First Word -

Reply Sun 10 Nov, 2013 01:43 am

That was a lovely post Foundy almost brought tears to my eyes I don't mind admitting. Be assured you, D and Ruby will be in my thoughts all day long, so wish all of you will find peace once he's gone. He's been part of your life for so long and will be truly missed. Your little rascal Rawaii is there to fill the gap not forgetting Kia of course. Will comply tomorrow with what you're asking us to do. Anything to make you feel better, Ruby has earned it, sleep well old friend.
Reply Sun 10 Nov, 2013 02:58 am
You're a treasure Dutchy xx

He sure has Smile Thank you
Reply Sun 10 Nov, 2013 02:09 pm
I've said it all in a PM - just can't bear to repeat it again - but you know what I think and feel! Like Dutchy, been thinking about Ruby all day, about you and about D - my thoughts will remain with you all the way to the threshold of the Rainbow Bridge. You must be numb with grief - poor Foundy, poor D - and I won't say poor Ruby - I'll do as you wish and celebrate his life instead.
Reply Sun 10 Nov, 2013 02:57 pm

Strange, that is exactly how we both feel... thank you Von x I know you've worried throughout the past couple of weeks .

Last night was extremely difficult, I remember saying to D, why can't they just pass in their sleep, you know?

I watched him on two occasions, look out the window. I wondered if he was remembering the walks, or the barking at the dogs that he would see, I smiled.

He had a hard night getting comfy, until we went to bed. Eventually, he settled next to me, until D came home, once again so happy to see him..

D came home and gave him massive cuddles. Dreading (me) us going to the Vet, this is D's life long companion throughout his separation of marriage and for me, Ruby, always felt the love from D but an outcast of the rest of the family, until he came to "our" home...

Lordy, he was trouble Smile A little jealous streak in our boy, an attention seeker and he hated being locked out anywhere, but Mr Rubys would also make us laugh with his silly paw over his ear trick and big scary teeth showing...

At 1.30am this morning D woke me up... It seems he semi slept only listening for Ruby's breath.. Ruby was laying next to him on the ground, he used to be able to get up on the bed, darn arthritis.. And, Mr Ruby's had passed away peacefully in his sleep.

D helped me with all my babies, it was my turn.. So he's resting at the moment elsewhere in the house until D's step dad and mum come later to help .

I told D we will celebrate his life.. And, we will.. Right now through sadness a smile, he passed away peacefully in his sleep next to his Dad, just the way he deserved to go... Go Ruby.

Both Rawaii and I heard thumping in the lounge this morning, both of us went to look and it stopped. Ruby used to bang at the wall if he wanted to come over the other side of the lounge.. I smiled.

D asked if I felt anything, when I touched him. I know you think I'm nuts I don't care. But, yep, as with all animals that pass at the time, I am there and I pat them, I feel this massive tingles in my hand and I did, I can only believe what I always believe and that is that the little love's soul is there, I've seen enough crazy things in my life to know that's real.

Today I must keep D comfy.. This is going to be extremely hard for him.

Today, I will celebrate the little shirts life who bit me two weeks ago, bit Missy, went to bite Rawaii, in the knowing of all the love he had to give that he didn't want anyone else to have Smile

So, go over to the Rainbow Bridge darling, and be nice to Missy and Bigsy , play with the black Labrador and enjoy the freedom of no pain, we know you are still here in spirit but only for a while or else you won't enjoy yourself over there.


Kia already misses you xx

I'M OK x

Reply Sun 10 Nov, 2013 03:07 pm

Beautiful, Foundy, and almost too hard to bear. So he never needed that final trip to the vet's - just went to sleep at home - that's so good to know. It must have helped ... it'll seem very empty in your house now, even with the others ... they'll feel the silence too. But it will pass. Gradually, sounds will start to filter back into the house as the numbness passes and feelings start to engulf you ... then it will be alright again ...

Ruby RIP
Reply Sun 10 Nov, 2013 04:28 pm
VALE RUBY 11/11/2013


The dear friend of Foundy and D is on his trip to heaven, a well deserved place for the little battler. He will look down on his owners with a thank you smile on his face for all the kindness they have shown him.

When a dear pet like Ruby passes I always remember the beautiful words Senator Vest wrote about his beloved pet. Reflect on them Foundy and D. it will make you feel better and proud of having owned Ruby.

"The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog. A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer. He will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounters with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings, and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens.

If fortune drives the master forth, an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him, to guard him against danger, to fight against his enemies. And when the last scene of all comes, and death takes his master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by the graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad, but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even in death."

0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Nov, 2013 10:32 pm

Upon all else, you can remember the wonderful moments you had with young Ruby although this is such a hollow sentiment when your and D's grief at present is so heavy on you both.

When earlier I read your post of coaxing Ruby out with a feather of a ginger color similar to his fur, and how you found the color strange for a feather, it reminded me of a post last evening where I responded in Dutchy's new wildlife thread.

For whatever reason (and I for one am not about to question the mysteries of the universes), I felt compelled to stay with the ruddy turnstone. A simply lovely bird which has orangey coloring on it and at times, I can near to certain guarantee some feathering moving into the ginger shades of Ruby.

The photo I chose at the time was of a bird in flight, headed westward, which is where you, Ruby and D and others in your extended group are located when traveling from here. Okay, enough jabbering, here's another go of that picture (which I still am mesmerized by):

As the morning wove its way into first dawn and then sparkles of sunlight from the east, I found each time the thought of what you were facing (and at the time, you had last posted that you'd be bringing your little one to the vet for one last visit), each time, my head was strangely filled with of all things the song from Cat Stevens, Morning Has Broken.

To me it is a piece which always conveys the continuance of life even as a physical being is hushed, their essence transforms and moves forward into the thing I call air and the galaxy and the interplanetaries. (Sorry if this is sounding weird or sappy, it is just my thoughts).
So moving along, herewith is the Cat Stevens tune in video form:

We will be here for you Foundy, just as you have been here for the lot of us as we've dealt with our varied times in the recent.

All is going fine here, had a visit from an Irish cop today, it was interesting. Nothing to be concerned on, just another day in this thing called leaf. I mean life. Think I'll go leaf gathering this next week or so, they're aren't a great deal of them turning nicely this year, yet there are enough and plenty of good finds to be located before the winter winds and frozenity take them into the vortex.

Be back soon...
Reply Mon 11 Nov, 2013 01:55 am

I am not sure if this will be read before I return in the morning, but never, ever, have I been so touched by such wonderful people that are in my life, and they are here, now, on First Word...

Please let me reply further tomorrow...

I just want to say love to you all, really.. Much love...

You are beautiful people that have put not just words, but pictures and thoughts into something that I can never forget ever, and will hold dear all my life forever..

You are amazing people, just amazing... thank you..

Reply Mon 11 Nov, 2013 03:27 am
I am not sure if this will be read before I return in the morning
I read it and I am sorry you lost Ruby. What a beautiful dog.
Reply Mon 11 Nov, 2013 03:44 am

A friend sent this to me when Harvey died in January - it helped me. I hope it will help you and D.

Reply Mon 11 Nov, 2013 02:47 pm

Good morning ...

Dutchy - So lovely, I had David read that as well, he smiled and said thankyou as I had him read the others.. I guess D is David now here ... Smile Thank you my dear friend..

There is a lot of wisdom and deepness in that.

Sturgis - The Irish Cop, good looking? Wink You just went to prove that no matter what side of the world people live, an essence of thought can transform.. From reading my other post un-be-known to you, you saw and posted a bird with ginger feathers but thought about it as well, and then, came morning has broken to which it did, but then the video clip also had a bird..


It is bizarre. We truly do not have any ginger birds in this part of the woods, or any part of SA that I can ever, ever, recall...

T2L, Monica, I hope I spelt that right Smile Thank you, sure was a great little man and welcome to First Word, it's a bit of a mixture of all sorts much like licorice (ha) there is something funny about that Sturgis is addicted to licorice Wink But, I think you will love it here and have some fun.

Von, like Dutchy, thank you for your PM's.. Really appreciated and whilst I knew of the Rainbow Bridge, I never knew of it's full description what a lovely thing to do, you would have had to have hunted for that, thank you x

We've all lost little munchkins it's never easy but I know only full well that they aren't truly gone, just in body and each one is different, all give un-conditional love as Dutchy wrote and all show us something, and give us so much.. I think we are blessed really to have had the opportunity to have them in our lives. I'm OK ...

Ruby's laying in peace in the gardens, we planted 3 plants around him, Kia and Rawaii are running free now, we've opened the house up again, they are now getting to know each other and Kia seems ok, now, yesterday she was a bit quiet . We toasted Mr Rubys.. and smiled because he also chose not only to be with his Master, David and his Mum, but the date 11/11...less we forget...

So, anyways, thanks again I AM OK... There is a sense of peace, what he did, 3 times avoiding that vet, wise old man, the feather, your words, Sturgis is now a warlock for sure, and then 11/11.... 1.30 (11/11/13)

Yeah I will always be a witch but that part is true, how weird.


Carry on, ... Keep smiling.... x
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Nov, 2013 03:40 pm

Hi Monica, good to see you've found your way over here. You lost a dog too, not long ago, so you'll understand how Foundy feels at the moment. Such a sad thing when a much loved pet leaves us. Nearly eleven months since my beautiful Harvey died - still haven't managed to get over it yet.

Hi Foundy, a beautiful post. The Rainbow Bridge poem is well known to me - we have a charity here in the UK that searches for missing dogs - a friend works for it in a voluntary capacity, and we all help try and locate animals who have been lost or stolen. Alas, sometimes the end is the Rainbow Bridge! At least Ruby is near you now - in a true garden of remembrance. Glad to know that you and D are coping well.

Hi Dutchy, Sturgis et al - hope you're well too - late on First Word this evening - haven't seen you anywhere on A2K!

Reply Mon 11 Nov, 2013 04:27 pm
Thank you except I didn't lose a dog. My dog is still here. The poem you posted is precious.
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 02:51 am
Hi Monica, Von, Sturgis, Daisy, Bill, Glitter, Rockhead, Spades,

To change the subject.

Healing wishes are needed for our darling Danny.

I noted he had not replied to me, nor posted today so rang Anna.

Dutchy is back in hospital, in Intensive Care BUT, it's not his heart bless. He has an infection.. When he had his last heart attack, he was stappled knee high, one didn't close Anna thinks that is the problem... He is coughing a lot and his blood pressure is very wrong.

He did tell me he didn't feel that well but with all that was happening, I didn't get a chance to reply until after he went into hospital, so sorry hun.. But I know you understand why, given you told me A2K can wait.. x

He appeared to be better tonight which is good.

I've told Izzie, his other wife Smile Just kidding Dutchy xx

So can we forget me, and give a Universal love, wishes for recovery and love to Dutchy please.

You are again going to be OK Dutchy (Danny) love you.

Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 03:22 am
Sorry about that! Glad your dog is okay! Glad you like the Rainbow Bridge poem - it always makes me cry!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 03:25 am
Oh no, not again! Poor Dutchy - he must be so fed up with hospital this year. I hope the infection is cleared speedily and that he won't be in there for too long this time - just long enough to get him fit and well, and ready to return home - and to A2K. Far too quiet without him Laughing

Love and best wishes to you, Dutchy. Get well soon! Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 03:32 pm
So sorry to hear about Dutchy.
I've been away for a while, came back about a week ago, and saw that he had returned while I was gone, but now another set-back.
It's been a pretty shitful year for him, but hopefully this will be sorted out quickly and next year will be a better one for him.
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 03:41 pm
Hi Cherrie

Good to see you on First Word. I guess we are all united in our concern for Dutchy. He's had an abysmal time this year, healthwise, and throughout it all he's managed to stay positive. He's certainly a man to be admired. Cool

Hopefully this will just be a small glitch in his recovery, and he'll be back with us very soon. Missing him lots already. Crying or Very sad
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 03:46 pm

Sorry to read about the return to the medical facility for Dutchy. Hopefully this will be fully resolved soon and he can get back home again and return to his physical recovery.

The post title of Suzie, refers to my dog from years and years (and years) ago, she was a beauty, caramel color hair, delightful eyes and ears. She would look at you with a quizzical expression, head tilted and one ear popped up, while the other lay there folded and relaxed. Of unknown breed, she was a neighborhood mutt, who came by one afternoon and decided to stay. That was fine by me.

Not much more to say right now. Coldish day, dropping below freeze tonight, and tomorrow a little warmer then by around Friday back up around 60. It snowed in the Pittsburgh region last night and the pictures of it I saw were beautiful as they had a light snow which was just enough to get things coated but not overwhelm.

Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 04:00 pm

I didn't know you were a dog person, Sturgis - Suzie sounds adorable. Good that you gave her a home. I bet she repaid you with a huge amount of affection. Laughing

Cold here too - we gave in and put the central heating on today! Just too cold for comfort. It had reached a point where it was warmer out of doors than indoors - now that's silly! Twisted Evil

Tonight will be our first frost since spring - lots of plants in containers to wrap up for winter - fleeces on plants, bubble wrap round containers - 40 odd to be done - plus troughs, all large ones, going to be quite a job!

Oh, my combination microwave is here! I shan't open it until Thursday - gosh, I do so hope it's okay and that I am able to master it quickly. For all my bravado, I am rather scared of using it - my old phobia of fire takes over sometimes - makes it a bit of an ordeal until I'm used to any new electrical item - but I'll be alright once I get used to it. Embarrassed

Quiet without Dutchy, isn't it? He plays the word games with such gusto, it lacks ooomph when he isn't around.

How are you feeling now - any improvement?
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