area that's often under threat? For someone like me, with a real phobia about fire (my family home was on fire when I was ten - no fatalities, but it left me with a morbid fear of fire) it would be a nightmare. But I guess there are some poor people who, for economic or family reasons, can't move, even if they want to?

Australia sounds so wonderful - especially as in England, we are entering our winter season, which is dire - no other word for it! Really awful to wake up to below zero temperatures, ice and snow. But I guess most places in the world have some negatives about living there - hurricanes, tsunamis, monsoon, typhoon, drought, heatwaves - not many of us are blessed with perfection. But I wouldn't swap old England, even if it is pretty bleak and cold at the moment - I guess we all feel the same about our homelands.

Good luck with the weather - hope it wasn't too bad a night!

Reply Thu 21 Nov, 2013 02:40 pm


Nov 22

Nov 23

Nov 24

Nov 25

Nov 26

Nov 27

Nov 28

possible shower
Possible shower clearing shower
Clearing shower mostly sunny
Mostly sunny mostly sunny
Mostly sunny mostly sunny
Mostly sunny mostly sunny
Mostly sunny late shower
Late shower

Showers? In November ? Cherrie, you live in Queensland? One of my friends put a photo on face-book the other day, showing the hail storm after affect, it actually looked beautiful, glistening against the window but I swear our Weather in Australia has dramatically changed in the last 20 years, it's so odd, dashes of winter in the middle of Summer etc...

I also did some cleaning up yesterday of the gardens, dang leaves dropping everywhere and wisteria, though the purple flowers are awesome just on the tree Smile


I dunno Sturgis, this baby didn't mind the sweet potato and why do they call it that? It's not actually sweet.


Did you know that people make sweet potato chocolate cake? Sounds a bit weird to me, and the new trend, chips add a lot of salt and I'm sure you'd eat them without accusing your dish to contain a "large" amount, suggesting eweeee Wink


Good luck with the Nurses decision on your Form today Sturgis x

Cone head. Kinda what Rawaii looks like with it, only off course he is a fur ball.. Bless .. Love the idea Von, ain't doing it, he's only got a week to go and he's coping really well with it... Right now he's playing like a little monster. Smile


Christmas Cards, I have to admit, I give them to immediate family and that's it, it's too hard, once you start, forget arthritis or my fibromyalgia I'd be bed ridden after writing that many I am sure, so I gave up a long time ago, plus I keep moving Smile

Although home made ones I used to receive, were really special, a bit like this Smile Not.. Who would send cards like this? Wink


Dunno about the almost naked man !!

Sturgis (8 nights of presents? )

Morning Dutchy, hope you slept well and fell great and get out of there, by Monday, and, and, and, get BETTER xx

Witches... Warlocks... Brooms, would be good if we could zoom of into the sky and visit each other "for Christmas" Wink

I LOVE Christmas the most for the Children, miss my nieces and nephews being so big now Sad Seeing their little faces light up, ahhhh...


MS SUNSHINE, Where did you go? No visits, even Dutchy is worried about you, advising no PM's at all...

Today is Friday, I did a little Christmas shopping yesterday, just a little, but it's a start!!!

Reply Thu 21 Nov, 2013 03:27 pm

Von, I know you loveeee hats..

I took some photos on Melbourne Cup Day, seems like that was ages ago, but here we go, Don't comment on my bright lipstick cause I AM BRIGHT Smile Not that photo, that's not me Smile


This lady let me take a photo of her bless, check out that hat!!!


And these two ladies, love, love... Don't know either of them..



Promised I'd show me with a hat Smile And, that's David off course...


What do you see?


A house I am selling, see my display umbrella? Bird Cage Wink
Reply Thu 21 Nov, 2013 03:54 pm

D's sporting a mo! Looks good! And your hat - wow, what can I say! Looking good, Foundy girl, looking good. Very Melbourne Cup - bet you felt like a million dollars! Cool

Sunglasses - I remember them - last wore mine a couple of months ago, when we had SUNSHINE - sigh, wore boots and a parka today Crying or Very sad

The mystery photo - mmm, it is a bit eerie. It reminds me of Edvard Munch's 'The Scream' for some reason. But I'm guessing it's one you took after Ruby died, or one of the others? I have a feeling you said something like that - or am I imagining it? Rolling Eyes

Like your umbrella - what is its purpose - other than to look good? What is the connection with the bird cage indoors? I'm missing something .... not unusual! Laughing

Dutchy - hurry up and come back - Sturgis needs you here - can't you hear the panic in his voice!!! Twisted Evil Five witches, I said, but there are even more - what about Monica, and Foundy reminded me about our gun toting pal too, Daisy Ryder aka Sunshine aka ... That's seven ... The odds are against you and Sturgis! Rolling Eyes

Reply Thu 21 Nov, 2013 03:57 pm

As in bequeath me that house. Of course I am just going with the first view and a limit to how much you are showing however, it looks like I could fit myself and 200 cats in there.

Lady in the yellow dress has a wonderful hat (the dress is another matter). Your hat is quite nice as well, although I am concerned you are showing too much cleavage young lady! Put on a shawl or a sweater or something. (or keep it the way it is).

Not sure what I see or am supposed to see in that one picture, just seems like some sort of imprint left from something on a carpet. Then again, it might be a farmhouse in Darwin. Do they have farms in Darwin?

Yes, 8 nights of presents. Not all large presents; but, some sort of gift. As to Chanukah itself, it takes 8 nights as representation of the 8 nights of oil which the Maccabees had. There's much more to Chanukah, the food and celebration are a part of it.

As to sweet potatoes and chocolate, I have a general connection to that through sweet potato pie with chocolate shavings on top. I would say a sweet potato chocolate cake isn't too far fetched. Place a little ice cream on the side and all should be good. The chips though don't work for me, I had them a few times and they were not at all what I wanted. (of course I had to sample them all to be sure)

A little tired, not getting the right sleep, the shaking legs and arm are back which makes rest something of a difficulty. During the day when I am not attempting rest, the left arm will begin twitching and flailing with an almost comedic appearance, capped off by the return to my body where it connects with the belt buckle making a clacking/clanking sound.

By this time tomorrow I should have a better idea of what the doctor thinks of my health. It seems fairly good to me most of the time. Most things seem to be going well at present, need to take a quick catnap so I will and maybe even remember to get back here later. It's Thursday around here still, so I wasn't eating fish today. Tomorrow though is another matter.

Until later
Reply Thu 21 Nov, 2013 04:24 pm
MO Wink

Movember. A Month where the boys grow a moustache for Prostate Cancer awareness... He hates it and will shave it of on THE 1ST DECEMBER lols.

It's hard because you are 50.. So you feel you have to be wary of what you were, but I had fun!! Sunny's hehe.. I can't live without them.

I can see "Scream" the movie face thingy, good spotting.. But, yes, it is a photo I took, when Ruby Died, will answer more re on Sturgis reply.

Ha. I try to make a home look like a home instead of empty spots as there would have been I put a bird cage.. The Umbrella, nothing really, just a little added touch... )

Too many of us Witches, they are going to have to accept we are the BOSS Wink
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Nov, 2013 04:31 pm

It's only a Courtyard home Sturgis, I may post some more pictures given I love what I do, but it is an 1890 home cut off and the land sold off for new homes.. Huge ornate ceilings, quite a stunner. I can't, maybe my commission?Wink

She's a hippie the lady in yellow, that looks 1970 to me, very different that's why I took the photo.. Thanks to you both on your lovely comments EXCEPT I LIKE MY PUPPIES... Wink The dress almost went to my knees, it's just the way it sat, can't help that Smile

Where did you get that idea? That it looks like an imprint on a piece of carpet? I won't answer yet until you answer that Smile Look also closer at the imprint if that be your thoughts and see if you can see anything, I know it's very dark.

I guess I am going to bake me a cake and see what it turns out like, it does sound strange, so should be different a bit like me Smile I don't like the chips either, they have to be normal potatoes any potatoes, love potatoes.

Ah, David used to do that. Eat Fish on Friday's but I don't know what happened, I think he forgets, we are having Duck tonight maybe, not sure, it's in the freezer, maybe he'll take it out, maybe.

So Sorry Sturgis (3 s's) Smile Not but seriously (4) sheez (5) what's going on, phew, broke the chain.. I send you HEEPS OF WISHES TO STOP THE ITCHING, but I am glad that for the most part you feel great, sleep (6) is important no that's (8) lols. Silly mood, sheez (10) .. Nothing wrong with Nono naps, I take nanna naps, have to for my injuries can't type that much otherwise.


Reply Fri 22 Nov, 2013 12:04 am
Hi all, the Boss is back, released from Hospital an hour ago. Lovely posts and photos, have only one comment for the present, love the lady with the glorious puppies. Wink
Hope to be back soon once I settle down. Waves from downunder.
Reply Fri 22 Nov, 2013 01:38 am
Hi Dutchy, it's good to see you back. There will be a few sighs of relief around the place tonight, you have been badly missed.
I hope you are feeling much better and the problems are all sorted now.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Nov, 2013 01:43 am

Hello beautiful.. Well I ain't calling you a boss no way, I don't care, ain't happening Wink

So pleased to see you here.. Oh I just read what you wrote about my PUPPIES HEHE.. LOLS, GRRR, see the cheekiness is definitely still there Wink XX

Welcome HOME (((((Dutchy))))).... Enjoy Anna's home cooked meal tonight and her wicked laughter...

Take it easy... Relax.. David gives his warm wishes to you...

I think me AND Cherrie are down under too so there Smile
Reply Fri 22 Nov, 2013 02:12 am
Vonny, you don't have meatloaf in Britain? I have to admit it's not one of my favourite meals but it's pretty common here.
Yes, I live in a very fire prone area in the mountains in Victoria. We've had four major bushfires in the last seven years, two of which were deliberately lit, one was a lightning strike, and the last one was a burn-off that got away. The two arsonists haven't been caught, or maybe it was the same one, who knows. The man who lit the fire that got away has been charged, but will probably get a slap on the wrist at most. He is elderly and has health issues, no excuse as far as I'm concerned. He has lived out there - further back in the mountains than me - for many years and should have known better than to light a fire on a day like that in the first place, but to leave it unattended - unbelievable. It burnt over 85,000 hectares and 21 homes and one man died. I don't care how old or sick he is, he should get the maximum available sentence. Anyway...

Last nights expected storm was a non-event so that was good. I don't mind a good thunderstorm, but I hate the wind, and large hail - no thanks.

Foundy, there's some nice hats there although hats are not something I wear very often. No, I'm not in Queensland, as I just told Vonny I am in Victoria.

Sturgis, thank you for the welcome.
Reply Fri 22 Nov, 2013 02:28 am
Hi witches. Thanks for your kind words Cherrie, I won't be around to much for a while as I have 6 Lovatts magazines waiting for me which as you know will take me sometime to complete. LOL

You're right Foundy I haven't lost any of my cheekiness, I analysed your photos and you offered me the opportunity to make you a compliment. Wink
Thanks David for his best wishes he is a gentleman.

Had Anna's lovely Croquettes tonight now it is my turn to make the best coffee in the house. Smile

To the chicks down under Good Night, and the crew above Good morning.
Reply Fri 22 Nov, 2013 03:12 pm

Day off, what to do...

Like always, I'll start with a coffee!!! OR Two!


I think I may write a list of what we will have Christmas Evening, and then buy a few more plants and potter... read some of my book, and have a nanna nap ....

Cherrie, I avoid the news. One because I don't seem to finish work in time and two because basically, they only show the negative things in the World and it always upsets me seeing deaths. I can feel your anger over this, I quickly googled and saw the extent of the fires, my parents live in the Hills, I always worry about them for the same reason.. We only I think had one major fire and that was 37 years ago or there abouts. They don't stop to think about consequences, being careless is no excuse.. Not just the death of a man, or houses lost but also animals that can't escape... As you said, Anyway.... Sad

Mother nature does show some beautiful things though doesn't she Smile

Though lightening is beautiful, it can be a bit scary too.


I guess we are lucky in a way, we do get a lot more sunshine than England does but every place has its beauty and down falls...

How are you feeling today Dutchy? Bet you are ecstatic to be home Smile

How's your side of the world Sturgis it's Friday today, what happened? Smile

Von, you haven't mentioned any dishes you are planning on conjuring up now that you have all you need in that red kitchen of yours Smile

Christmas.................feeling a bit lucky and happy at the moment for some reason...


For all that visit here and don't write often, sending a big AUSSIE HELLO

0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Nov, 2013 03:38 pm

I see young Danny has returned. At last I can take a break from figuring how this darn broom works. Think it'll look best just sitting over in the corner by the mop and stepladder.
Good to have you back where you belong.

Saw the doctor today, she is looking fit and quite good as always. We talked, discussed my health, checked on a form, discovered I forgot to tend to a prerequisite for the form (Arghhhh!) and decided we would continue along and get it done as quick as possible. Then set up our next meeting for December 18. General health good, although my pain level was through the roof and I was somewhat slow today. The weather was not helping, a little damp, temps. were slightly warmer; but a freeze is coming this weekend with a Sunday high expected low 30s.

Back home, wound care nurse came by, once more we must keep an eye on the wounds as the redness has increased, swelling up mildly. Am to call if I start feeling sick.

Back to the joys and wonders of meatloaf. I find they are ideal creations, and so many ways to make them. With or without onion, with or without various other add-ins. One thing I do not do is make them the way my mother did. The crazy lady put wheat germ in. Used that instead of bread crumbs. Very strange. Nice thing with meatloaf is it can be served cold if needed the next day as a sandwich. Serving it hot will make the sandwich happier though, so try to serve it hot. And with potatoes of some sort on the side. Mashed, boiled, fried, baked or potato chips if that's what's avail and especially good for accompanying a sandwich.

cherrie, hope those fires die down and stay clear of you. Whenever I see mention of wild fires I get quite nervous even if I don't know any people in the area. My mind goes to the people, the animals and the plant life and trees which are there.
Have to look at a map now and locate Victoria. My knowledge of geography on Australia consists of Sydney and Canberra on the east somewhere around, Perth over at the far west, Darwin up to the north and then I become confused...or is that Adelaide?

I see Victoria is a State in Australia. Here I was thinking it was a city. I can map out Europe without a problem; but Australia leaves me mixed up. Suppose this tells you and others what the education system must be like when it comes to geography lessons in the U.S.

Would add more, yet there seems to be a call for yet another nap. A catnap perhaps or will it be one of those where I doze off for close to four hours and then am awake until 5 a.m. Maybe some coffee will help...later for the coffee since it seems to make me sleepy. Yes, I know, caffeine is supposed to keep me awake, well, it works the opposite with me.

Vonny, Glitterbag, Daisy, Foundy, Rockhead, Firefly, BILL- where are ya kid?, and others I neglected mentioning in my post, hope all is well, be back soon.
Reply Fri 22 Nov, 2013 04:12 pm

Haven't got time to post this evening - got sidetracked - will return - need to power my broomstick up for tomorrow! Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2013 01:54 am
Hello friends, and a special hello off to Dutchy, who we have missed sorely. I exchanged several PMs with Vonny, she helped me with a dilemma rolling around on A2K. Thank you Vonny, I enjoyed our exchanges. I'm always available via PM if anyone needs to discuss something that would be of no interest to the gen pop (can you dig it, prison slang, I am too cool for school). My beloved mr. glitterbag and I are doing fine, got crazy dogs and a scary smart 30 month old grand daughter who can eat her mom and dads lunch, but we never have problems. GrannyGlitter doesn't do pouting or acting up, not the way I was raised. My Dad didn't suffer idiots or peevish behaviour, glitterbag tends to listen just a tad longer before she drops the bullshit flag.

I am flattered that (I think possibly) I get included as one of our sister witches, but I'm too cranky to be a decent witch, and I'm Irish, totally predictable and
unpredictable. My time this past week has been chewed up by events beyond my control. Dear Found Soul, if you have any ideas to keep Saturday a day for what GB needs to do, I would be grateful for advice. I should have nothing but time on my hands, sometimes I do but when I'm bound and determined to do something that requires some planning, family, neighbors or somebody suddenly is involved in an impossible situation that only Super Glitter can solve. Today, I refused to answer the phone. Darn, I'm getting whiney, and I have whiney, needy. I shall give myself a stern talking to, and hopefully reappear as the prickly glitterbag everyone recognizes. Cheers friends, its almost 3AM on the East Coast of the US, and it's time to retire, refresh and be ready for another day. Your cranky pants bud, GB

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